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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 69 Is the middle path broken like this?


Avada in front of the book stared blankly at the twisted “why” in the note, and fell into silence.

“Repentance” is obviously just a form of spiritual power, so why can it restore a torn soul to integrity?

What is even more terrifying is why, even when the soul fragments have been taken away by the power of death, repentance can still restore the soul to integrity? !

What exactly is a soul? Where do you come from? And why is it only related to “confession”?

Is there really a “God of Death” in the world, silently extraditing and judging all souls?

No, I can’t think about it any more, otherwise I will become Newton…

Avada shook her head vigorously, took a deep breath to calm her restless thoughts again, and then continued to look through the terrible notes.

“Calm down, calm down. There must be some deep-seated reason for this. Just as the source of soul division is the power of death, the healing caused by repentance must also have its reason… I want to design an experiment to find out that reason!”




“Still failed…”

“…Okay, I admit that I am at my wits end. Unless I kill myself now and let my soul see the world after death for myself, I will probably never know the secrets of the soul and repentance in this life.”

“But I can’t give up yet. As long as I still have the ability to explore the world, I will definitely try my best to move forward. Maybe human eyes can’t look directly at the gods, but even so, I will include everything that humans can see. In the eyes!”

“Since I can’t explore the principle of confession, then at least record more data. Maybe there will be a talented latecomer who can get a glimpse of the truth from the data I collected…”


“Thanks to the chaos caused by Gellert Grindelwald, I have found a large number of dark wizard samples in the past few years who are not very smart or have no experience in the world. I only need to continue to lure them to make Horcruxes, Just take them all back with their Horcruxes for study. In this way, the number of samples has increased to hundreds, including some that have produced multiple Horcruxes…”

“Although I have always believed that with Grindelwald’s talents, engaging in witchcraft is not doing his job properly. He can obviously promote the exploration of magic… but I have to admit that sometimes the progress of magic also requires the support of some external environments.”


“Finally, I got something unexpected – through the previous research, I have a deeper understanding of the ‘soul volume’. And by observing the changes in mental power during ‘confession’, and then simulating the mental power structure through natural magic, I also developed a set of magic that can have a partial ‘repentance’ effect and forcibly bind the main soul and soul fragments together…”

“But it’s meaningless. After all, it can’t truly heal the soul, but it is a good start after all. I also look forward to the latecomers who can complete this magic and truly realize the healing of the soul that relies solely on external forces… That will be an exploration A giant step forward for the soul.”

“In addition, I also recorded some information about the fusion effect of soul fragments of different sizes and the main soul under this magic. I hope it can be helpful to those who come after…”

What follows are several pages of dense charts.

“Huh? Is it the annotation left by Professor Baker?”

A few lines of familiar fonts caught Avada’s eyes, causing him to read curiously:

[This article is one of the sources of my “confession” magic. The reason I say it’s incomplete is also because the issues mentioned in this article have not yet been resolved. 】

[After reading this article, you may sigh at the profundity and wonder of the soul realm, and admire this wizard who is persistent in exploring the truth. To be honest, even I was hesitant to spare his life at that time. After all, the number of dark wizards who died in his hands was dozens of times that of innocent people…]

[But in the end, I still chose to kill him. The author of this article is also a heinous dark wizard. He has killed at least dozens of innocent people over a long period of time for his own research, and has also actively seduced many people who were not originally evil to become dark wizards… 】

[Through these, I want to remind you: Don’t forget during the exploration process that all magic and technology ultimately revolve around life, and life is the fundamental purpose of everything. 】

[Never get lost in exploring the truth and ignore life, and never lose your reverence for life. 】

[Of course, I believe you can do this, otherwise you would not be selected by Hufflepuff, and I would not hand this information into your hands. 】

【wish all the best. 】

“……I will.”

Avada sighed.

He had to admit that he was a little carried away by that weird phenomenon just now. During the following reading, even when he looked at the shocking processes, he was just wondering whether the author could find the secret of confession…

And it wasn’t until just now that he remembered again – hundreds of samples of Horcruxes made according to his method, which meant that hundreds of innocent people were brutally murdered!

Only then did this article become as bloody and heavy as the first one in his eyes.

However, there is still a doubt in his mind: a person who has lived with Horcruxes for who knows how long, can improve the method of making Horcruxes, has an extremely deep understanding of the field of life, can taunt Grindelwald with a disgusting tone, and can even capture Hundreds of dark wizards with Horcruxes were used as their test subjects… Such a terrifying guy should not only be as strong as Dumbledore, but should at least be as strong as Grindelwald, right?

And if he can support such a huge and complicated experiment, then there must be a huge force behind him…

How did Professor Baker kill such a terrifying guy?

And since Professor Baker is so strong, based on his age, his strength should have been established more than ten years ago, so why didn’t he stay in the UK to fight against Voldemort, the most popular dark wizard in the world at that time?

“Forget it, let’s put this aside for now. There are more important things to confirm now…”

Avada glanced at the complicated charts again, then closed the big book, held it in his hand, and quickly left his exclusive room. He walked outside the Room of Requirement and walked back and forth for three more times before opening the “hidden thing” Room”.

Then, he closed the door and strode to Ravenclaw’s diadem. While observing the magic holes on it, which were soul fragments, he reopened the book and turned to the pages of “Repentance Magic Fusion Data Record”. He took out a pen and paper and lay down on the ground to calculate…

And when the calculation results were presented on the paper, Avada’s face suddenly turned pale.

“The result is… not enough volume to be towed?!”

In the original plan, he wanted to use the Horcrux “Ravenclaw’s Crown” as the core, and arrange a “confession” magic tailored based on Voldemort’s mental characteristics at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor like last semester. , and then when Quirrell’s body was destroyed by the protective spell on Harry and Voldemort returned to a weak wandering soul, he activated the penitence magic and locked his main soul directly into the crown, completely sealing him in one fell swoop.

As a result, according to the experimental records just now, as well as the calculations of Voldemort’s mental power and soul data he had, the soul fragments in the crown were not enough to pull Voldemort’s main soul over, but would instead allow the fragments in the Horcrux to return to the main soul…

And if he didn’t intend to doubt the accuracy of the data that was researched by hundreds of dark wizards… would his plan fall apart just like that?


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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