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Hokage I am the most handsome — Chapter 232

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Reincarnation eye?

The big snake pill’s eyes flashed, it turned out that this was the power of the senior?

And…… After the evolution of the white eye, is it this reincarnated eye that is more advanced?

For a while, several thoughts flashed in the eyes of the big snake pill.


Tsunade’s heart sank in the distance, and she knew that Hinata didn’t mean it.

But this one was careless, she was set out by Hinata, and let Orochimaru know the existence of the reincarnation eye.

Tsunade knew that Orochimaru’s dedication to research, once the other party moved his mind about something, he would not let go until he did not get it or thoroughly understood it.

This is the big snake pill!

It can’t go on like this.

“Ninfa, Hyakuhao’s Art!”

A purple light flashed on Tsunade’s brows, and at this moment Tsunade completely unlocked the “Yin ~ Seal”

“Sakura Rush.”

Junmaru, who had been pestering Tsunade with a trace of low drink, was directly punched by Tsunade – out.

Although Junmaro immediately sensed that something was wrong, he condensed a large number of bones to resist Tsunade’s attack.

But in the state of the Hundred Heroes Technique, Tsunade’s physical strength and strange power will increase, and his strength will skyrocket.

Therefore, this punch directly scattered all the defensive bones of Junmaru, and Junmaru’s whole person was blasted out.

The four Otomi also quickly followed in Junmaro’s footsteps, and were blasted away by Tsunade’s punch one by one.

Tsunade, whose combat power has completely exploded, that powerful force, even a shadow-level powerhouse, can not bear it at all.

“Big Snake Pill, you suffer death!”

Tsunade roared angrily and instantly rushed forward.

“Oh, it’s really as grumpy as ever!”

Orochimaru smiled gently, but he did not compete, and while dodging Hinata’s attack, he immediately retreated sharply and distanced himself from the two.

“Originally, this trick was prepared for seniors, but if you use it now, it is not a waste!”

The big snake pill smiled slightly, his hands were sealed, and his speed was fast.

Is that?

Tsunade’s face changed as she recognized the technique of the Great Snake Pill Seal.

“Psychic Arts, Dirt Rebirth!”

Without waiting for Tsunade’s hand to block it, Orochimaru slapped his hands on the ground.

Suddenly, three coffins rose from the ground.

Yes, it’s three!

There are three words marked on it, first, two, and four!

Tsunade’s face was gloomy, and he understood something in an instant.

“Big Snake Pill, you actually dare to do this, you are really looking for death!”

“No way, in the face of seniors, I don’t wait to be careful.”

The big snake pill shook his head slightly, and his face did not change in the slightest.

“However, now it seems that I am right, I have not met the senior, I used this trick, it seems that the senior Leng Shuai is really more terrifying than I thought. And…”

After a slight pause, the big snake pill’s face showed a hint of stuff.

“I’ll reunite you too!”

Knock knock!

The lids of the three coffins, the same, then, walked out of three figures.

The moment he saw these three figures, Tsunade’s face turned even more pale

Sure enough, it’s them!

Konoha’s first Hokage, second Hokage, and fourth Hokage.

The Great Snake Pill had long controlled the rebirth of the dirt, and even the rebirth of the dirt of Tuan Zang was obtained through trading with him.

Not only that, as a scientific researcher, for the development of soil rebirth, the Great Snake Pill is even better than Tuan Zang and even the ape flying sun slash.

After three years of transformation, the people he reborn from the dirt were not only completely limited by his control, but even the strength he could exert was very strong.

Especially in order to have the means to restrain Leng Shuai’s Flying Thunder God Technique, the Great Snake Pill took great pains to reincarnate the fourth generation of the Fire Shadow Wave Feng Shui Gate.

He unlocked the ghoul’s sealed ninjutsu and released the soul of the wave feng shui gate.

This allowed him to smoothly reincarnate the filthy soil and create a wave feng shui gate.

This is because when Leng Shuai performed the Flying Thunder God Technique, he had the means to overcome Leng Shuai.

Bofeng Shuimen is his means.

“Although it is not comparable to their strength before their death, the strength of the three Hokage is not to be underestimated.”

Orochimaru smiled slightly, and then, he gave the order to the three doppelgangers.


The wave wind water gate rushed directly towards Tsunade.

As for the first and second generations, they killed Hinata.

Tsunade was numb.

To be fair, with her current strength, Bofeng Shuimen is not his opponent at all.

Even the Flying Thunder God Technique of the Wave Feng Shui Gate is very powerful.

But Leng Shuai’s Flying Thunder God Technique is not known to be much stronger than the Flying Thunder God Technique of the Wave Feng Shui Gate.

Therefore, even if the Wave Feng Shui Gate possesses the Flying Thunder God Technique, Tsunade can still recruit opportunities and give him two punches.

It stands to reason that with Tsunade’s current fist, as soon as the power is blasted down, ordinary people really can’t bear it.

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Even if it is a wave feng shui gate, if it is hit by a punch, it will definitely be injured, and even a careless person will be directly seriously injured.

But the problem is that Bofeng Shuimen is now in a state of rebirth in dirt, and he is not afraid of injury at all.

So, he quickly pestered Tsunade.

As for the first generation and the second generation, they also play almost the same way, do not worry about injury, and rush directly to Hinata.

Unfortunately, Leng Shuai did not tell Hinata that if he attacked with Seeking Dao Jade, even in the state of rebirth of dirt, it could cause a permanent blow.

Because he didn’t know this, in the face of the first and second generations with incomparably rich combat experience, Hinata was a little busy for a moment.

It can be seen that combat experience is really extremely important, otherwise, even if you have super strength, it is difficult to exert it.



Faced with such a situation, the big snake pill, who was already secretly happy, suddenly frowned slightly.

Because he felt the appearance of Senju Shinichi and others.

Fortunately, Junmaru and the others also eased up, and the big snake pill let them continue to attack.

“Can’t delay any longer.”

The big snake pill moved in his heart, and also directly joined the battlefield to deal with his Hinata.

The three strong people joined forces, which made Hinata feel great pressure.

“Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!”

Hinata Jiao snorted and shot out a silver wheel rebirth explosion, directly rolling up the first and second generations.

Then, she was ready to strike at the big snake pill.

But the next moment, in a flash, the second generation appeared in front of her again with the first generation.

The second generation can also fly the art of thunder god.

Hinata’s heart sank, and he was also a little more angry.


The twelve Dao-seeking jades were like hot wheels, spinning rapidly and turning into a ring of bright light.

Then, the bright light of the ring shrank and turned into a ball of light-like seeking jade.

Not good!

Seeing this scene, the big snake pill was wary in his heart, and he had an extremely bad feeling, and he wanted to retreat at the first time.

But just when he had this thought, a cold voice instantly sounded in his ears.

“Golden Wheel Rebirth Explosion!”


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Hokage I am the most handsome

Hokage I am the most handsome

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