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Hokage I am the most handsome — Chapter 028

“You’re Leng Shuai, right?”

In Konoha’s medical department, a middle-aged woman looked at Leng Shuai.

After a few days of rest, I got together with Naruto and the others by the way, mainly after brushing the small gift bag, Leng Shuai’s vacation was gone.

He came to the medical department to report.

“Yes.” Leng Shuai nodded.

The middle-aged woman frowned, at such a young age, can she treat ninjutsu?

And it’s outstanding?

If it weren’t for the directive notice issued from the three generations of Hokage-sama, she wouldn’t believe it.

Because unfortunately, she knows something about Leng Shuai, because her son used to be with Leng Shuai and has now graduated.

Therefore, she has some understanding of Leng Shuai’s reputation as a repeater for ten thousand years.

Hmph, it must be because of luck to save Lord Sunset Red, which was deliberately rewarded by the three generations of Hokage-sama.

The middle-aged woman disdained, but she didn’t mean to embarrass Leng Handsome.

After directly taking Leng Shuai to a place, he said to Leng Shuai: “This is where you will stay in the future, as for the work situation, you will soon be clear.” ”

After that, the middle-aged woman left directly.


Leng Shuai’s brows frowned slightly, he didn’t come to this medical department for any work.

Forget it, let’s take a look first.

At the end of the day, Leng Shuai finally understood his work.

Very idle, just responsible for making some medical supplies.

For example, hemostatic drugs, painkillers and a series of other things.

Anyway, it’s very easy, and no one cares about him even if he doesn’t do it.

In this regard, Leng Shuai felt good.

And it seems that after Hong’s efforts, the third generation gave Leng Shuai the privilege of being able to enter the library of the medical department and consult some medical ninjutsu materials.

For the next few days, Leng Shuai spent even in the library.

No way, although he has mastered a lot of medical ninjutsu, if he takes the liberty to display it now, he will attract the attention of the three generations again.

Now, it’s much more convenient to have this library.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Leng Shuai has also become a good boy who is diligent and studious.

On this day, Leng Shuai entered the library again.

But at this moment, a smile suddenly appeared.

“Hey, are you that medical ninjutsu genius cold handsome?”

Leng Shuai looked up and saw… A smiling tiger.

Medicine Man Pocket!

It was actually him.

“Hello, my name is…”

Seeing Leng Shuai looking at him, the medicine master was planning to introduce himself.

But before he could finish speaking, Leng Shuai was the first to speak, and the words made the medicine master a little confused.

“Yes, I’m Leng Shuai, do you think I’m handsome too?”

Medicine Master’s Pocket: “…”

“Uh, this yes, hello, my name is Yakushi Pocket, you can call me Pocket, I am also a medical ninja here.”

“Oh, hello, you haven’t said I’m handsome.”

“…… You are handsome! ”

Even the medicine master’s pocket, which often appeared with a fake smile, had disappeared at this moment.

Leng Shuai smiled, and then, turned to leave.

It wasn’t until Leng Shuai disappeared that the medicine master seemed to have some reaction.

The fake smile on his face was gone, but his eyes were sharpened.

“It’s interesting, but I don’t know, whether he intends it or if he is such a personality.”

Originally, I just didn’t care to know about it, but now the medicine master pocket has a lot of interest in Leng Shuai.

Take your time, no rush.

The medicine master smiled slightly, and also left.

On the other end, Leng Shuai was very happy in his heart, because the medicine master’s phrase ‘you are very handsome’ gave Leng Shuai great benefits.

“Ding~! Congratulations to the host Leng Shuai for winning the title of most handsome 1 time, and the number of times accumulated today is 13 times. ”

“Ding~! Congratulations to the host Leng Shuai for obtaining the skill medical ninjutsu. ”

“Ding~! Congratulations to the host Leng Shuai’s skill medical ninjutsu level has been increased, and the current level is LV9. ”


Medical ninjutsu upgraded!

Leng Shuai was really surprised, he didn’t expect that the medical ninjutsu brushed out of the medicine master’s pocket, after actually accumulating, let his medical ninjutsu level increase.


This is his first level 9 skill.

And just as Leng Shuai expected, the skill level of LV9 is the corresponding shadow level.

Yin healing.

This is a very special medical ninjutsu that minimizes damage by taking care of the enemy’s attack site in advance and healing it before the enemy attacks.

This is a special medical ninjutsu unique to Medicine Master Pocket, Leng Shuai did not master it before, but now he has mastered it.

Of course, just this medical ninjutsu doesn’t say anything.

But medical ninjutsu and creative regeneration are different.

This is Tsunade’s original ninjutsu.

It can gather Chakra somewhere for a long time and release it when needed, so as to achieve rapid cell regeneration and complete healing of wounds through a large number of Chakra stimulation.

However, the cost is a shortened lifespan.

But after getting this ninjutsu, Leng Shuai clearly felt that if he used to create regeneration, there would be no price for shortening his life.

Because he has an immortal body!


Does anyone watch?

Ask for tickets, ask for flowers!


Hokage I am the most handsome

Hokage I am the most handsome

Status: Ongoing Author:


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