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Hokage I am the most handsome — Chapter 097

The Land of Thunder, a secret area, two people appeared.

On one side are the fourth generation of Mei Kage Ai and his subordinate Darui and others, while on the other side are the four people of Orochimaru and Otonobu, and the two brothers Senju Shinichiro.

“Big Snake Pill, what are you looking for me for?”

Ai said in a deep voice, looking at the big snake pill’s gaze, very unfriendly.

After all, if it weren’t for Orochimaru and Jiraiya, his cousin Bu Yubi would not have died.

Therefore, he did not have a good impression of the big snake pill.

“Hehe, Lord Lei Ying is still as impulsive as ever!”

Orochimaru laughed, but when he saw that Ai’s face was wrong, he hurriedly spoke again: “Don’t worry, this time I am here to talk about cooperation.” ”

“Cooperation? I have nothing to work with you. ”

Ai said coldly.

“Heh, don’t be so anxious to deny, our cooperation this time is white-eyed!” The big snake pill to.


Ai’s expression moved, and he was no longer so resistant.

For the white eye, Yunyin Village has always been eager for it.

In fact, Leng Shuai has to be blamed for this.

Because he easily invaded Yunyin Village at the beginning, but it made the three generations of Lei Ying extremely angry, and increased the defense of Yunyin Village.

At that time, it was suggested that if he got the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, he could increase the safety factor of Yunyin Village by several chips.

But helplessly, the white eye is the power that the Hyuga family cares about the most, and it is difficult to pass it on.

After all, even if the Hyuga clan sends clansmen to fight, it is only a sub-clan that owns the caged bird.

The white eyes obtained in this way are completely waste.

During World War II and World War III, Yunyin Village secretly arrested some people from the Hyuga clan.

But you can’t get a blank eye.

In the end, they hit the idea on the Hyuga clan.

After paying the sacrifice of an elite Shinobu for this plan, he finally found an excuse and asked Konoha for a blank eye.

But I didn’t want to plan that time, there was a loophole, so that they got Hinata Hinata.

But Hinata Hinata also has a caged bird, and his white eyes are still useless.

This also made Yunyin Village’s plan never succeed.

Now that the big snake pill proposed, Ai is naturally different.

Seeing that Ai was silent, the big snake pill knew that this matter had been more than half successful.

“Tell me about it.” Ai suddenly spoke.

Orochimaru smiled slightly and nodded: “The matter is very simple, the battle between Konoha and the Sand Shadow Ninja Village in the country of Kawanoku some time ago, Lord Thunder Kage should also be clear!” ”

“Hmph, these sneaky battles, how can I not be clear.”

A trace of disdain flashed in Ai’s eyes, and if he wanted to fight, he would put it directly on the table.

After such a sneaky battle, the two sides continued to settle down.

That’s funny!

“Hehe, I’m afraid Lord Leikage doesn’t know that in this battle the Sand Shadow Ninja Village suffered a big loss, and even Kazekage’s most powerful assistant, Markey, was killed!”


Markey killed?

A hint of surprise flashed in Ai’s eyes, but he knew that Markey was equivalent to Darui to Wind Shadow.

Hearing Orochimaru say this, Ai’s heart moved, and he spoke, “Isn’t the Sand Shadow Ninja Village unwilling?” ”

“Of course, the loss is so big, especially Markey, so Wind Shadow doesn’t plan to leave it alone, at least he wants to fight for some condolences!”

Orochimaru spoke, “However, Kazekage also knew very well in his heart that just relying on the power of the Sand Shadow Ninja Village was not enough to make Konoha regress. So, isn’t this called coming to Lord Lei Ying? ”

Saying that, Orochimaru made a mistake in his steps, revealing a figure behind him.

The man stepped forward, it was a blonde girl carrying a large iron fan.

“Hello Lord Lei Kage, my name is Temari is the eldest daughter of Kazekage, and I am here to discuss this matter with you.” Temari spoke.

Ai recognized Temari and saw that it was Temari himself, and there was no sign of being controlled.

So is it really the Sakage Ninja Village that wants to join forces with them?

“So, what role did you play in this, Orochimaru?” Ai suddenly asked.

He was still a little worried in his heart, after all, the Great Snake Pill was a disciple of the Ape Flying Sun Slash, and they had a hostile relationship with Yunyin Village.

“Me? In fact, this time I was just acting as an intermediary, and it was they who really wanted to deal with Konoha. ”

Saying that, Orochimaru pointed at Senju Shinichiro and Senju Shinjiro.

“They are…” Ai frowned slightly.

“Hello Lord Raikage, my name is Senju Shinichiro, and this is my younger brother Senju Shinjiro.” Senju Shinichiro spoke.

Thousand hands?

A thousand hands?

Ai didn’t believe it, but after Senju Shinichiro verified it, he did.

At the same time, he was relieved.

A thousand hands?

Oh, that’s the family that has been forced to extinction by the ape flying sun.

It seems that the Thousand Hands clan has not been extinguished, and there are two great masters.

At this time, the Senju clan can be regarded as having the power and intends to take revenge on Konoha.

But neither the Senju clan nor the power of the Sand Ninja Village can compete with Konoha.

Therefore, the two parties found them in Yunyin Village.

Soon, Ai made up some reasons.

Then, he agreed.

Because such an opportunity is also rare for Yunyin Village.

Maybe you can make Yunyin Village get white eyes!

And besides, even if it doesn’t work, it will even start a fight in the end, which is good news for Yunyin Village.

Yunyin Village is not afraid of the battlefield, even if the fourth great battle of the Ninja Realm breaks out, it will be beneficial to them.

This time Konoha is also a public enemy, and a piece of fat meat can be scraped from the fat sheep of Konoha.

Ai felt he had no reason to refuse.

But Ai did not expect that many times, things are not as simple as they seem.

Yunyin Village was also not as strong as he thought, and he himself was not truly invincible.


After some deliberation, the two sides took action.

Even in order to completely reassure Ai and see the sincerity of himself and the others, the Thousand Hands Clan sent more than a dozen Shangnin.

Of course, this is also something that Leng Shuai expected, by the way, let Yunyin Village see that the current Thousand Hands family is not the state of two or three kittens.

Then, Yunyin Village sent troops, and Sunkage Ninja Village also sent troops.

Neither side really attacked Konoha, but only sent troops to appear on the border of Konoha, looking like they were about to fight.


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Hokage I am the most handsome

Hokage I am the most handsome

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