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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 50

“That student is a natural-born dark wizard.”

Voldemort admired Quirrell: “Without excellent talent for dark magic, outstanding intelligence, and the heartfelt desire to dominate others, this idea would not have been born… By the time he graduates , maybe I can recruit him over, no, after I am resurrected and occupy this castle, I can personally guide him…”

“What is he from? Which college is he from? Is he pure blood or mixed blood?”

“He, he is Hufflepuff…”

“Hufflepuff?” Voldemort frowned – this was a little different from what he expected. None of his servants came from that no-nonsense college.

“As for his bloodline, he was born in an orphanage. No one knows what his specific bloodline is. However, it is said that it was Dumbledore who was personally responsible for his admission procedures. If it is partly due to his bloodline, then his The bloodline may not be simple either.” Quirrell continued to answer Voldemort’s question.

“I was born in an orphanage, was introduced by Dumbledore, and has a strong talent… very much like me when I was young.”

Voldemort asked softly: “What is his name?”

“This, this is the problem, Master.”

Quirrell also replied with some confusion: “According to the record on the student list, his name is the killing curse, which is Avada Kendavia…”


Voldemort was stunned for a moment, and then burst into piercing laughter uncontrollably.

“Hahaha, hahahaha… interesting, really interesting…”

Seeing that his master seemed to be becoming more and more interested in the student, Quirrell couldn’t help but remind him: “Master, is it possible that this is Dumbledore’s test? After all, he is a Hufflepuff, and he was picked up by Dumbledore. Introduced…”

“You don’t know Dumbledore.”

Voldemort was in a very good mood at the moment, so he generously forgave the stupid servant’s doubts and explained: “If that old guy really discovered something, he would not let his students be easily put in danger… Besides, he It has always been easy to trust others, and since he has recruited you, it means that he has no doubts about you.”

“Then, what if he later discovered that it was actually a dark magic and went to report it to Dumbledore?”

“If he didn’t want to be expelled, he would definitely not do this – it was magic he studied by himself, and I just gave him a little help.” Voldemort smiled: “Besides… this kind of thinking can be born How can people reject black magic?”

“But why is he a Hufflepuff… I have to test it out next time I see him.”

Arvada now has some good news, one bad news and another good news.

The good news is that after his preliminary diagnosis, the method he has in hand is very likely to be effective on Voldemort’s wandering soul. However, this is only a preliminary judgment based on the limited data available, and no conclusion can be made yet.

The bad news is that Voldemort began to pay attention to him personally… Who knew that his paper could arouse such great interest in Voldemort?

Aren’t you very weak now? Don’t you need to lurk silently? Is it okay to risk exposure for an ordinary student like yourself? !

He did know that Voldemort had always wanted to be addicted to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but he didn’t expect that his addiction would be so big…

Moreover, if Voldemort personally takes the lead every time he faces Quirrell, he will have to devote most of his energy to operating Occlumency, and the progress of analyzing Voldemort’s mental power will be greatly slowed down.

However, this brings the third good news: the excuse to find Dumbledore to join the gang comes to his doorstep.

As long as he finished analyzing Voldemort’s mental power, he ran to the principal’s office and told Dumbledore in a “panic” that the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor had a two-hole socket face hanging on the back of his head and tried to teach him the Unforgivable Curse. ; Then he suspected that it was Voldemort, and then found any excuse (such as the Shafiq family or Professor Baker) to offer up his method of controlling Voldemort’s wandering soul… Then he could proudly announce that “Harry Potter” The series ends with flowers scattered.

As for the Basilisk, Sirius, Peter, and Barty Jr., they can be easily solved when Voldemort himself has been completely suppressed.

‘After you go back, you can try to practice the “Double Casting” left by Professor Baker. Then you can do two things at once, dealing with Voldemort and analyzing it at the same time…’

Avada fantasized unrealistically and walked towards the forbidden book area with the approval slip he had just received – he planned to see what Voldemort recommended to him. According to Voldemort, that book is closely related to the Imperius Curse and the Confusion Curse, that is, spiritual magic. Maybe it can help him?

“Mrs. Pince, I would like to borrow this book.”

After quietly crossing the library, he came to the librarian, Mrs. Pince, and handed her the approval slip quietly.

“Professor Quirrell’s note, borrow “Psychodynamics”… How could he recommend such a profound book to second-year students?”

Mrs. Pince frowned and whispered to herself, holding her wand and gesturing at the approval note for a long time. Finally, she nodded and put it away: “Wait a moment.”

Then she walked into the forbidden book area. After a while, she handed Avada a book that looked straight and straight, and was not like other banned books that looked grim just by looking at the cover: “Borrow it.” The deadline is three months, so remember to return it on time.”

“I know, thank you.”

Avada thanked her softly and quickly left the restricted book area. However, she did not leave the library. Instead, she wandered among the bookshelves and rummaged for a while. She took out a few books and browsed them briefly before leaving the library. pavilion.

‘Among all the books about dangerous magical creatures, not one mentions that the three-headed dog’s weakness is music, even though there are many books that introduce the three-headed dog in detail…’

‘what’s the situation? Did Dumbledore take away the relevant books, or was the weakness of “music” originally a new discovery of Hagrid, the master of magical creatures? After all, apart from him, I’m afraid no one would have the time to listen to music for the three-headed dog…’

After walking directly across the common room and returning to the dormitory that was still empty for the time being, Avada opened the book “Psychodynamics” and started browsing.


“Since the phenomenon of ‘magic’ was discovered by humans, the exploration of its principles and applications has never stopped until today. With the deepening of research, the two concepts of ‘magic’ and ‘spiritual power’ have basically It has become a stereotype: the former is the essence and source of the phenomenon of ‘magic’, while the latter is the medium that triggers magic and occupies a vital position in the composition of life…”

“From ancient times to the present, the study of magic has always focused on the ‘magic’ part. Wizards design various experiments and propose various hypotheses to interpret magic, express magic, apply magic, and summarize the natural laws of magic. From ancient runes Wen, from the formations born in the Middle Ages to the semiotics that emerged in modern times and the ‘magic functions’ inspired by arithmetic, divination and Muggle science, they are all trying to explain the mysterious phenomenon of magic in a way that humans can understand, such as words and symbols. …”

“However, people’s research on spiritual power itself seems to have been gradually diluted and forgotten in the process, and spiritual magic is generally considered the most dangerous magic, making relevant knowledge strictly controlled. All these have led to the lack of understanding of spiritual power. The research is still at a very superficial level. Even though it is just a drop in the ocean in front of the huge and mysterious ‘magic’, it is so important to wizards – it is the source of wizards’ ideas and exploration of nature. Qualifications to explore magic…”

“It’s like everyone can speak, but people tend to only pay attention to the content of the language, but rarely care about how the tongue and mouth move when speaking. Although this kind of research seems to be somewhat divorced from reality at this stage, I think that with the exploration As we go deeper and deeper, sooner or later we will encounter the “unspeakable words” that can only stay on paper, that is, the magic that only exists in theory and cannot be released. At that time, we will have to focus on the spirit again. In terms of strength…”

“Since this book is named “Psychodynamics”, it naturally aims to explore the structure of mental power, how it is affected by various types of magic, and how mental power plays a role in the process of casting spells…”


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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