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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 88 Avada’s Death

I don’t know when the layout of the room changed completely to a different look – the walls were painted with mysterious and complex patterns, and the ground was inlaid or placed with various strange materials, which were rapidly evaporating or losing color at this moment. …Qi Luo’s body spasmed uncontrollably and he slumped to the ground, even his wand fell aside…

What frightened Voldemort the most was that he saw that his wandering soul was being forcibly pulled out of Quirrell’s body by an invisible force and submerged into something on his back!

In the eyes of Harry and Balon, a large amount of gray smoke suddenly appeared on the back of Quirrell’s head, and then poured into something attached to his back – it was a white circle nested inside. Ringed black crystal ball.

“How is it, Professor Voldemort?”

A voice that should never have appeared here suddenly rang in the room: “Are you… satisfied with the gift I prepared for you?!”


Three exclamations overlapped at the same time, echoing in the room – those were Harry, Balon and Voldemort. Quirrell no longer had the strength to shout.

“What are you doing out here?! Didn’t we agree that you would cast spells in secret?!”

Balon jumped up from the ground, stepped back away from Voldemort, and ran to Harry’s side, looking at the figure that suddenly appeared and exclaimed.

‘Of course it’s to attract firepower. Dumbledore hasn’t appeared yet. If I don’t want you to get hurt, I can only jump out to prevent Voldemort from having any other hidden methods…’

Avada glanced at him and said nothing, but continued to point the glowing wand at Voldemort, her teeth clenched, her forehead covered with cold sweat, and she looked very labored…

“This guy…”

Balon snorted angrily, turned around and neatly cut off the rope around Harry: “It’s over, Harry.”

“You…are willing…you…”

Harry felt as if his brain was stuffed into a honeycomb, buzzing and messy, and he couldn’t figure out what was going on. He felt that every scene he saw completely violated logic and common sense, and was ten thousand times more absurd than the most absurd abstract painting…

“I’m sorry for taking advantage of you without your knowledge.”

Baron helped him up, his tone full of apology: “But you don’t know Occlumency and can’t guard against his Legilimency, so I have to hide the plan from you… Everything is for this moment, for the last moment. victory.”

“The final victory… was this planned by you and Dumbledore? Did you know from the beginning that Voldemort wanted to steal the Sorcerer’s Stone?” Harry asked in disbelief.

Balon did not answer, but held the wand tightly and stared nervously at Avada, who was maintaining the operation of magic. The conversation they had half a day ago flashed through his mind…

[What you mean is that you have a magic similar to the Traceless Stretching Spell, which can hide the magic you arranged inside, while leaving the room with no abnormalities on the surface, preventing Voldemort from seeing the problem. He would only suddenly send those magics into the house to activate when he completely relaxed his vigilance, right? 】

[Well, that’s understandable. 】

[Then, my plan is – you just need to hide in that space and maintain the magic. And leave the task of placing the crystal ball on Voldemort to me. 】

【you? Don’t be kidding, I can’t possibly let…]

[Listen to me first. Didn’t you predict that Harry and the others would infiltrate shortly after Quirrell did? In the end, Harry would face Voldemort, destroy Quirrell’s body, and drive Voldemort’s ghost away? Then, as long as I participate in this process, help them clear the levels, enter the final level with Harry, and then control Harry with a sneak attack from behind, this way I can prevent him from meeting Quirrell——】

[——I helped Harry in the game; and Voldemort also knows that I am your friend and a pure-blood Slytherin… I naturally have their trust, and neither party will doubt me. 】


[So, Harry will trust me and enter the last room with me; and Voldemort will trust me after seeing me sneak attack Harry, thinking that I am his person. As for you…well, just tell him that in order to please him, you planned to send Harry to him, but you didn’t dare to show up because you made your own decisions. 】

[You are sure that Harry has the qualities that protect him from Voldemort, right? That would be easy… When Voldemort completely relaxes his vigilance, I will use the most miserable and humble attitude to please him and beg him to accept me as a Death Eater. He will definitely not refuse. Then I will take the opportunity to go up and hug him, and then…]

[Then, fix the crystal ball hidden in the sleeve to his back. 】

[I will wear a robe with loose sleeves to ensure that the face on the back of his head does not notice my movements… Which hand of yours did he brand the Dark Mark on? Right hand, right. Then I will use my left hand to hide the crystal ball, but this may still be discovered by him… So after I hug him, you need to activate the magic immediately without giving him time to react. 】

[By the way, you have already copied the potion used to advance, right? Give me a little of that potion, just for one person. Don’t leave any reason for Ron and Hermione who may be present to move forward. They don’t have Harry’s qualities. It’s too dangerous to participate rashly…]

“Ken?! Why?! How is that possible?!”

Voldemort’s screams have begun to become weaker – a human face vaguely appeared in the gray mist pouring into the crystal ball, and half of the chin has been sucked in…

“Nothing is impossible, Voldemort, no, Tom Marvolo Riddle…”

Avada looked at Voldemort’s panicked and angry face, imitating his appearance and showing a weird smile.

“What?! You, who the hell are you?!”

Avada curled her lips—she was hooked.

In the following time, he needed to repeatedly hit Voldemort with all kinds of trash talk to distract him, lest he really suppressed any big moves.

As for whether he will reveal any messy secrets…it’s a joke, the “Harry Potter” series is about to end in his hands, who cares about this!

“Who am I…heh.”

Avada let out a disdainful snort, and while trying her best to keep the magic running, dragging Voldemort into the abyss little by little, she diverted her thoughts and asked, “Haven’t you ever thought about it?”

“Why do I have such a peculiar name? Why do I have so many similarities with you? Why can I derive the prototype of the Imperius Curse on my own? And why can I use such a name now, as if I was measuring it for you? Customized magic?”

“Do you…remember the name ‘Melope Gaunt’?!”


Voldemort lost his mind in an instant, and a large part of the gray mist was suddenly swallowed up by the crystal ball: “Who are you?! Could it be that you are…”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m just asking casually. I have nothing to do with Merope Gaunt, and I’m not one of you.”

Seeing the mean smile on Avada’s face, Voldemort almost exploded with anger.

“Okay, no more joking…”

Avada saw that nearly half of Voldemort’s soul had been dragged into the crystal ball, and her expression gradually relaxed: “Ever since I learned about your identity, including being branded with the Dark Mark by you, I have never planned to I surrender to you, Voldemort.”

“And after you revealed your identity to me, I saw a certain future in you, a future that could completely eliminate you… I have been preparing for this, whether it is learning spiritual magic or getting close to you, No matter if you keep memorizing your mental characteristics… everything is for this day, this moment.”

“The person who provided this magic was not me, nor even Dumbledore, but an American adventurer. He claimed to have been possessed by you… You should know who that person is, right?”


Voldemort was confused for a moment – before Quirrell, he had never found any satisfactory person for him to possess, let alone an American adventurer… But without this person, this one seemed to be tailor-made for him Where did the magic come from?

‘wrong! ’

The next moment, he reacted: ‘He is delaying me! ’

“Very good, Ken, very good…”

The human face in the gray fog stared at Avada, as if to devour him with his eyes, and the low voice contained unimaginable anger:

“Why didn’t I think of that… How could someone as stunning and talented as you, a born dark wizard, with a mind that can even hide from the Sorting Hat… be willing to succumb to another person? How could that be? Don’t you have a heart that wants to dominate everything like me?”

“Very good, you are so much like me, Ken. You are even better than me and better at pretending…”

“But in this case, I can’t tolerate you even more… If I want to kill you, I will definitely kill you…”

In the next second, the gray mist that had not been swallowed by the crystal ball quickly expanded in a circle as if it had gathered all its strength, and then squeezed desperately, causing part of it to flow back into the back of Quirrell’s head. Then Quirrell, who was lying limply on the ground, suddenly moved. As if his right hand didn’t belong to him, he automatically reached out to pick up the wand that fell beside him, then turned it around and pointed it at Quirrell’s neck. …


Quirrell’s eyes suddenly widened, and his voice was full of fear and panic: “Master, don’t do this! Please! I…”

puff! !

In the midst of the flash of lightning and everyone’s disbelieving gazes, Quirrell’s wand shot out a faint blue blade of light, instantly leaving a ferocious gash on his neck, and black blood gushed out like a fountain. As he emerged, Quirrell’s fearful and unwilling eyes gradually faded away…

With an extremely shrill scream, Voldemort’s wandering soul instantly broke into two pieces, leaving only the gecko-like half with its severed tail still being swallowed by the crystal ball…


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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