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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 367 Death Eaters, assemble!

After Grindelwald’s Elder Wand activated Barty Jr.’s Dark Mark, the scene fell into an eerie silence. Except for Karkaroff who was still mixing potions and preparing for the resurrection ritual that Voldemort was about to use, Barty Jr. and Grindelwald were silent. They just watched Karkaroff’s busy work quietly, as if they were What awaits.

So this wait was a full five or six minutes – during this period, Karkaroff had prepared everything needed for the resurrection ceremony, except for putting Voldemort’s soul into it. And the Durmstrang Castle, which was shrouded by a huge shield, was still silent and motionless. It seemed that the people inside had completely lost the will to resist and could only huddle in the strong shield and watch. The Dark Lord came back, but he couldn’t do anything…


Suddenly, a crisp sound broke the silence – a figure in black robes appeared not far from Grindelwald.

“Who are you……”

Seeing the sudden figure, Grindelwald just glanced at him and stopped paying attention. However, Barty looked at the figure carefully, and his eyes gradually narrowed: “Are you…Avery?”

“it’s me.”

The Death Eater named Avery was still sweating on his forehead. He panted first and bowed deeply to Grindelwald, although he did not receive a response. Then he adjusted his breath before turning his head to look. Barty Jr. said: “Ludo Bagman…you are Crouch, right?”

“Sorry, the distance from the UK to here is a little farther than expected… I guess this must be the northernmost part of Europe, right? But it seems that I am already the fastest one, and the others should Just behind…”


Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by another explosion from not far away, and another figure in black robes emerged from the air. That person seemed to symbolize some kind of omen. The next moment after he appeared, the explosions caused by the Apparition crackled in the air, and more and more figures gradually appeared in Demu. On Strong’s Lawn…

“Nott, MacNeill, Crabbe, Goyle, Malfoy, Rabastan, Carlo, Yaxley…”

Little Barty looked at them and muttered the names of those who were coming – those who were coming now, like himself, had been branded with glory, so they were also the first batch to be able to sense the call of the Dark Mark. People coming. But he knew in his heart that most of these people were just villains who took advantage of the situation. After the collapse of their master, they avoided jail by drawing a clear line or betraying their companions, but he was happy when his master was suffering. Even those who participated in the planned deployment mostly only provided meager galleons and resources…

On the contrary, among the few people who really contributed a lot to the master’s resurrection, only “Wormtail” possesses the Dark Mark. The rest – such as Shafik and Rozier, more than ten years ago They are not the master’s former servants.

‘Thanks to that old fool Dumbledore who openly violated the collective interests of the pure-blood family, he was able to force so many forces to join his master and greatly speed up the progress of his resurrection… Those Death Eaters who were not imprisoned in Azkaban Should be ashamed! ’

Little Barty thought bitterly: ‘When the master he is loyal to is in danger, he actually relies on this group of people who are motivated by self-interest to help… But fortunately, there are real people like me, Karkaroff, and Wormtail. The faithful are…’

‘But don’t think that your betrayal of so many companions is over, Karkaroff, although you can handle the master’s resurrection ceremony by yourself. You’d better think about what Master will do to you when he wakes up and sees so many servants in Azkaban…’

He quietly glanced at Karkaroff standing next to the resurrection altar, and cursed secretly. I don’t know whether she is resentful of his betrayal back then, or jealous that he was the one who could perform the resurrection ceremony for Voldemort instead of herself…

After a while, the explosions of the Apparition finally subsided, and dozens of wizards in black robes appeared on the originally empty Durmstrang grassland – some of them were former Death Eaters. There are also pure-blood wizards who are not Death Eaters but who participated in Voldemort’s resurrection plan. There were even many Death Eaters who had not participated or even heard of this plan. After sensing the changes in the Dark Mark, they hurried over in panic and were nervously asking the people around them about the current situation… There are even a few such people.

“Everyone is here?”

After the sound of disembodiment completely disappeared, Barty Jr. also counted the people present one by one: “Bella, Rodolphus, and Dolohov are not here because they are in Azkaban now. Here. Severus Snape is not here either. He was not involved when the plan was originally designed. It seems that he must have completely betrayed…”

“Wait, where are Wormtail and Shafik?”

Little Barty was suddenly startled: “Where did the two guys who made the most contributions go?”

Needless to say, Wormtail had accumulated a large amount of important information during his twelve years of lurking, including the situation of his own imprisonment, which he had single-handedly investigated. Plans such as organizing the Triwizard Tournament and using Polyjuice Potion to replace Moody and Bagman were also his ideas; and he himself has been responsible for the final insurance of this entire plan… It is no exaggeration to say that this time He takes at least half of the credit for the success of the operation.

And the head of the Shafik family, Johnson Shafik, who was not a Death Eater before… it was he who helped contact Gellert Grindelwald and finally persuaded him to help.

Just by inviting Grindelwald to take action, his contribution can crush all the participants except Wormtail. What’s more, Grindelwald’s participation also brought another unexpected surprise, and that surprise was probably not even noticed by the owner himself, and that incident became the ultimate insurance to prevent the plan from completely failing, and It was entrusted to Wormtail, who was best at lurking, to execute it himself…

‘……Um? ’

Not far away, Grindelwald, who had been quietly observing the group of people, could not help but frown, and a trace of imperceptible doubt flashed in his eyes——

Johnson Shafiq will not be coming over at this stage and this was something that was planned from the beginning. but……

Why didn’t Peter Pettigrew show up either?

Is this not part of the plan?

‘never mind. ’

He shook his head and didn’t think about it any more: ‘It must have been an emergency. Anyway, with the Unbreakable Vow and the supervision of Minerva and the others, the most important thing will definitely not go wrong…’

‘Then, get ready for the final game. ’


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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