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I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot — Chapter 010

【There were sharp barbs on the six claws of the zombie, which pierced into Wu Tianzhen’s flesh, causing him to cry in pain.】

【Seeing this, the previously silent Menyou Pingzi on the boat quickly jumped into the water, and like lightning, the long fingers of his right hand poked at the back of the corpse lying on Wu Tianzhen’s face!】

【puff! No one knew how powerful he was, but they saw these two fingers piercing the big corpse cricket’s back like piercing tofu. The next moment, Menyou Pingping pulled out his hand, and a strip of white stuff like vermicelli was pierced by him. Two fingers pulled it out】

【The corpse lying on Wu Tianzhen’s face was unable to move in less than a second. Wu Tianzhen threw it onto the boat, gasping for air, and looked at the stuffy oil bottle gratefully.】

【Wu Tianzhen and Pan Zi got on the boat first, followed by Menyou Ping. After confirming that they were safe and sound, they turned over and boarded the boat neatly.】

【At this time, Wu Sansheng stared at the motionless corpse on the boat and was fascinated.】

【Wu Tianzhen and Pan Zi were in the water just now, and they were in a hurry. They didn’t notice at all that there was a string of hexagonal bells made of bronze hanging from the tail of the corpse cricket!】

【The dark wind blew, the bell swayed slightly, and that mysterious sound that made people feel confused sounded again!】

【Only then did everyone realize that the strange noise they heard just now was actually coming from the hexagonal bell on the tail of the corpse cricket!】

【Pan Zi was upset when he heard this. He raised his foot and crushed the bell hard!】

【The third uncle was very angry:”This bell must be a treasure, but you ruined it like this!”】

【Wu Sansheng was about to get angry when he saw a large green centipede falling out of the broken hexagonal bell. Green juice with a pungent smell was continuously flowing out of the centipede’s body, which looked extremely disgusting.】

【After looking carefully, the third uncle came to the conclusion:”This is actually a symbiotic system!”】

【”The hollow ball where the centipede is located is connected to the belly of the corpse cricket. When it is hungry, it can get into the belly of the corpse cricket to eat. The corpse cricket can also use it to shake the bell and turn the unlucky eggs that enter the hole into corpses and food. , this bell is very evil and can confuse the mind. I think everyone who entered the cave before fell into it!”】

【The third uncle was still talking about his speculation, but Menyouping waved his hand to signal everyone to be silent.】

【Mengyou Ping pointed ahead, and three groups of will-o’-the-wisps flickering with faint green light were looming.】

【The place where corpses are accumulated is just ahead!】

【As the boat slowly glides and turns a corner, the space in front of the cave suddenly opens up and changes from narrow to huge.】

【In the entire huge cave chamber, the water channel under everyone is not deep enough to spread to the shoals on both sides of the huge cave.】

【There are piles of rotting corpses emitting green fluorescence on the shoal. The corpses are covered with countless corpses of various sizes!】

【Although these cor

pse crickets are not as big as the hexagonal bells on the people’s ship, the important thing is that they are extremely numerous! It’s scary to watch!】

【There are rotting corpses near the water, and mountains of white bones are piled up in the deep shallows. Above these bones, there are flickering will-o’-the-wisps, which is extremely penetrating!】

【”Look, there’s a coffin there!”Dakui’s trembling voice reminded everyone. They looked in the direction he said. Sure enough, someone had placed a crystal coffin with wooden stakes on the cave wall. There was also a female corpse in the coffin!】

【At the same time, on the other side of the cave wall opposite to this coffin, there was also a crystal coffin. The strange thing was that the female corpse in it was missing!】


In the huge National Center for the Performing Arts studio.

Silence fell.

The cheerful atmosphere just now was gone.

Lin Yi made them smile knowingly, as if it was a gift.

And in the blink of an eye, the pen turned and the rhythm suddenly accelerated.

Things are heading towards the worst case scenario!

“Damn it! I feel so cold on my back now!”

“This place where corpses are accumulated is so annoying. Why did he describe it in such detail?!”

“Ahhhh, I hate bugs the most. There are so many corpse crickets. If I were on the boat, I would choose a dog leash on the spot!”

“Do you think I’m cheap? I’m obviously timid and timid, but I just really like watching this kind of curious, suspenseful, and thrilling stuff!”

“But this contestant’s writing is so good, but I’m timid and want to read it. My family, who knows!!”

“Me me me! I know! Me too, I’m scared and want to watch it!”

“Take me one!”

“Me too!”

“How do I feel, the big one is coming!”

The big one is indeed coming!

Lin Yi coded at a very fast speed, and soon line after line of words continued to appear on the big screen.

【The direction of the river changed, and we turned a corner. After Da Kui let out a loud cry, we all collapsed on the boat, foaming at the mouth.】

【The biting wind blew, and when we took a closer look, we saw a female body dressed in white appearing directly in front of the bow. At this moment, she was facing away from everyone.】

【Wu Tianzhen’s eyes were sharp. Although he was extremely frightened, he still deduced the”year” of the female corpse from its clothing.”】


【He swallowed and said to Wu Sansheng:”Uncle San, this female corpse is at least from the Western Zhou Dynasty!”】

【Wu Sansheng was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and said:”Pan Zi, help me take out the 1923 black donkey’s hoof!”】

【”This rice dumpling is difficult to deal with!!”】…………………………………………………………….

10 updates completed!

My hands are sore, my eyes are dazzled, and I am very tired!

The author is almost a middle-aged uncle. He has been typing for a long time. Today, he has almost 20,000 words. He is really overwhelmed.

I went to bed, considering how hard I worked.

Isn’t it too much to ask for a monthly pass, some flowers, and some evaluation votes?

As long as the data is strong and everyone surprises me, I will also surprise everyone!

I will update ten times tomorrow!


I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

Status: Ongoing


When he woke up, Lin Yi found that he had become a rising star in the screenwriting world and was participating in a global proposition creation competition!

The show is very popular across the country, with tens of millions of people following it!

Proposition: Folk crafts! Lin Yi took out “Stealing Pen” with his backhand!

Netizens commented: “Good guy, this is too much punishment. What kind of tomb robbing is your folk craft??”

When the story really unfolded, everyone couldn’t stop, and tens of millions of viewers collectively urged for more updates!

“How long have you lived, little brother? What is behind the bronze door!”

“Please! Write quickly!”


Proposition: Dragon Slaying Technique! Lin Yi took out “Morning of Fire”!

“Fuck, others are writing about dragon slaying in historical dramas, but you are really slaying a dragon!!”

“Mixed race, Yan Ling’s setting is so touching, write it quickly!!”

Proposition: One person is inferior and ten thousand people are superior! Lin Yi directly took out Wang Zha – “Under the Stranger”!

“Fuck, others are writing about eunuchs, why don’t you write about cultivating immortals? It’s a homophone, right? Deduct your money!!”

Lin Yi: Just tell me whether it fits the theme or not!


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