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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 375 Noblic University!

Not long after, the four referees reappeared on the referee’s bench on the high platform, and the three warriors who had just completed the last event also stood behind their principals. Karkaroff cleared his throat, then added a loud voice spell to himself and read out:

“Then, based on the observations and evaluations of the referee panel, we will now announce the scores obtained by the three warriors in the third event. Each dark wizard defeated will be counted as one point -“

“Durmstrang, Mr. Viktor Krum, two points; Beauxbatons, Miss Fleur Delacour, six points; Hogwarts, Mr. Ken…”

Karkaroff looked at each other and the other referees, swallowed before saying with some difficulty: “Forty-one points.”


This score did not cause any controversy – on the contrary, most people were still surprised that Krum and Fleur actually got the score, and their friends who were close to each other were even cheering for them. After all, after this incident, everyone could see that the perverted warrior at Hogwarts was not at the same level as the other two…

From the beginning of the battle to Avada taking over the shield to expel Fleur and Krum, it actually took less than ten seconds in total, and being able to get several kills in such a short time is indeed commendable, although There was a factor in that the dark wizards didn’t realize what was happening at first.

The reason why Fleur’s score was much higher than that of Krum was because of Fleur’s talent problem – she successfully activated Veela’s bloodline in less than ten seconds, and then fired the first wave. The firepower covered them and successfully took away several dark wizards who had not had time to release the iron armor spell. In comparison, Krum, who can only rely on black magic to attack points, seems to be at a much disadvantage…

Of course, the achievements of the two of them are nothing to compare with each other in front of Avada’s more than 40 heads.

“Then I declare that the Triwizard Tournament has come to a successful conclusion. Finally, based on the total scores obtained by the three warriors in the three events…”

Karkaroff took out a familiar large box from under his desk: “Next, the symbol of the Triwizard Tournament, the Goblet of Fire, will announce the winner of this tournament!”

As he spoke, he opened the box with his wand in front of everyone, and once again took out a large, roughly carved wooden goblet of fire. At this time, the goblet was filled with dancing blue and white flames. .

“Please three warriors come forward and touch the Goblet of Fire with your wands. This symbolizes the official end of the magical contract between you and it, and he will also spit out the name of the winning school after that… “

As he spoke, Karkaroff glanced at Dumbledore silently – in fact, there was no longer any suspense about who the winner would be, and this behavior of celebrating his opponent with great fanfare in his home stadium made him, the principal, feel quite sad. feel bad.

On the other side, Avada, Fleur and Krum also walked up to the Goblet of Fire with their wands and raised their wands towards the Goblet of Fire. However, Avada also vaguely discovered that for some reason, Fleur and Krum deliberately placed themselves in the middle when approaching the Goblet of Fire, and now the movement of extending their wands was half a step slower than hers…

‘……whatever. ’

Avada was the first to touch the Goblet of Fire with some helplessness: ‘I thought they and I should be teammates who share weal and woe. After all, our real enemies are not each other… Maybe it was the strength I showed that scared them. ’

After Avada put down her wand, Krum and Fleur raised their wands and touched the wall of the Goblet of Fire with their tips. After that, the blue flames that were jumping in the cup suddenly turned red. This scene was exactly the same as the moment half a year ago when the name of the warrior was about to pop up in the cup of fire.

“Three of you, stand back.”

Dumbledore waved to the warriors and motioned them to retreat behind the referee: “There will be a lot of noise in selecting the winner of the Goblet of Fire.”


Just as Dumbledore said, almost as soon as the three of them got away from the Goblet of Fire, the crimson flame suddenly expanded dozens of times and turned into a bright pillar of fire rising into the sky. Weaving a beautiful cursive character written by flames——


A huge burst of cheers rose among the students as the name rose into the sky. Not only the more than 20 students from Hogwarts were cheering desperately at this moment, but also those who had originally graduated from Hogwarts. The students of Norwich University are also applauding and shouting for their alma mater – although there have been so many unexpected turns before, but since everyone is safe in the end and there are no other accidents, then the most important thing at this moment is The main thing should be to cheer for the newly born champion, and let’s talk about figuring out the truth first!

Even the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang areas, which were originally losers, bursts of applause were heard at this moment to express their appreciation for this youngest, but he was able to pull away from the other two warriors with his strength. Respect for the Warriors with a huge margin…

“Actually, we don’t need to cheer at all – this is just expected!”

In the Hogwarts lineup, Cedric, who had already been slapped redly in the face, said indifferent words on the surface, but in fact, the corner of his mouth was already full of laughter: “At the beginning, none of us thought that Ken would lose, right? Bar?”


Next to him, the smile on Barron’s face was mixed with joy and a little relief: “Comparing him with his peers is too bullying – Ken’s level is much higher than this!”


Everyone in Hogwarts nodded repeatedly – their warrior was someone who had thwarted Voldemort’s plot twice. Playing a competition with his peers was not a trivial matter!

“Hey, that’s right,”

After cheering for a while, someone with sharp eyes suddenly noticed something was wrong, so they shook the shoulders of their friends and pointed to the Goblet of Fire in the distance: “Obviously the championship has been announced, why hasn’t the Goblet of Fire been extinguished yet?” ? And not only is it not extinguished, it even seems to be becoming more active…”


The next moment, as another pillar of fire rose into the sky, everyone’s expressions froze at the same time.

They followed the path of the flames and slowly raised their heads in confusion, watching a brand new name slowly weaving into shape next to the name [Hogwarts]…

【Norby Ridge University】.

And as if it was a signal, the moment the name was woven into shape, a gorgeous door suddenly appeared out of thin air below the name without any warning, and then slowly opened, revealing a hall that was familiar to the students. And a dozen faces standing among them——

“Miranda Gorshak…Damocles Belby…Johnson Shafik…Benjamin Baker…Ignatius Taft…”

Seeing faces that they had only seen in newspapers suddenly appear in front of them, everyone fell into a daze, watching them smile and wave to everyone, and then stood on the referee’s bench together…


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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