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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 37 Limitations of Magical Senses

Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

It is now a week after the holiday. Avada has returned to the orphanage and has reconnected with his friends and elders. During this period, they also asked about his life in school, and he also chose He talked about some interesting experiences that did not involve magic, such as the “Baking Club”, the “Super Fierce Chemistry Teacher”, and so on.

But he always had a feeling that he seemed to have forgotten something important.

Then, when he bought a train ticket alone and came to Surrey, wanting to see the Savior in advance and tour the Holy Land, he remembered what he had forgotten – he had forgotten to remove the wand when he was in school. There is no trace of it.

So during this journey, he could only store his wand in the orphanage, and came to Privet Drive empty-handed. Without a wand, he released a phantom spell on himself, while observing Harry through the window, who seemed to be washing the dishes. ·Potter, sighing in his heart:

His “magic senses” are not omnipotent.

Although theoretically, this ability allows him to perceive the magical structure of everything in the world, there are always some things that he cannot see despite the fact that magic has been studied.

Such as time, such as fate, such as love.

Although the magical world already has time turners, divination and other magic related to these fields, Avada has never observed any structures in the magic that may symbolize these.

Not only that, but he had been looking for the curse that Voldemort placed on the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor position for a year but could not find it.

He didn’t understand why mental power could be split through killing.

And the current scene made him feel how limited his abilities were – Harry Potter, who was in his field of vision, was a completely normal person in his perception!

There are no signs of being possessed by other soul fragments, nor is there any protective spell on him!

If his mental power hadn’t been the same as Professor Baker’s, which brought him a slight sense of disharmony, he would have doubted whether he had traveled to the wrong world!

Originally, he was looking forward to taking a look at the powerful protective spell that could replenish his power through blood relatives and could even rebound Avada’s Kedavra, but he didn’t expect that it would end up like this.

This made him sigh and feel a little headache – things became more difficult to handle.

In his plan to bury Voldemort, the soul fragment in Harry Potter was originally the most difficult part. If you want to destroy those fragments, you have to wait until Harry reaches the age of seventeen and the protective spell left by Lily disappears, and then have Voldemort personally give him the Ava… Killing Curse. But if this is the case, you have to sit back and watch Voldemort resurrect, cause trouble, and kill people… What is the difference between this and the original work?

It is for this reason that Avada wants to develop magic that can directly destroy Horcruxes without destroying the items. As a result, when he came today, he found that he couldn’t even find Voldemort’s soul anywhere. In other words, even if the magic research is successful, I’m afraid it won’t be able to work on Harry…

“It would be great if Voldemort’s remnant soul could be captured and sealed next semester, so that there would be enough time…”

“Ha, how is that possible? Even Dumbledore couldn’t do it.” Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but laugh at himself.

Originally, the first part of the original book was a trap created by Dumbledore specifically to trap Voldemort. From bringing the Philosopher’s Stone into the school, to recruiting Quirrell, to those first-year students who can kill them, it’s like child’s play… No, it’s child’s play at the protective level… But even so, Voldemort still started from Dumbledore The hand ran away.

How good is that guy at running?

Forget it, let’s just stick to drugging Voldemort’s father’s ashes.

Avada lifted the Disillusionment Curse in frustration, then turned and walked towards the station – it seemed that this trip was in vain.

“Obviously Voldemort’s weakest moment is right in front of me, why can’t he take advantage of it? Seal… seal…”

Suddenly, he stopped and froze.

He came up with a very, very, very bold plan.

He was so bold that he even wondered if the Sorting Hat had sorted him into the wrong house.

Compared with life at Hogwarts, the summer vacation in the orphanage was so ordinary, simple, and boring – but Avada still enjoyed this atmosphere. Isn’t that why he wanted to kill Voldemort.

Play with peers every day, tutor the younger ones with homework, show off the cooking skills learned at Hufflepuff in the evening, lock the door after returning to the room, and secretly complete the summer vacation at Hogwarts Homework… just like that, the time finally came to mid-August.

“Hey, Awada, someone comes to you outside and says he is your friend. Is it the one you mentioned… Baron Shafiq?”

Avada shivered subconsciously. He was used to hearing people call him “Ken” in school, and coupled with his recent crazy plot against Voldemort, he was now a little uncomfortable even with his own name.

“Baron? He’s here? Wait a moment, I’ll be there right away…”

Avada said thank you to the friend who came to convey the message, picked up the suitcase with one hand and went downstairs – Baron’s letter to him a few days ago said that his parents welcomed Avada as a guest here, and invited him to come with them. Go to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies for the new semester. It just so happened that pure-blood families did not have any restrictions on not being able to cast spells during holidays, so Avada was happy with this and packed her luggage directly.

When he got downstairs, he saw Baron standing in front of a black car, surrounded by several children from the orphanage, who seemed to be chatting happily with him. There was also a short old man in a suit and tie beside him. Judging from his unnatural vitality, he must have been the house elf of Shafiq’s family in disguise, but he didn’t know where he got those clothes.

“Ken, here!”

Baron saw Avada who had just walked out of the door at a glance, so he immediately waved his hand and shouted in a voice that was not loud but could still be heard clearly.

“I am coming.”

Avada happily carried her luggage and walked up: “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, school, haha, it’s really interesting…”

“Pharmacology class? Uh… that’s the chemistry class I’m talking about, the one with the super mean teacher. The dialect in Baron is used to calling it that…”

“No, no, we are in different colleges. He is not as good at baking as we are here, but he also has many other strengths. He even won the championship this year…”

“Broom ball? That’s what Balon called it? Hahahahaha…”

“Of course there are astronomy classes! Every Wednesday night we go to the astronomy tower and use the telescopes there to observe the stars… Or how can I say this school is different.”

“The principal’s grandfather last time? He didn’t cut off his beard. He liked that look…”

After chatting with the children for a while, and watching them disperse with satisfaction, Avada stroked her forehead and smiled bitterly at Baron: “How should I put it, although I am glad that you have a sense of confidentiality, but Broomball This kind of title is indeed a bit… If it doesn’t work, you can just make up football or basketball.”

“Thank you for smoothing things over, otherwise I would have to reveal my secret sooner or later.”

Baron took a deep breath after the disaster, and stretched out his hand to the short old man beside him: “I haven’t introduced you yet, this is Charlie, my house elf, responsible for hygiene and daily life.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Charlie.”

Avada said hello, and the old elf responded with a smile: “Just call me Charlie, Mr. Ken. Wizards don’t need to add honorific titles to house elves.”

“Okay, Mr. Ken, please leave your luggage to me and get in the car with Master Baron – you can reach your destination in about fifteen minutes.”

He opened the back seat door and made a gesture of invitation.

Avada nodded and was about to hand the luggage to Charlie, but suddenly paused and asked: “By the way, I brought the wand with me. If this car uses any magic, will it be traced?” Sensed?”

“Don’t worry, Zongsi isn’t that capable.”

Before Charlie could speak, Baron explained directly, and then got into the car first. Avada felt relieved and sat in – the space inside seemed to have been expanded, making it appear much more spacious than it looked from the outside, and the texture of the chair was also very comfortable.

“Please sit tight, you two, we are about to set off.”

Following Charlie’s reminder, Avada heard a slight buzzing sound coming from the back of the car, and then after a bang, the scenery outside the window suddenly changed.


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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