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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 94 Dumbledore’s Gift

“I really don’t know what kind of waves the magical society will make from now on…”

In the Hufflepuff common room, some senior students were drinking black tea and exclaiming: “What the principal said today can be regarded as offending most of the pure-blood nobles in Britain, right?”

“It’s actually not bad.”

Someone thought for a while and responded: “At least the principal recognized the historical glory of the purebloods, which is equivalent to acknowledging the legitimacy of their inherited wealth and interests, without touching their base.”

“Interests are interests, beliefs are beliefs… They have always thought that they are superior to others, but now they are scolded by the principal almost by name. It would be strange if they are not mad. And don’t forget, most of the school board members are purely pure The Blood Family, God knows what they will think after hearing those words…”

“But speaking of it, Professor Dumbledore, as the principal of the only magic school in the country, seems to have the ability to completely eliminate the blood theory…”

“What I’m more concerned about is that the mysterious man…oh, now we can call him Voldemort, is he actually a mixed-blood wizard? Will the pure-blood Death Eaters who followed him faint directly after hearing the news?”


It was already evening, the year-end party had ended successfully, and the reporters and Ministry of Magic officials had also left. Fortunately, thanks to Dumbledore’s final bombshell about Voldemort, almost everyone was discussing the matter of Tom Riddle and Dumbledore’s announcement to the entire magical society – so, Almost no one bothered Avada anymore, giving him a rare peace of mind.

And now Avada is sitting alone on the bed in the dormitory, flipping through books idly, and waiting for something anxiously…

“What on earth did Professor Dumbledore want to give me that made him choose to use this secret method? For this reason, he separated the five of us one by one…”


Suddenly, a red flame exploded in front of him, startling him. And a golden-red feather emerged from the fleeting flame, slowly falling in the air…

“finally come.”

Avada breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to grab the feather. Suddenly his body was wrapped in flames again, as if half of it had evaporated and he instantly disappeared into the dormitory. He only felt that his field of vision was filled with firelight for a moment, and when the firelight dissipated, what came into view again were the strange furnishings in the principal’s office and Dumbledore’s kind face.

“Here I come, Professor.”


Dumbledore nodded, motioned for him to sit down, waved the two teacups over, and asked with a smile as if chatting: “How about what I said tonight? Isn’t it quite contagious? of?”

“It’s really contagious.”

Avada scratched her head in embarrassment: “But the problem is, Professor, I am just a Muggle born who has just been exposed to the magical society for less than two years. Those pure blood theories, discrimination and prejudice you mentioned, I I haven’t seen or experienced it with my own eyes, and I don’t know much about it…”

“That means you’re lucky.”

Dumbledore smiled and said: “It is not a good thing to experience those things personally. I hope that more and more people will not understand the seriousness of my words. That will mean that discrimination has been significantly eliminated… Oh, back to the topic, let’s take a look at the gift I prepared for you.”

He opened the desk drawer and took out a yellowed book: “This is it.”

“This is?”

Avada took the book in confusion – the cover of the book was made of parchment, with nothing written on it. Even the simplest bound book was a bit more regular than this…

After Dumbledore nodded, Avada opened the book in front of him and read the contents: there was almost no typesetting of the text inside, and short sentences were packed tightly into the pages. Hold it farther away When you look at it, you will have the illusion that the pages of the book are filled with black. But as Avada read each sentence carefully, his expression became more and more surprised, and finally he quickly flipped through the entire book, then raised his head and looked at Dumbledore in astonishment:

“This book…is all a table of contents?!”

“That’s right.”

Dumbledore seemed happy to see his shocked look, smiling and nodding.


Avada exclaimed in a low voice – there are at least tens of thousands of titles recorded in this book. Even if each title is just a thick paper, it is enough to fill the principal’s office!

And if his magic senses were correct…

“Let me tell you how to use this book.”

Dumbledore took the book from his hand, opened a page at random and said: “If you want to read any article in it, you can just like this, gently click on the title with your hand… …”

As he spoke, he tapped a certain title with his fingertips, and the simple book immediately changed its appearance with a “bang” and turned into a book that was much thinner but looked much more delicate. A hardcover book with the title Dumbledore just clicked on gorgeously written in gilded letters on the cover.

“In other words, this is actually a compressed library?”

“You could say that.”

Dumbledore continued to demonstrate: “If you want to change him back to the catalog, just scratch the spine of the book with your hand…”

With his movement, the hardcover book instantly changed back to the previous catalog.

“Oh, by the way, I also added a useful function to it. In order to prevent the content inside from being too complicated and making it difficult to find useful information in time, I specially added a magic spell on the cover of the book for quick reference. like this……”

Dumbledore once again stretched out his finger and scratched on the blank cover, leaving one word – dragon’s blood.

Then when he opened the book again, the text inside suddenly became several sizes larger, and the spacing was also widened, making it much more comfortable to read. What is presented is either a title with the word “Dragon’s Blood”, or a sentence with this word in other articles…

‘Hey guys, search engines? ’

While Avada marveled at Dumbledore’s advanced thinking in her heart, she couldn’t help but ask: “So… Professor, what exactly is recorded in this book to have such a large content?”

“Oh, you finally asked this question. If you don’t ask again, I will have to explain myself…”

Dumbledore suddenly became happy: “These are the research notes of my good friend Nico Flamel for almost a lifetime.”


“He took the initiative to give it to you, in order to thank you for your contribution in sealing Voldemort. And I also mixed some of my own research records into it, and then compiled it into this book.”

“To be honest, in Nico’s and I’s plan, the magic stone was to be destroyed, and Nico and his wife would inevitably die. Originally, for those who have lived for six hundred years, For them for fifty years, death was like going to bed after a long day’s work, and the beginning of another great adventure… But after hearing about my side of the story, they changed their minds. “

“They decided to continue living and use their knowledge and influence to help me make some beneficial changes to this magical society… They also want to see that kind of future with their own eyes.”

“You mean…to completely eliminate ‘Voldemort’?”

“That’s right.” Dumbledore nodded approvingly.

“Did Balon and Harry also get a book like this? Professor? Can I discuss the issues in it with them?”

“That’s not true.”

Dumbledore shook his head: “The thank-you gifts given to them are other things. Although they are very good and suitable for them… but to be honest, the value is not as good as this book.”

“Then why…”

“The reason why I give this book to you is based on two guesses. If they are correct, a future beyond imagination may develop; and even if they are not correct, it doesn’t matter. There is no harm in gaining more knowledge. “

Dumbledore showed a mysterious smile and lowered his voice: “And you should know the answer to one of the guesses.”

“…What about the other guess, Professor?”

“That one is too fictitious. It’s more like gambling than speculation… So I’d better not let you know for the time being, Ken. I wonder if you are still satisfied with this gift?”



Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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