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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 370 The Final Battle

On the lawn outside the Durmstrang campus, the originally in disarrayed auditorium had been renovated with the help of the super-mobile Nobic Ridge college students, and at the same time, several doors appeared out of thin air. In the open space not far away, the students from the three schools who had already entered the university for refuge were now walking out of it with dazed expressions – fog screens were also installed inside the university, so the students who had just entered the university were swaying. The changes that happened in Durmstrang have been completely seen by them.

What? Voldemort is coming back to life? !

What? Is Grindelwald fake?

What? Is Dumbledore fake too? !

What? They want three warriors who have not yet graduated to face dozens of notorious dark wizards? ! Are they crazy? !

Under the constant impact of terrifying thoughts, those poor students have almost lost the ability to think, and can only numbly accept the increasingly fantastic reality for them – even Baron and other masters The person holding the keys to the university is no exception.

After all, they only knew part of the plan in advance, and their only task was to open the door and send the students to the university. As for what will happen after that, they actually don’t know much about it. And this time Dumbledore and Grindelwald… no, it should be that the play jointly staged by Moody and Dumbledore completely exceeded all the possibilities they had previously imagined…

No way, who would have thought that there were so many pitfalls hidden in an ordinary Triwizard Tournament?

A few minutes later, the grassland outside Durmstrang had completely changed its appearance – the auditorium that originally surrounded the great lake was now surrounded by a huge shield that trapped dozens of dark wizards, and the scale was also large. It has been expanded several times to accommodate the original students from the three schools as well as the newly added students from Noblych University without any pressure. Not far away, the referee’s bench was still set up on a high platform, but the seats were changed from five to four – the original Ludo Bagman was now trapped in the shield below as a dark wizard. Within the cover.

The students from the three schools had already sat down under the arrangement of the university professors and their respective principals, but there was no lively discussion atmosphere in the crowd at all when they were watching the game. Almost everyone frowned uneasily, and occasionally raised their eyebrows. Moving their bodies, it seemed that just sitting here made them feel extremely nervous – especially the students at Hogwarts.

After all, at least half of the dozens of dark wizards trapped in the shield are familiar faces they can recognize!

Former school board member Lucius Malfoy, Ministry of Magic Executioner MacNeil, direct descendants of the Carrow family and Nott, former Quidditch professional player and Director of the Department of Magical Sports Ludo Bagman… they Are they all dark wizards who colluded with “Grindelwald” to try to kill Dumbledore and resurrect Voldemort? !


Suddenly, a dull sound interrupted their chaotic thoughts – the originally closed main door of Durmstrang Castle was slowly opening again, and as the crack in the door gradually widened, three figures were gradually illuminated from the outside. The sunlight illuminated the figure, and he was exposed to everyone’s sight through the cover of the door——

It was Avada who looked a little nervous, and Krum and Fleur who looked obviously more nervous behind them.

“Very good, the three warriors have arrived!”

After “Ludo Bagman” was trapped in the barrier, the person in charge of commentary has become Dumbledore. He stood on the high platform, with a gray baby bird resting on his shoulder. He looked at the crowds of people inside and outside the barrier below, but the smile hanging on the corner of his mouth showed a bit of reluctance: “Then Next, let us enjoy the grand final round of this Triwizard Tournament – the best warriors among the three students faced off against more than forty dark wizards who could not recite spells and could only cast spells without a wand. How will the performance be?”

“I know that this sport may not be as safe as before. Therefore, in order to further ensure the safety of the warriors, in addition to Principal Karkaroff having granted them privileges, allowing them to apparate within the Durmstrang campus. , we have also obtained the approval of the British and French Ministry of Magic and the Durmstrang School to allow the warriors to use any spells to fight in this game, and will not receive any accountability afterwards…”

“Any spells?!”

The students below were shocked – the last time someone had such a right was the Auror of the Ministry of Magic during the First Wizarding War!

At that time, the main spells they used in battle were almost all the three unforgivable curses and various extremely destructive black magic…

“Furthermore, they are also wearing the same anti-spell cloaks as in the second level. Once they suffer a life-threatening attack, they will automatically apparate out of the field with them, which also means that the challenge has failed… …Then, warriors, please enter the venue and start the game!”

As Dumbledore’s words fell, three smaller shields suddenly emerged from within the original shields, respectively enclosing an empty space where no one was standing, and Avada, Krum and Fleur also They all apparated one after another and entered the inside of a shield. In the current atmosphere, no one cared about why Avada, who was only in fifth grade, apparated.

The dark wizards who were originally trapped in the shield and were trying to use various small movements to disintegrate the shield were shocked when they saw this scene – the shield was soundproof, and they were looking outside When they were surrounded by students, they thought it was Dumbledore revealing his identity to them, to humiliate himself and the master who had never been able to be resurrected from the beginning… But why would anyone come in now?

Moreover, the people who came in were all warriors of the Triwizard Tournament – couldn’t they become one of the events in their competition?

“The warriors’ shields will be lifted in ten seconds!”

Within the small shield, Dumbledore’s voice could clearly reach the ears of the warriors. After hearing these words, they and the audience outside the venue took a deep breath, calmed Pengpeng’s pounding heart, and clenched the wands in their hands as tight as possible, and then clenched a little tighter… …

‘The biggest threat on the field is definitely Barty Crouch Jr., now Bagman – he has the strength to defeat the legendary Auror Moody. ’

While feeling the long-lost complete and full spiritual power lingering in his mind, Avada held the wand tightly and suddenly locked onto the minibus who was looking around from the vast crowd, not knowing what he was trying to do. Di, his eyes narrowed slightly: “The transformation of the wand into a sacred weapon was not completed before the start of the game. Now I am still unable to reach the ideal combat effectiveness… But fortunately, the soul magic can still be used a little bit, anyway. People can understand. ’

‘So, how far have I come now… Let’s take this opportunity to experiment. ’

While thinking this, Avada raised her wand and touched her forehead lightly with five seconds left in the countdown, casting a silent and invisible spell that was enough to shock anyone who felt it. Quietly released into his body…

The next moment, an unparalleled and indescribable feeling burst out from the depths of his soul!


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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