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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 39 Revolutionary product, Nimbus 2000!

After confirming that the use of magic here would never be detected by the Ministry of Magic, the first thing Avada did was to spend two nights mentally grinding away the traces in her wand.

He wasn’t going to compete in the Goblet of Fire anyway, and no one was checking his wand, so it wouldn’t be a problem.

After getting along with each other for a few days, Avada got along well with the Shafiq family and also got a preliminary understanding of them – completely different from the Slytherin pure-blood nobles shown in the original work. They are both Not like the Malfoy family with their nostrils in the sky, not like Lestrange as crazy, not like Sirius Black, who is a pure-blood alien and despises blood. On the contrary, they are deeply proud of their surname and lineage, but they are also extremely clear about the source of these honors.

Moreover, the Shafiq family is not only a pure-blood noble, but also a well-known business family in the British magic world. Many companies under their names or in which they have shares are well known for producing and improving alchemical products. Among them, the most famous broomstick companies, “Nimbus Company” and “Comet Company”, have their shares. There are even rumors that the Shafiq family is behind the mysterious factory “Floo Powder” that produces Floo powder.

But Mr Shafiq made it clear that this was a rumour.

One of the benefits of investing in these alchemy product companies is that you can experience in advance those products that have just been developed and have not yet been put on the market, such as now——

“Children, take a look! The sample just sent by Nimbus Company, the latest research results, Nimbus 2000!”

Mr. Shafiq was holding a very beautiful-looking broomstick and waving it excitedly at Awada, Baron and Mrs. Shafiq.


Mrs. Shafiq obviously knew some inside information in advance, so she seemed very calm. On the contrary, Baron stared blankly: “Isn’t the last model 1705? Why did it jump directly to 2000? Did they make a technological breakthrough?”

“That’s right!”

Mr. Shafiq held the broom handle tightly and looked like he wanted to ride on the broom for a spin: “The new power valve technology can easily control 600 power strips so that they can achieve perfect unity without interference. , thus reaching an unprecedented speed of one hundred and fifty miles per hour, and it only takes ten seconds to go from start to top speed!”


Avada and Baron exclaimed at the same time. Six hundred power bars! What a concept!

The history of magic in first grade has already talked about the birth and iteration of the flying broomstick, so Avada roughly knows the basic structure of the flying broomstick: control rod, balance ridge, stabilizer, power valve, and power bar cluster.

Among them, the control rod is used by the driver to control the broom; the balance ridge is used to ensure the overall balance of the broom and maintain floating; the stabilizer provides comfort and safety to the operator (the cushion charm is part of it); the power valve is used to adjust the power. And the cluster of power strips…are the things at the end of the broom that look like broom bristles.

According to historical records, in order to increase the speed of the vehicle as much as possible, the inventor of the broomstick chose to precisely apply a repulsion spell to small wooden strips, then tied them together, and used a special core (power valve) ) to adjust the output and eliminate interference, so we got a powerful thruster that condensed multiple repulsion spells in a small area, which became an epoch-making invention at that time.

Unfortunately, when he completely assembled this great vehicle, everyone’s first reaction was “Isn’t this a broom?”

As a result, the name “flying broomstick” gradually replaced its original name “cluster-powered flight staff” over the long history and became a well-known official name.

Before the advent of the Nimbus 2000, the fastest broom “Nimbus 1705” contained only 420 power bars!

“It will definitely dominate all Quidditch fields!”

Baron praised excitedly.

“Ah, no, it may only dominate the professional Quidditch field…” Mr. Shafiq shook his head and smiled: “Because the production cost of the new power valve is too high, there is no way to achieve mass production yet. It is limited, which will cause its price to be ridiculously high, and I am afraid that only professional teams can afford it.”

“But there are advantages to this. Only professional players can fully utilize the performance of this kind of broom. It is not only difficult for amateur players to control it, but also wastes performance. It is better to continue to use Comet or Sweep… I won’t say it anymore, try it quickly. Bar!”

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Shafiq couldn’t wait to get on the broom and disappeared into the horizon with a whoosh. Thanks to the large size of Shafiq Manor and the vast open grassland outside, they were able to play freely without violating the secrecy law.

After Mr. Shafik had all the fun, Baron and Mrs. Shafik also flew several times on the broomstick. Finally, Avada, who was not very interested in Quidditch, also rode on the broomstick under the persuasion of the family. ——The feel is indeed excellent, but when he is about to reach full speed, he is a little scared and dare not drive: that is one hundred and fifty miles per hour! It’s almost as fast as the high-speed train!

“Phew – a letter from Nimbus Company said that this broom will be launched and pre-sold in about two days. At that time, we went to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies for the new semester and take a look at their counter… “

After flying around for a while, Mr. Shafiq wiped his sweat and was walking back with everyone, talking about his plans for the next trip. He suddenly turned his head to look at the horizon, with a trace of light in his eyes. A curious look.


In the direction Mr. Shafik was looking, an owl was gliding quickly. When it passed over Mr. Shafik’s head, its talons loosened and dropped an envelope, which slowly fell into his hand. .

“Is it the Malfoy owl?” Mrs. Shafiq asked with some uncertainty, “Why are they writing letters at this time?”

“Let me see……”

Mr. Shafiq opened the envelope, took out the letter and unfolded it. After reading it, he looked a little strange: “They hope to visit here in two days and invite us to go shopping in Diagon Alley.”

“Huh? Why is this?” Mrs. Shafik and Baron’s expressions also became strange.

Mr. Shafik looked down at the letter in his hand and said, “The letter said that the child of the Malfoy family, Draco Malfoy, will also go to Hogwarts this year, so he wanted to visit Baron in advance. The top grader in the previous class, let’s make friends together, exchange experiences, etc…”

“Also, they said that a new magical wood has been cultivated in Malfoy Manor, which is a variant of mahogany. It may be able to greatly reduce the load on the Nimbus 2000 power valve and achieve mass production faster… They The news is pretty good.”

“If it’s true what they said, it would be a good thing.” Mrs. Shafiq nodded lightly, and then said with some worry: “But they are not…”

“It shouldn’t be a big problem.” Mr. Shafik shook his head and said: “Anyway, Voldemort has disappeared for more than ten years, and Lucius not only was not held accountable, but also became the school director of Hogwarts. No matter what happened in the past , the important thing is that they can now produce value to society…”


He suddenly laughed sarcastically: “Harry Potter, who killed his master when he was just born, and his son entered school in the same period. I’m afraid Lucius is also panicking now, so he came to win over us. .”

“But in this case, what should Ken do?”

Balon asked: “I remember that the Malfoy family is a fanatical pure-blood believer. If they knew that Ken was born as a Muggle…”

“Then I will tell them when introducing Ken that even Dumbledore avoids his name.”

Mr. Shafiq replied calmly.


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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