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Hokage I am the most handsome — Chapter 239

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In a flash, Leng Shuai appeared directly next to Hinata with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

“Cold… Handsome brother cold? ”

The appearance of Leng Shuai startled Hinata.

Leng Shuai, on the other hand, examined Hinata for the first time and was relieved to find that Hinata did not have any injuries.

Then, Leng Shuai’s gaze swept and fell on the half-crippled Yagi Great Snake, pausing slightly.

Soon, Leng Shuai understood something.

“Hmph! Big snake pills? ”

Leng Shuai’s eyes were cold, and he didn’t see any movement from him.

But the next time, the four people of Otobi and Junmaru suddenly flew out upside down as if they had been hit hard.

But soon, the five of them were dragged to Leng Shuai by a force.

Reincarnation and gravity!

Grabbing the five people in front of him, Leng Shuai directly used illusion to search for information in the brains of several people.

But soon, his brows furrowed slightly.

The five people didn’t have any specific information in their heads, and they just accepted the life of the big snake pill 04 and ran here to fight.

It’s a pity that the guy in the medicine man’s pocket saw that this was not good, and he had already slipped away.

Otherwise, you can know some information.

Leng Shuai’s gaze was cold, this big snake pill actually dared to make a move on his woman?

Soon after, Tsunade also came.

Through the conversation, Leng Shuai finally understood that the big snake pill seemed to be coming towards him.

But this made Leng Shuai feel strange.

With the character of the Great Snake Pill, if he is not completely sure, even if he wants to plunder the power of his heart, it will suppress the impatience in his heart.

Leng Shuai knew that the Great Snake Pill was an absolutely rational person, and he would not put himself in a mortal situation.

This means that the big snake pill has the strength to fight him?

“Oh, it’s stupid enough!”

Leng Shuai shook his head slightly, and his tone carried a hint of killing intent.

“So what do you want to do now?” Tsunade asked.


The corners of Leng Shuai’s mouth turned up, “Do you need to say that, of course, it is to give the big snake pill a profound lesson.” ”

Listening to the words of the two, Hinata was a little curious, and couldn’t help but speak: “However, that big snake pill of Brother Leng Handsome seems to have been killed by me.” ”

“No, Hinata, you’re wrong about that.”

Leng Shuai shook his head slightly, and spoke: In terms of vitality, maybe the big snake pill is the strongest one in the entire ninja world, but in terms of survival rate, that guy is afraid that throughout the history of the ninja world, he ranks in the top three. ”

This sentence is cold and handsome

The survival rate of the big snake pill is really good enough.

In the original work, it is clear that he has been inside the Weasel Ten Fist Sword, but he is good, and with a spell, he is easily resurrected.

Leng Shuai believes that even if Sasuke does not make a move in the original work, I am afraid that when a certain time comes, the big snake pill will be able to be resurrected with the help of the spell mark on the red bean.

Or the resurrection of the spell mark on someone else.

God knows how many resurrection backhands the Great Snake Pill has placed in the entire Ninja Realm, and if you want to kill the Great Snake Pill, the general method is simply impossible.

Because of the general kill, the big snake pill will be resurrected again.

“Huh, is that so?” Hinata looked surprised.

Tsunade nodded, looking like a matter of course, “That’s right, although I don’t want to admit it, but that guy is too focused on surviving in terms of research, and it is really difficult to kill him by ordinary means.” ”

“Oh, it’s okay, this time I want to see how much this big snake pill can do.”

Leng Shuai’s eyes flashed, and then he said a few words to Tsunade and the others, and a flying thunder god technique disappeared directly.

Leng Shuai came directly to Yin Ninja Village with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

He had come to the Sound Ninja Village and naturally portrayed the Flying Thunder God Technique.

However, as Leng Shuai expected, there was no trace of the Great Snake Pill in Oto-Ninja Village.

But even so, Leng Shuai didn’t plan to let it go just like that.

This is also the biggest stronghold of the Great Snake Pill, and since the other party has provoked him, it is natural to pay some price.

“Mu Dun Super Tree Realm Birth!”

Leng Shuai slapped his hands on the ground and drank lowly, and a large number of trees suddenly gushed out of the entire Oto-Ninja Village.

Although Orochimaru is gone, he has a large number of his subordinates here.

But now these people have all been completely strangled under the cold and handsome tree realm.

Even the laboratories deep underground and many equipment were completely destroyed by Leng Shuai.

In an instant, the entire Oto-Ninja Village was completely changed, no one survived, and no place remained.

But that’s not enough!

Leng Shuai flashed away, although the big snake pill did it very secretly, in fact, Leng Shuai still knew many strongholds of the big snake pill.

With the character of the big snake pill, it is normal to establish more strongholds.

In the next two or three hours, Leng Shuai destroyed more than a dozen strongholds of the Great Snake Pill.

There are big and small, all kinds of things.

Anyway, where the aura of the big snake pill was possessed, Leng Shuai directly destroyed it without mercy.

Moreover, Leng Shuai also sensed that in the dozen or so strongholds destroyed, there were as many as hundreds of people with the aura of the spell seal.

This means that with these people, perhaps the Great Snake Pill can be resurrected hundreds of times.

Although this is a bit of an exaggeration, it is true to say that the Great Snake Pill has hundreds of resurrection preparations.

Unlike the original, the Great Snake Pill’s research on the spell seal is now on a higher level.

Although I don’t know why, Shigego was abducted by Sasuke.

But Orochimaru had already got what he wanted from Shigego, and the spell mark had already been thoroughly studied by him.

And for the big snake pill, the existence of the spell mark is actually a means to prevent him from being able to resurrect in case something goes wrong.

An extremely secret basement, this is the most secret stronghold of the Great Snake Pill.

No one knew except him, not even the medicine master pocket knew that there was such a place.

“Oh, it’s not a loss to seniors, once you get angry, it’s really terrible!”

Orochimaru’s gloomy laughter sounded, but there was no slightest concern in his tone.

As if those strongholds destroyed by Leng Shuai were not important at all.

“It’s okay, those things are not important, the important thing is what is in front of you.”

Staring at the cultivation tank, the big snake pill’s gaze became even more fiery.

“Success, I’m going to succeed soon!”


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Hokage I am the most handsome

Hokage I am the most handsome

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