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Hokage I am the most handsome — Chapter 258

As soon as the Seeking Dao Jade appeared, it turned into a sharp blade in Leng Shuai’s hands and directly killed the Great Snake Pill.

What is this?

The big snake pill’s face changed slightly, and he instinctively felt a very bad aura from the seeking jade.

Therefore, he had no intention of facing this Dao Jade head-on.

With a wave of his hand, he directly created a large number of snakes with Chakra, and directly wanted these snake groups to stop the Dao Jade.

But it’s a pity that the blade transformed by the Dao Jade instantly broke through the layers of snakes and came directly to the big snake pill.

Even before the big snake pill could react, it bombarded the big snake pill.

Fortunately, the big snake pill was somewhat capable, and he avoided the point at the first time.

But this blow could only cut off his right arm.

Moreover, the Daoist Jade that Leng Shuai unleashed was not just one, but three!


Two black lights flashed, directly penetrating the body of the big snake pill.

No, it’s a blast.

The body of the big snake pill in mid-air instantly became half-crippled.

“Cut, sure enough, it doesn’t work!”

In the distance, Hei Jue saw this scene, and he was even more disappointed in the big snake pill in his heart.

Although the body of the big snake pill was blasted through several holes, Leng Shuai did not feel the breath of the big snake pill, and it weakened to any extent.

Sure enough, the next moment, on that half-crippled body, the mouth of the big snake pill opened sharply.

Then, a hand stretched out from it.

Then came the other hand, and then, the head and body of the big snake pill all came out of it.

Great Snake Flow Avatar!

I have to say that sometimes this ninjutsu is really an incomprehensible number, especially with the current realm of the Great Snake Pill, it is even more amazing.

It’s completely a snake molt.

Leave your old body behind and get a new, scar-free body.

Even Leng Shuai did not feel the Chakra of the Great Snake Pill, how much it decreased.

This is just a laipi snake!

Leng Shuai had a little headache.

The big snake pill that appeared again, although he looked at the three seeking jades beside Leng Shuai, still looked worried, but his tone was still so relaxed.

“Senior is over the first round, so let’s start the second round!”

“Second round? Are you joking? ”

The voice sounded from behind the big snake pill, and the big snake pill’s face changed instantly, but before he could react, Leng Shuai, who came behind him with the Flying Thunder God Technique, made an instant move.

“Immortal Law Wind Escape Super Large Jade Spiral Shuriken!”

A super large jade spiral shuriken was directly blasted out by Leng Shuai and pressed the big snake pill.

No suspense!

Even if the big snake pill reacted, with his current strength, the defense he hastily made in an instant collapsed in an instant under Leng Shuai’s attack.

Then, the entire body of the big snake pill was crushed.

Crushing in the true sense of the word.

With Leng Shuai’s current immortal art, although he did not enter the immortal mode, he used the immortal art Chakra to display ninjutsu, and the power was simply unimaginable.


There was a piercing explosion, and then a loud noise, and the body of the big snake pill completely disappeared.

But Leng Shuai’s face flashed a slight stunned.

Not dead!

He felt very clearly that the breath of the big snake pill had not disappeared.

This is……

As if feeling something, Leng Shuai looked somewhere in the distance, where a burst of blood mist swirled and condensed.

Then, the big snake pill appeared again, and although he was a little pale, his face was like that.

However, the drop in breath is real.

“Almost, seniors are really terrible, almost I died!”

The way the big snake pill appeared again was very strange.

This made Leng Shuai couldn’t help but think of a certain person, no, it should be two people.

Left near right near!

A member of one of the Oto-Shinobu Five under Orochimaru, after Junmaru withdrew due to illness, he was actually the leader of the Oto-Shinobu Four. The main action is usually based on the left near who is good at frontal combat, while the right near of the assassination expert sleeps in the body of the two.

The two brothers have hot tempers, but relatively speaking, the right close personality is relatively calm and cautious.

None of this is the point, the point is that these two people have a special blood succession limit.

The blood boundary near left and right is bounded, and through the effect of assimilation of the two bodies, the tissue cells can travel freely, allowing the fists and legs to attack from any part.

Attack of the Two Devils!

Leng Shuai suddenly thought, “Is this the ability of your subordinate Double Demon Attack?” ”

Leng Shuai suddenly asked, which surprised the big snake pill.

Then he nodded and said with a smile: “It’s not a senior, you can see through it at a glance.” ”

The big snake pill really added the blood succession limit of the double demon attack to this body, to be precise, it optimized the double demon attack after it.

Because Hei Jue gave a large number of organs, the big snake pill had enough test equipment.

Therefore, he actually made two bodies in the end.

This was not something he did at random, because it was the existence of the Twin Devils Attack that he did it.

With the heart of the immortal body taken out by Hei Jue, and another heart from the strong man of the Vortex clan with strong vitality, two bodies were created respectively.

The optimized Double Demon Attack can completely allow one body to exist in the form of cells and the other body!

The move of the super jade spiral shuriken just now really shattered the big snake pill.

But that was only one of the bodies, and because the other body was cellularized, it escaped this deadly attack.

And not only that, after recovering the body, the big snake pill even used the current body to perform the big snake flow substitute technique, and the body that was destroyed was directly restored again.

To put it simply, in the current state of the big snake pill, it seems to be Xiaoqiang who can’t be killed.

Unless it is a complete destruction at one time, his two bodies, otherwise, with the special nature of these two bodies, the big snake pill can completely recover at any time.

Although this will consume a lot of Chakra, it is unfortunate that the current big snake pill does not seem to lack Chakra.

Because of the characteristics of his two hearts, not only makes his vitality vigorous, but also because of his vigorous vitality, the recovery ability has become extremely rapid.

It’s just that for a while, the Chakra he had just consumed has actually recovered a seven-seven-eight-eight.

This is simply a real Xiaoqiang!


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Hokage I am the most handsome

Hokage I am the most handsome

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