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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 361 One man becomes an army!

“Is this the way you’ve come up with to end me? A wizard’s duel?”

Dumbledore’s voice had become extremely cold, and the ancient and powerful wand in his hand was slowly raised.

But it still did not completely point to Grindelwald: “Fifty years ago, when you still had this wand, you couldn’t defeat me; but now not only is this wand in my hand, but you yourself are already in the tower. Li Ku has been sitting there for more than fifty years, and during this period I defeated another Dark Lord who is no less powerful than you… Or do you plan to invite a few more people to join me?”

“Don’t you have any awareness of your own state? Albus?”

Seeing Dumbledore holding on so hard, Grindelwald couldn’t help curling his lips: “The phoenix, which can only die for you once, is temporarily unusable, and the previous magic has consumed more than half of your energy. Now you have been poisoned by Karkaroff…I personally prepared the poison. As for the effect, I think you are the one who knows best, aren’t you?”

“I gave you the Elder Wand, but took away your Phoenix and part of your strength… This is fair. We are still on the same level now, Albus.”


Dumbledore had completely straightened up at this time, and it was as if the fatigue and weakness he felt just now had never appeared before. And he no longer looked like the amiable old man, but had transformed back into the extremely domineering and awe-inspiring man who had personally ended two generations of Dark Lords and whose influence spread throughout Europe and even the entire world. When the wizard came, an unstoppable aura surrounded him: “Then let me see what progress you have made in the past fifty years, Gellert!”

“I’m just waiting for your words!” With Grindelwald’s sharp shout, two oceans of flames, one red and one blue, evenly divided the entire field into two halves in an instant, with a huge giant in the middle. They suddenly collided together like waves, and with a dizzying loud noise, a huge wall of flames tens of meters high rose up, temporarily separating the sights of Dumbledore and Grindelwald, and almost directly Cut off the entire battlefield!

And this alone was not enough. Soon, an armored army slowly emerged from the red flames. They seemed not to be afraid of the burning flames. They held swords and crossbows in their hands and moved forward indomitably. He charged towards the area of ​​blue flames – that was clearly the Transfiguration Army that Dumbledore was best at!

Grindelwald was naturally not to be outdone. As he waved his wand, a monster made of flames gradually began to emerge from the blue flames, and then fought with Dumbledore’s Transfiguration Army. The curses and black magic fired by Dumbledore and Grindelwald themselves also began to fly towards the opposite side.

For a time, powerful and deadly magic attacks permeated every corner, forming a meat grinder composed of magic spells, mercilessly devouring the transformation creations of both sides. But in the invisible place, it is ten thousand times more dangerous than all this – the invisible curse attack and defense has already been carried out silently in the air, and the underground that was originally reinforced and difficult to destroy has now directly become… The second battlefield between the two sides…

Just relying on the power of the two old men, the firepower and destruction caused in this area is no less than a real, all-round wizard war!

As for Karkaroff and Barty Crouch Jr., they had already retreated further away and worked together to support themselves with protective magic. But the defense constructed by the two powerful wizards quickly became shaky just under the impact of Grindelwald’s magic, forcing them to increase the intensity of their protection.

‘Grindelwald is actually so strong…’

While supporting the protection with all his strength, little Barty couldn’t help but feel alarmed secretly: ‘This kind of strength is probably no less than that of the master back then, right? This was the result after he lost that powerful wand and sat in the tower for more than fifty years… So how terrifying would he be when he was at his peak? !’

‘On the other hand, Dumbledore’s side seems to be having a hard time supporting him… It seems that it won’t take much effort for Grindelwald to defeat him. I originally wanted to see if I could find out after their battle and dedicate the powerful wand to the master, but now it seems that it is better to be more honest…’

“Why have you regressed so much, Albus?!”

In a sea of ​​red and blue fire, Grindelwald’s arrogant voice resounded throughout the underwater space: “Can it be that just a dozen years of leisure can make your bones soft? Or should you follow me every day?” A group of kids hanging out together made you gradually lose your sense of fighting?”

No sound came from the other side of the fire wall, but the crimson flames were obviously more turbulent, which seemed to represent Dumbledore’s last bit of dissatisfaction – but that was all, because under Grindelwald’s control Under the pressure of the burning blue flames step by step, the red flames have been suppressed from being equally divided at the beginning to getting weaker and weaker. Now they can barely hold on to a corner, and they are getting smaller and smaller. …

It seems that the effect of the previous consumption and poisoning is extremely significant – Dumbledore, who was able to defeat Grindelwald with the Elder Wand fifty years ago, has now been suppressed to this extent!

Three thousand feet away from the battlefield between the two, on the shore of Durmstrang’s lake.

The screen composed of fog is still playing whatever happens in the underwater space, without caring about how shocking those pictures will be to the people on the shore.

On the screen, red and blue flames have already filled the entire screen, with countless soldiers and monsters fighting among them emerging, and various unseen magic spells intertwined in the air. The opponent’s deformed creation was easily scattered, and then continued to move forward to take the opponent’s head, which was then resolved by various strange and powerful means. All kinds of strange magic appeared on the ground from time to time, but without exception, they were all quickly burned away by the flames…

If it weren’t for seeing the blue flame gradually compressing the red flame’s viewing space as time goes by, those students wouldn’t even be able to tell who has the upper hand, even many professors…

‘Dumbledore is about to lose. ’

Among the crowd watching the battle, Balon’s left hand was quietly clenched – in fact, after seeing all this really happening before his eyes, he was not as nervous as he was at the beginning. Dumbledore’s downfall at this moment has already been part of the plan he was told, so he only needs to concentrate on one thing at this moment…

“The principal can’t hold it anymore!”

He suddenly pointed at the screen and shouted anxiously, startling the classmates around him, and then took out the mysterious key and inserted it on the ground: “We can’t help if we stay here, and after they finish I’m afraid it’s time to deal with us… I have an alchemy device for escape, come with me!”

As he spoke, he turned the key vigorously and successfully opened an exquisite portal on the ground. On the other side of the door was the first-floor hall of Noblic University where Avada had set foot. …


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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