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Hokage I am the most handsome — Chapter 056

But there are still some battles in the Land of Rain, not only Konoha, but also the Sand Ninja Village and Iwahide Village.

And Leng Shuai deliberately inquired, and now the name of the three ninja has not yet appeared.

That is, the three of them have not yet fought Hanzo, and they have not been given the name of Sanshinobi by Hanzo.

“Not only did you not cross over to Loulan, but even the time period has changed?”

Leng Shuai frowned, a little unclear about this.

“Could it be that the dragon vein erupted early, so the time of crossing is different?”

Leng Shuai could only guess like this in the end.

However, Leng Shuai found that this was actually good for him.

Because in World War II, it seemed more convenient to go to the Chakra who plundered the tailed beast.

As for the time he can stay here, Leng Shuai can also roughly sense it.

Because this can be completely inferred from the natural energy of the dragon vein in his body.

If his guess was correct, when his immortal body completely absorbed all the natural energy of the dragon vein in his body, then he would be brought back by the corrective power of time.

Even Leng Shuai can control it, not absorbing the natural energy of the dragon vein in his body, allowing him to stay for a certain period of time during this time period.

But the longest may not exceed a year, the shortest is Leng Shuai fully absorbing the natural energy of the dragon vein, it is estimated that seven or eight days is enough.

But before he didn’t get some tailed beast Chakra, Leng Shuai wouldn’t go back like this.

As for now….

“Well, I heard that Hanzo, the leader of Yuyin Village, is regarded as the apex of the ninja world and is known as a “demigod”, then he should be able to let me give it a try, my current strength!” ”

Leng Shuai smiled slightly, and the figure disappeared instantly.


The Land of Rain is a small country located in the border intersection of three of the five ninja countries (Earth Country, Wind Country, and Fire Country). The climate of Yuyin Village is in the perennial rainy season, and rainwater flows into the inland lake that surrounds Yuyin Village.

Due to the geographical importance of Yuyin Village, it often became a battlefield in the event of wars between neighboring powers.

This Ninja World War II was the outbreak of war between the Three Kingdoms in the Land of Rain again, so that Hanzo couldn’t help but declare war directly on the Three Kingdoms.

“Oh, it’s really rainy!”

Looking at the rain in mid-air, Leng Shuai shook his head slightly, he didn’t like rain very much.

Hey? Is that?

Suddenly, Leng Shuai’s expression moved, and he felt a familiar breath.

Soon after, a slightly familiar figure flashed by.

Konoha ninja costume, but that was with a large golden ponytail.


Tsunade in his youth.


“Nothing has changed!”

Leng Shuai secretly said to himself, there is no change between the current Tsunade and the future Tsunade.

However, Leng Shuai felt that the current Tsunade, for some reason, did not look good in the future.

“Well, isn’t it a little less mature charm?”

Leng Shuai could only think like this.

But at this time, Tsunade in the distance had already discovered him.



A figure appeared instantly, and Tsunade came to Leng Shuai with an instantaneous technique and threw a punch.

Knowing the power of Tsunade, Leng Shuai dodged with his teeth.


Sure enough, a big pit was blasted out by Tsunade’s punch.

“What are you?”

The punch missed, and a hint of surprise flashed in Tsunade’s eyes.

Originally just thinking that it was a ninja from Yuyin Village, she planned to solve it casually.

I don’t want the other party to be able to dodge her attack.

Leng Shuai had already used the transformation technique to change his appearance, and Konoha’s forehead protection was also put away.

It was back in the past, and he didn’t want to leave some traces.

Because he didn’t want to let people know of his existence at this time, and then wait for him to go back and be surrounded and killed by a large number of people.

“Don’t be impulsive, yourself.” Leng Shuai hurriedly waved his hand.

Unfortunately, it was Tsunade’s fist that greeted him.


I believe you are a ghost.

Tsunade was disdainful in her heart, people with such strength, Konoha was not absent, but she knew them all.

But the person in front of her, she didn’t know at all, and said that it was her own person?

Find a fight!

Tsunade stopped talking nonsense and directly bombarded Leng Shuai vigorously.

However, no matter how she attacked, there was no way to cause damage to Leng Shuai, and it was impossible to even attack Leng Shuai.

Whether it is Leng Shuai’s stand-in technique or physical technique, it is far beyond the current Tsunade.

Tsunade’s current age is in his early twenties, and even gives Leng Shuai the feeling that he barely has shadow-level combat power.

Forget it, this woman is so cranky.

Leng Shuai shook his head slightly, and he planned to leave.

Because he had already sensed that there was an aura approaching this side in the distance.

One of them was also somewhat familiar to him, a young Jiraiya, and the other was somewhat dark.

However, it must be the big snake pill.

Young Sanshin!

Leng Shuai sighed softly in his heart, but turned and left.

But he took it for granted, because Tsunade also seemed to have sensed that Jiraiya was close to the big snake pill, and actually chased Leng Shuai reluctantly.

In fact, this is not to blame Tsunade, because they have already made plans for Hanzo, and even carried them out.

Now a powerful ‘Rain Hidden Village’ ninja suddenly appeared, and if the other party returned alive to tell Hanzo, then their plan would be in vain.

That’s right, now Tsunade has identified Leng Shuai as a ninja from Yuyin Village.

I faint, still chasing?

Leng Shuai was speechless, and he also seemed to feel Tsunade, the tendency to not give up if he couldn’t catch up.

Never mind!

With a movement in his heart, Leng Shuai suddenly stopped.

“Finally not running?”

Tsunade sneered and killed in an instant.

But the next moment, what happened made her doubt life.

Because at this moment, Leng Shuai directly burst out with an aura that belonged to the immortal body.

Tsunade once told him that the reason why she could confirm that Leng Shuai had an immortal body was because her bloodline could have a trace of induction with the immortal body.

This is?

At this moment, Tsunade noticed it, and his eyes widened.

But it seemed to be a little too much, causing her to be unable to stand the fist.

The corner of Leng Shuai’s mouth twitched, and he cast a ninjutsu.

“Mu Dun Silent Killing Technique.”

A wooden dun finally made Tsunade stop, but what Leng Shuai didn’t expect was that Tsunade’s words almost made him fall.




Woman, you have changed, not long ago you called me brother, now you actually call me grandpa.


Hokage I am the most handsome

Hokage I am the most handsome

Status: Ongoing Author:


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