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Hokage I am the most handsome — Chapter 173

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“Abominable humans.”

A voice that only Leng Shuai could hear came from the mouth of the demon fox phantom.

“Huh, actually took the initiative to provoke me? Yes! ”

Leng Shuai smiled coldly, and the next moment, he opened his eyes sharply.

Eyes open!

This was the first time Leng Shuai had opened his eyes since he awakened his reincarnation eyes.

Although the fetal movement period of his reincarnation eye is not over, he can barely use some strength.


The demon fox phantom was instantly torn apart, and Leng Shuai’s spiritual power directly entered the seal in Leng Shuai’s body with the help of the pupil power of the reincarnation eye.

A gloomy, seemingly underground waterway-like place, Leng Shuai appeared here.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Leng Shuai smiled slightly and wanted to go to the depths of the passage.

After walking for a while, he came to a huge square, “five five seven” and then saw Naruto.

At this moment, Naruto was surrounded by a powerful chakra, as if he was imprisoned.

And at this moment, Naruto has already entered a coma.

Leng Shuai knew that this was Naruto falling into a state of consciousness and lethargy.

After glancing at Naruto, Leng Shuai walked over, and then came to a huge iron gate, and the inside of the iron gate was pitch black.


At the moment when Leng Shuai approached the iron gate, a huge claw slammed up, but it was blocked by the iron gate.

“Damn seal, humans have themselves and you come a little closer.”

A roar sounded, and the appearance of the nine tails clearly appeared in front of Leng Shuai.

“Oh, hello Nine Tails and Nine Lamas!”


The Nine Tails was shocked, “What kind of person are you, you actually know my name?” ”

As for his name, except for the other tailed beasts that were also tailed beasts, the Nine Tails knew very well that almost no one in the entire ninja world knew its name.

“Well, these little problems don’t need to be taken care of.”

Leng Shuai shrugged, glanced at the Nine Tails, and said with a smile: “I came in this time, but I want to help Naruto deal with this trouble of yours.” ”

“Hmph, although I don’t know why you know my name, since you know my name, it must be clear that my existence cannot help any of you humans.”

The nine-tails tone was full of disdain.

Its chakra is full of evil, and it is even more hostile to humans.

Without him, over a long period of time, it has suffered too much unfair treatment from human beings.

In fact, the Nine Tails grew from its initial state and then reached the present, during which time it is unknown how many times it was killed.

Because the tailed beast is not a real life form, just a special chakra, which can be regarded as a chakra that belongs to the big tube wood Kaguya.

Therefore, the tailed beast can be regarded as possessing the immortal attribute of Mu Hui Ye.

The second time he caught Yao, Leng Shuai studied one and found that even he could absorb Yaoi as a whole.

Then the Yao is only temporarily dead, and will be resurrected after a while.

As long as Kaguya is alive, he has killed the tailed beasts many times, and they can continue to be resurrected.

But it is precisely because of this that the tailed beast hates humans, of which the nine tails are the most obvious.

“Oh, I don’t need your consent, what I need is your obedience!”

Leng Shuai shook his head slightly, and the Nine Tails snorted coldly again.

Obedience, who do you think you are?

Six old men?

The Nine Tails still disdained.

But Leng Shuai didn’t look at him anymore, because his gaze at the moment had already fallen on the seal on the iron gate.

“Ha, human beings, do you dare to tear this seal?”

“What’s not to dare?”

Leng Shuai’s tone was relaxed, “However, before you tear it open, there is still a problem!” ”

Leng Shuai waved his hand lightly and hit a chakra, which directly hit the seal.


A blue chakra flashed instantly, and then a figure appeared.

Seeing that figure, Leng Shuai smiled and spoke, “Yo, hello four generations!” ”


The four waves of feng shui gate that just appeared were instantly stunned.

What’s going on?

Wasn’t the seal broken, to the point where he had this last bit of Chakra appearing?

But what’s in front of you?

“Are you… Naruto? ”

After hesitating, Bofeng Shuimen said to Leng Shuai….

“I said four generations, can’t you just look at the situation?”

Leng Shuai shrugged his shoulders and pointed at Naruto a little speechlessly, and spoke, “That’s your son.” ”


What’s going on?

The wave feng shui gate that had just appeared was completely confused, but after seeing Naruto, he instantly understood something.

Then, his face instantly became vigilant, and he looked at Leng Shuai’s face was very serious, and his hostility skyrocketed.

“Uh, wait, don’t misunderstand anything, I’m called Leng Shuai, let’s just count it as your back, and now it’s Konoha’s fifth generation Hokage!”

Leng Shuai hurriedly explained that he was not an entity, but only came in with the help of the power used by the reincarnation eye.

And this is a place of wave feng shuimen, if something bad happens.

Even if he had absolute confidence in defeating Chakra, the Wave Feng Shui Gate, he couldn’t do anything to the Nine Tails next.

For this time, he had used some of the power of the Reincarnation Eye in advance, which was already rare.

At least recently, he has not been able to use the power of the reincarnation eye, even the rebirth, repulsion and rebirth gravity moves cannot be performed.

“Godaime Hokage?” Bo Feng Shuimen’s brows frowned slightly, and he did not believe Leng Shuai.

Seeing this, Leng Shuai pointed at Naruto and said, “I don’t believe you woke up Naruto.” ”


Bofeng Shuimen nodded, and then he didn’t see any movement from 1.6, and the nine-tailed chakra that wrapped this Naruto actually subsided for a while.

Sure enough!

You don’t need to move anything, just a thought can control this space, it seems that even if there is this Chakra left, the strength of Bofeng Shuimen here is absolutely strong.

Because the other party can completely fight with the power of the Nine Tails.

Sure enough, there is a strong backhand!

“Abominable seal, abominable four generations, one day I will kill you!”

“I’m sorry Nine-Tails, I’m already dead.”

Bofeng Shuimen’s words instantly left the Nine Tails speechless.

Yes, he’s dead!


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Hokage I am the most handsome

Hokage I am the most handsome

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