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I am the younger brother of Superman, but I got the template of Thanos — Chapter 208 Bug, you are provoking an existence you don’t understand

The city was in chaos, with thousands of people crying and shouting. Although all demonoids had been cleared from the sky above the metropolis, many casualties and tragedies had been caused in just a short period of time.


David wanted to know what Clark meant by this.

“Submit to His Majesty Darkseid and feel honored to be able to implement his will!”

Clark yelled and punched, blasting the air with force.

Controlled by Darkseid’s intrusion into the mind, Clark became stronger, like a ferocious beast, attacking ferociously with all his strength without any scruples.


But his strength is still far behind David.

The two fists collided in one place, and was overwhelmed by the overwhelming force. Clark flew upside down at a faster speed, like a giant finger in the sky carving a thick ravine on the ground.

Clark felt severe pain everywhere on his body, and his bones seemed to have been shattered by the punch. He looked up with difficulty, his eyes still fierce.

Just got up to attack again.

A rope like lightning flew over and wrapped around his waist.

Almost at the same time, several rays of green light wrapped around his body and turned into heavy chains, together with several huge nails trying to pin him to the ground.


The chain was stretched so hard that it vibrated.

In the sky, Green Lantern Hal Jordan tried hard to grab the hand with the light ring, and Diana seemed to be pulling an angry bull, and her two strong thighs were forced to plow the hard asphalt road.

Just when Clark was about to rush in front of David, a powerful gravity field came, causing his body to sink. His forward movement was suddenly stopped, and then he was pulled hard.

The body that was flying like a cannonball stopped and only caused a wave of air to spread away.

There was only a few dozen centimeters before the two of them collided face to face. David was suspended in the air, looking at Clark who had a mental problem, not knowing how to restore him.

“He looked like he was being controlled.”

With the sound of steel colliding, Batman fell from the sky wearing a Fenrir mecha.

“What to do?”

Apokolips is attacking again, and no one in the world is spared. Batman, Cyborg, and Wonder Woman rush to Metropolis where an abnormal gravity index erupts in the sky, knowing that David should be here.

To be honest, David didn’t have a good idea. He raised his palms and looked at Clark who couldn’t communicate.

“I didn’t want to do this, Clark, you made my parents worried, so I can only give it a try first!”

The next second, the light of kryptonite radiation enveloped Clark.

Clark’s skin turned pale, and he instantly felt the pain of a scorching sun burning his body. Veins bulged on his neck and forehead. He fell uncontrollably, lost all his superpowers, and was captured by gravity.

His eyes widened and he lay helpless on the ground, and some pitiful screams could be heard far away.

David moves closer, bringing the kryptonite radiation closer.

Clark’s consciousness was blurred by the pain, but his expression gradually became less fierce. After a few seconds, he looked as if he had been fished out of the water. His skin was pale and his body was wet with sweat.

“Pain can wake you up.”

Seeing the darkness and ferocity in Clark’s eyes gradually disappear, David asked.

“Do you feel like your true self is back?”

“But…it’s okay.”

Stimulated by the huge pain, Clark shook his head vigorously, feeling that the darkness in his heart had left him, and raised a hand with difficulty to signal.

Darkseid’s forte is not mind control. He only takes advantage of Clark’s dramatic emotional ups and downs, and his control over him is not that unbreakable.

Seeing Clark recover and put away the kryptonite radiation simulated by the light ring, David stretched out his hand to pull the weak man up from the ground and looked towards the North Pole.

Now Clark’s problem is solved.

“Go and bask in the sun. There is going to be a fierce battle. If what I predict is correct, Darkseid has come to Earth with his minions to conquer the world for him.”

While talking, Firestorm, Elemental Girl, Hawkgirl, Flash, and Arthur also came from a distance.

“Be careful, he…he is very powerful.”

Sweat made strands of hair form on his forehead, Clark reminded.

“I was overpowered with almost no resistance.”

In fact, David doesn’t need anyone to emphasize to him how powerful Darkseid is.

He is the one who knows the strength of Darkseid best among all the people present. He is the most powerful new god in the universe. His armies have conquered countless worlds. Some people describe him as the darkness of the universe, and everything is destroyed wherever he goes. In despair.

Facing that dark lord, one cannot be too dignified.

“When we go to Paradise Island and Atlantis, Darkseid will definitely send people there, and we must prevent the people he sends from getting the mother box.”

David said solemnly.

“The three Mother Boxes can clean the earth together. Darkseid needs the power of the Mother Boxes to completely activate the anti-life equation hidden on the earth.”

Although he has no interest in ruling the universe, he has looked for the power that can make all living things surrender on the earth before, but unfortunately he has not found it.

“The anti-life equation is not simply inscribed on the surface of the earth. It requires strong and appropriate power to activate it. The power of Darkseid and the Mother Box can be used, but my power cannot…”

David guessed that he didn’t have enough ‘anti-life’ power to elicit the anti-life equation.

However, after obtaining the Phoenix Power, he has not tried it again, and he is not sure whether the surface of the earth must be destroyed in order for the entire Anti-Life Equation to manifest.

“Paradise Island?”

Diana was shocked: “No, mother and the others are in danger.”

“Wonder Woman, we can go with you to your hometown to support you.” Elemental Girl immediately proposed.

“Split your troops into two groups and provide support as soon as possible.”

Suspended in the air, David motioned to everyone.

“What about you? What do you do?”

Batman hears that David doesn’t plan to go with them and is leaving now.

“The Mother Box is necessary for Kalibak and others, but not for Darkseid.

I went to the North Pole to find Darkseid. “

David clenched his fists.

“With his power, it is possible that he can clean the surface of the earth without the power of the Mother Box. If he can’t stand the temptation of the anti-life equation at hand, and takes action directly, the whole world will be in danger.”

Just as he was speaking, Clark came back from the sky. He replenished his energy within a few seconds of reaching the surface of the sun and returned to Earth with full energy. With his cape floating behind his back, he made a serious statement.

“I will go with you.”

David did not refuse. The earth is currently facing an unprecedented dangerous situation. Perhaps Clark can unleash his potential and be the only one among these people who can help him.

“Transcendent, Superman, be careful.”

The situation is imminent, and everyone knows that among the three separate groups, David and Clark have the heaviest tasks.

If they fail to protect the Mother Box, nothing may happen to the earth, but if the Transcendent and Superman, especially the Transcendent, fail, no one can stop Darkseid.

“Please.” Batman’s voice was heavy and he looked at David emphatically.

Clark knew that this was mainly meant for David. He had personally experienced the power of Darkseid. David was the only one on earth who could fight against Darkseid.

“There’s not much time left, let’s go.”

David and Clark rush to the North Pole as fast as they can.

On Paradise Island, a huge aircraft landed.

In the spaceship, the kind grandmother walked down with the Nemesis team she had trained. She faced the Amazons who came on horseback to set up a battle formation, holding a steel rod and pointing at Hippolyta.

“Amazonians, hand over our Mother Boxes from Apokolips.”

Behind her, Rashina, who was wearing a tight-fitting black leather jacket and had a fierce expression, was holding a long whip with flashing electric light in her hand. Bernard, who looked middle-aged and was wearing green court clothes, had a sinister temperament and was holding a flaming laser dagger.

There was also Zhong Tiao, who was as tall as an elephant and as strong as an elephant. He clenched his fists and let out a terrifying war cry, making the war horses frightened and uneasy.

Harriet looked crazy and bloodthirsty, with long dark green hair, and his hands were equipped with sharp claws that shone with a cold light. Finally, Gilotino looked indifferent and held a sword, like an emotionless killing machine.

“The enemy from outside is attacking again!”

Hippolyta glanced at these people, her brows furrowed, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The feeling that everyone here gives her is no less than that of the most powerful legendary warrior in the history of the Amazons, or even worse.

“The Mother Box, I will never let you take it away!” She shouted solemnly.

“Kill, kill them all!”

The sharp and vicious voice of the kind grandmother sounded, and at her order, the members of the Nemesis team led the demon-like army to fight out one after another.


Over the city of the underwater kingdom, Desaad stepped on a flying disc with an arrogant expression. The protective shield around his body excluded tens of thousands of tons of sea water. He waved his hand to let the army of demonoids equipped with underwater propulsion devices behind him launch a charge.

“Destroy this city and find our Mother Box.”

He didn’t even bother to communicate with the underwater races of this backward planet.

Mela, her father Nereus and the warriors of Atlantis stood ready.

“Charge!” Nereus shouted, brandishing his spear, and under his leadership, a group of Atlantean warriors riding sharks, dolphins and giant seahorses rushed out.

“Destroy these dirty bugs invading the bottom of the sea!”

Over the North Pole, two figures came quickly one after the other.

“How did the Arctic become like this?”

Looking at the unrecognizable Arctic continent, Clark’s expression changed drastically.

What was once a world of ice and snow is now filled with lava flowing everywhere, and poisonous gas with the smell of sulfur is spewing out from the cracks in the ground.

“Obviously someone didn’t like the environment that was there.”

David looked towards the location of the Fortress of Solitude, where a tall and intimidating figure stood on the ground with his hands behind his hands, his cold eyes already locked on them.

“Did you kill my son? I remember you were called the Transcendent by the people on this planet?”

Darkseid, who was standing on the ground, looked at David and David, not caring about Clark who had escaped his control. It was as if he was looking at two insects flying in the air that could be crushed at any time. The red light belonging to the Omega effect in his eyes was bright. rise.

“You seem so arrogant that no one can defeat you, Darkseid!”

Looking at Darkseid, who looked cold and arrogant from head to toe, David spoke coldly.

“After today, your son may not be the only one who dies at my hands!”

“Insect, you are provoking an existence you don’t understand.”

The stupid guy told him to be careful about his life. Darkseid sneered slowly, and then the omega beams shot out fiercely in his eyes!

“After you are turned into a charred corpse by my Omega power, I will keep your skull as a foot mat under my throne to commemorate my dead son!”


I am the younger brother of Superman, but I got the template of Thanos

I am the younger brother of Superman, but I got the template of Thanos

Status: Completed Author:


Batman: "You can't deny that your brother Superman attracted Zod. The battle between the two almost destroyed half of Metropolis. Countless people died in that disaster - just look at the list of victims that is enough to inundate people. What?"
David: "He's adopted."
The Flash: "Why don't you stand up and lead the heroes on the front line to protect the world like your brother."
David: "I don't have the power he does."
Wonder Woman: "You mean Superman was punched away by Darkseid, and you went up and beat the Dark Lord down with a set of military punches?"

Traveling through the DC world, David found that he had become the newborn son of Superman's adoptive parents, and received the Thanos template at birth.
And as long as it affects the emotions of plot characters, it can accelerate the integration of templates and open new templates?
Hyperion template - loading, Million Star Sentinels template - loading!
Celestial Tribe Judge Alithem Template, Complete Phoenix Force Template, Golden Planet Devourer Template...


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