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Hokage I am the most handsome — Chapter 270

The illusion hit the target, and Leng Shuai asked very skillfully.

That’s right, he subconsciously wanted to swipe the gift bag.

The strength of the big tube of Mokpo is not weak, but Leng Shuai wants to know if the other party can let him brush the biggest gift package of ‘my most handsome’.

That is, the Super Invincible Grand Pack.

But Oto-mokpo-style didn’t respond at all, but looked at it a little confused.

“Uh, seems to have forgotten.”

Leng Shuai suddenly remembered something, and then looked at the big tube of Mokpo-style and said: “My name is Leng Shuai, so you should say very handsome!” ”

Well, it’s straightforward.

The azure blue brilliance of his eyes is slightly bright, and the cold and handsome Chakra has not recovered much, but controlling the large tube of Mokpo style is barely able to do.

Because the big tube of Mokpo is now very weak, and he is still seriously injured, this makes Leng Shuai easily interfere with him with the power of illusion.

“You… Very…… Very handsome. ”

Finally, Otomupo-style stammered.

Then, Leng Shuai rightfully heard a system prompt.

“Congratulations to the host Leng Shuai for winning the title of the special character ‘I am the most handsome’, completing the fifth stage of the daily task ‘I am handsome every day’, and getting a ‘My Most Handsome’ super invincible gift package.”

Aha, it’s done!

Leng Shuai’s eyes lit up sharply, but his heart was a little excited.

Finally, let me finally brush out a super invincible package!

And this excitement made the big tube of Mokpo recover and directly break free from Leng Shuai’s illusion.

But even if he broke free from Leng Shuai’s illusion, there was no good result for the Datu Mokpo style.

Because he is now in a state of serious injury, he can’t use a trace of strength.

“You actually dare to use illusion on me?”

Coming back to his senses, he was extremely angry, although he was controlled by Leng Shuai’s illusion.

But Oto-Mokpo-style is actually quite sober, at least he knows what he just did.

“Hey, for your sake, I asked me to brush out the first ‘Super Invincible Grand Package’, I can make your death easier.”

Leng Shuai smiled slightly, he was in a good mood.

“Let me die easier?”

Datu Mokpo-style smiled coldly, although he didn’t know what super invincible gift package Leng Shuai had in his mouth.

But he heard clearly, Leng Shuai planned to kill him.

As if knowing that he couldn’t escape, Datu Mokpo-style eyes flashed, and sneered: “Leng Shuai, right?” Don’t be proud, I’ve already informed my people that you can’t leave here now. ”

“Wait, when they arrive, it will be your time to die, and you will soon give me a burial.”

Otsuki Mokpo-style laughed, and then, with a shock to his body, he actually planned to blow himself up.

It was not to attack Leng Shuai, but he wanted to completely blow up his body and prevent Leng Shuai from getting the power that belonged to him.

Whether it was the white eyes of the Six Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye that he could transform at will, or the bloodline of the Datumu clan on his body, it was extremely important.

Otsuki Mokpo-style doesn’t want to cheapen him.

However, Leng Shuai seemed to have anticipated this for a long time, and in the moment before the big tube of Mokpo-style move, Leng Shuai made a move one step ahead.

With a stretch of his finger, Leng Shuai’s index finger stretched out to face the big tube of Mokpo-style.

“Corpse bone vein, one finger through the bullet.”

A small index finger phalange, instantly protruding from Leng Shuai’s index finger, and then flew towards the big tube of Mokpo style.


The forehead of the big tube of Mokpo was directly penetrated by this finger bone, and he died instantly, and the action of self-explosion immediately stopped.

Although Leng Shuai didn’t transplant the mind of the big tube of Mokpo-style eyes, he couldn’t, that could be used by others!

And most importantly, with the presence of the Datumupu-style body, he was completely able to extract the pure bloodline power of the Datumu clan from his body by scientific means.

It is very easy to cultivate people who are suitable for transplanting large barrel Mokpo-style eyes.

Even the materials used to study the bloodline power of the Datumu clan, the body of the Datumupu style is still extremely advanced.

In any case, this is a treasure.

This is not to mention his six-hook jade reincarnation eye, although Leng Shuai does not care, but others are different.


Recalling the words before the death of Datu Mokpo, Leng Shuai’s heart moved.

Is it called?

Is it the Otsuki Gold Style and the Otsuki Peach Style?

If nothing else, it would be them.

“Tube-wood peach style vs. Tube-wood gold style?”

Leng Shuai touched his chin with a pensive face, judging from the super invincible gift bag brushed out of the big tube of Mokpo-style.

It seems that it can also be regarded as a six-level strength for the Otsukipo style.

However, the strength of the six-level of the big tube of Mokpo seems to be a little moisture.

But in fact, the strength of the Otsu Mokpo style is very strong.

At this stage, the strength of the Datu Mokpo-style is already the realm of the new era of the original work.

You must know that in the new era, in the face of the enemy of the Otsukipo-style, Sasuke and Aira joined forces to confront him.

But it was still released by the red light fishing rod by the Otsukipo style, and the red chakra fishing line and hook were instantly fished away by Sasuke’s chakra.

He switched his eyes to red Rokugoku Jade Reincarnation Eye and released Huangizumi Hirazaka to suck Sasuke into the alien space.

Sasuke in the new era, even if he does not have the power of the six paths, but with his six hook jade reincarnation eyes, plus more than ten years of cultivation after the four battles, he has already given his strength a six-level combat power.

At that time, Naruto, the fairy fox mode that fused with the immortal mode and the nine-tailed mode, although it could not allow him to have the power of the six immortal modes.

But it’s also a real six-level level!

In fact, Naruto and Sasuke in the new era are both able to face the combat power of Rokudō Obito alone.

Of course, it is only a confrontation, if you want to defeat, the strength of the two is still a lot worse.

In the face of the Otsukipo style, the new era of Sasuke is not an opponent.

Therefore, the Datu Mokpo style does indeed have a six-level combat power.

Therefore, it is also a matter of course to be able to brush out a super invincible gift package.

But Leng Shuai didn’t think of this for a while, and he thought about it at the moment, although the big tube of Mokpo style brushed out a super invincible gift bag.

But this gave him the feeling as if there was some moisture.

“Shouldn’t this be, it’s not very good, right?”

Looking at the system attribute interface in front of him, Leng Shuai’s eyes showed a trace of suspicion.

“Well, forget it, how much is a super invincible package, even if it is no matter how garbage, it is better than the super package!”

With such a thought, Leng Shuai chose to open the gift package.

Because I always feel that this gift bag has some moisture, and borrowing it without the help of something, it seems to be the same.

“Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the ‘My Most Handsome’ Super Invincible Gift Pack and obtaining…”


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Hokage I am the most handsome

Hokage I am the most handsome

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