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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 54 Testing

“You probably don’t realize what you just did.”

Watching Avada effortlessly keep up with her progress, carefully taking down several pages of notes, answering her own questions perfectly and drawing inferences on key points, even Voldemort’s broken My heart couldn’t help but be surprised.

He had personally trained members of his Walpurgis Knights and Death Eaters before, but he had never seen such a smart guy. In particular, the study of mental power has always been one of the most difficult points. There were many idiots who almost made him angry when teaching related magic.

“What we just discussed would be very difficult for a sixth grader, no, a seventh grader to listen to – but you followed it effortlessly!”

“Is this really your first time studying spiritual magic?”

He raised his head and looked gently into Avada’s eyes. Avada suddenly felt that his Occlumency was being touched – fortunately, the degree was very slight, and he could easily disguise it. I don’t know if Voldemort is too weak, or if he simply doesn’t bother to use Legilimency seriously on a junior student.


While running Occlumency to convey wrong information, he explained: “I don’t know why, when I first released the confusion spell, I felt that this, no, this type of magic has a strange feeling with me. The fate…that feeling is like the first time I hold my own magic wand!”

“Then whether it is my own research or reading the book “Psychodynamics” you recommended to me, I can understand the above content almost effortlessly, and feel great fun in the process …”

He looked at his hands in a daze and murmured softly: “It’s like I was born for this.”

“No doubt, Ken, you were born for this.”

Voldemort said gently: “Talent is the most unfair thing in the world. It determines people’s destiny since birth – to be successful or mediocre, to be rich or poor… and there is such a small number among them. There are a group of people who possess talents that are unimaginable to ordinary people and are born to be the favorites of magic.”

“Those wizards who are remembered by history and have done earth-shattering deeds all fall into this category.”

Avada raised her head and asked in disbelief: “Professor, you mean, I am also such a person?”


Voldemort chuckled and said, “Now that you know the power and status you should have, what do you want to do with it?”

The mental power that was invading Occlumency suddenly changed its method, from simple and crude prying to invisible guidance, guiding him to involuntarily speak out the truest voice in his heart…

“I hope to create a world that belongs to wizards.”

So Avada said “sincerely”: “Wizards clearly possess magic, but they can only be squeezed into the cracks of the Muggle world. This is too depressing and unfair… I hope wizards can walk openly and honestly. In the world, wizards rule Muggles, and the noblest among wizards lead all wizards, thus creating an orderly world.”

He couldn’t say directly “I want pure blood to rule everything” because after all, in Voldemort’s eyes, he didn’t know his true bloodline; so he could only settle for the second best and put Grindelwald’s ideas into perspective. It was mixed with Voldemort’s ideas, so as to fool Voldemort without arousing his rejection and vigilance.

“A very good idea.”

Voldemort’s mental state showed that he was quite happy at the moment: “So what do you think is the standard for measuring whether a wizard is noble?”


Avada hesitated for a moment, sensing that the force that guided her to tell the truth was normal, and then continued to lie with peace of mind: “I don’t know.”

“Maybe it can be talent. There is definitely nothing wrong with smart people ruling the world; but maybe the bloodline is also good. I know many pure-blood friends. Their talent and grace are far beyond the others I know…”

“You can think about these later, don’t rush to give the answer now.”

Voldemort was almost certain that the student in front of him was a potential Death Eater who could be taken into his pocket, and he only had a few final questions left: “However, should a smart and ambitious student like you go to Slytherin or Latvia?” Winclaw is the right one, why did you choose to go to Hufflepuff?”

“Well, at that time, the Sorting Hat said that I was ambitious, talented, and hard-working. I was suitable for anyone except Gryffindor, so I could choose by myself. I said that I wanted to go to a house with the most mediocrity and the easiest place to get ahead. Go, and I was sorted into Hufflepuff.”

Sorry, senior Hufflepuffs, Professor Sprout, and everyone at Hufflepuff, please understand…

“So that’s it.”

Feeling that his spiritual guidance was constantly sending “truth” and “truth” feedback, Voldemort asked the last question: “Do you know the meaning of your name, and who named you?”

“I don’t know, but Professor Dumbledore said it was a very dangerous spell and asked me not to explore it. It seems that a few people from the Ministry of Magic who named me wanted to use me as a test subject to study something…”

“I see.”

The spiritual guidance lingering outside the Occlumency finally disappeared. Avada also cooperated with a dazed expression for a while, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Quirrell in front of him in great shock, as if he had just remembered what he had said before. What.

“Don’t mind, it’s just a small test.”

Voldemort showed a relaxed smile: “If I tell you, I can give you a clear path, a clear path that not only realizes your ideals, but also allows you to enjoy honors and wealth that you can’t imagine now, are you willing? do you accept?”

“…Professor, who are you?”

Avada showed a puzzled look at the right time.

“It’s not important. What’s important is that I share the same goals with you and go further on the path you want.” Voldemort controlled Quirrell’s face and revealed a mysterious smile.

“I know you may still have doubts now. Well, you can come here to see me every Saturday night from now on, and I will teach you some wonderful things that you can’t learn in school. In the process , you can also decide for yourself whether you are willing to accept my invitation…Okay, that’s it for today, it’s time for you to go back.”

While feeling the “expectation” and “hesitation” transmitted by Legilimency, Voldemort controlled Quirrell’s body and stretched out his hand a little, and the door of the office opened on its own. After watching Avada pick up her schoolbag and leave with a thoughtful look on her face, he smiled proudly.

“Master, why are you so happy? He is only a second-year student no matter what…”

“Idiot, you don’t realize his value at all.”

Voldemort said disdainfully: “Today I am equivalent to taking a future Dumbledore into my pocket!”

“I will always train him and make him my most loyal servant. Then when his strength reaches its peak, no one or any force in this world can stop the two of us from joining forces!”

“At that time, my journey will no longer be limited to these small British islands… the whole world will be completely controlled by me!”

What Voldemort didn’t know was that the moment the office door closed, Avada picked up her schoolbag and sprinted back to the dormitory. Looking at the notebooks full of records in her schoolbag, her hands could not help but tremble with excitement. .

“Make a lot of money, make a lot of money…”

“This is a dynamic sample for releasing spiritual magic… With this, I can’t lose even if I want to!”


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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