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I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot — Chapter 039

The host on stage suddenly received a notification from the chief director Hu Li in his headset.

He listened to Hu Li’s instructions in astonishment, then picked up the microphone and said,”Judges and teachers, do you have any questions to ask?”

All the judges, including Guo Xiaosi, who was now livid and ashamed.

No one wanted to ask questions anymore.

The host said:”Our program team thought that not only the judges and teachers may have questions to ask contestant Lin Yi, but also the audience may also want to interact with contestant Lin Yi.”

“So we want to randomly select a lucky audience member and ask a question to contestant Lin Yi. Of course, contestant Lin Yi, you don’t have to answer. It’s all up to you. What do you think?”

Lin Yi nodded. He couldn’t live up to the enthusiasm of his fans. He just answered a question, and he wouldn’t lose a piece of meat.

Soon, the program team drew a lucky winner.

A girl stood up from the audience, under the spotlight , she was very excited

“Beauty, do you have anything you want to ask contestant Lin Yi?”

The girl took the microphone given by the staff, suppressed her excitement, and asked:”Hello, Teacher Lin Yi! I’m a fan of your work! I like Qixinglu Palace so much. The story you wrote is so wonderful!!”

“I also particularly like the character of the oil bottle in your works, but now judging from the plot you have released, I feel that the little brother has ulterior motives. I am very worried when I think of this, and it is very heart-breaking. Can you give me a little more advice? Let’s spoiler, is this guy good or bad? Really, please, I want to know so much. If I don’t understand this, I can’t sleep at night!”

The girl finished her words tremblingly.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room was also crazy.

“Damn it!! Beauty, great question!!!”

“I fucking want to know too!!”

“Ahhhhh, little brother is my favorite character, he is handsome and safe, don’t be a villain, I won’t be able to sleep!”

“Lin Shen, please, at least don’t hide this, and give us an accurate answer!! Lin

Yi chuckled:”Thanks to this friend for asking. I also like the character Zhang Qilin very much.”……”Halfway through, Lin Yi remembered.

In the progress of the story I wrote, the brother’s real name has not been revealed yet.

I kind of accidentally revealed the little brother’s name!

Sure enough, the next moment the whole place was in an uproar.

Countless people started discussing it!

Lin Yi was also free and easy, and continued:”It seems that I accidentally said Menyou Ping’s real name, but it doesn’t matter, it has to be announced anyway, his real name is Zhang Qilin”

“As for whether he is a villain, well, let me tell you the basic character of the little brother, and you should have a basic judgment.”

“Silent and few words, cold on the outside and hot on the inside”

“Perseverance, fearlessness, calmness and wisdom”

“Mysterious whereabouts, maverick”

“Silent dedication, pure kindness”

“Dare to take responsibility and

save people from fire and water”

“Repay evil with kindness and respect life.”

Every time Lin Yi said something, the audience screamed.

At the end, the female fan who stood up to ask questions almost fainted with joy!

Then the audience cheered one after another!

The barrage in the live broadcast room, It’s even more terrifying, like the waves

“Lin Shen!!! you! yes! I! of! god!!!”

“Ahhhhh, I cried to death, I am relieved, I am finally fucking relieved!!”

“Damn, this character has no chance of being bad, right?! What the hell kind of fairy character is this!!”

“Cold on the outside and hot on the inside! I naively think that he is a stuffy person, he just doesn’t talk much, he just doesn’t know how to express his feelings!!!”

“What touched me the most was Lin Shen’s last comment!”

“Repaying evil with kindness and respecting life, what kind of fucking qualities can only a little angel have! How could such a person be a bad guy, how could he be a villain!”

“I declare now that as long as Lin Shen’s book is published, or made into a movie or TV set, I will be a die-hard fan and I will definitely buy it without hesitation!!!”

“Please, take my money, my money is for Lin Shen’s work!!”

“I can fucking declare right now, even if I have only read the first volume, I will say that Lin Shen’s work is a masterpiece!!!!”

The atmosphere in the studio has completely reached a climax.

Lin Yi’s fans are going crazy.

In the judges’ seat, except for Xiaosi, the other nine people also nodded to Lin Yi frequently with smiles.

No. You need to watch the plot.

Just from the character design of the little brother revealed by Lin Yi, you can know how brilliant this character design is.

This is definitely a top-notch character design!

The interview is over.

Lin Yi suddenly feels that he is motivated again He continued to code.

After all, when he knew that the judges had called him over for an interview, he was actually a little panicked.

After all, the Golden Pen Nib Creation Competition is a competition officially supported by Longguo.

The subject he wrote can only be called a punishment..

Before coming, Lin Yi was even prepared to be stopped by the program team and the judging panel.

Who knew that now it seems that this work has exploded in popularity among the audience, and the judges are also very optimistic about it!

Lin Yi had a simple lunch, Return to the creative room.

Turn on the computer and start working!

There is no hesitation in his heart, and the speed of coding is naturally faster. Within 20 days, he can write the entire stolen pen, and it feels like it is not impossible!…………………………………………………………….

New book by an old author!

Updated, quality guaranteed!

Please give me flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes~!

The more data you have, the more powerful the addition will be!!

I pray for every flower and every vote, which is the motivation for the little author to update!!

Thank you very much, readers!!!


I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

Status: Ongoing


When he woke up, Lin Yi found that he had become a rising star in the screenwriting world and was participating in a global proposition creation competition!

The show is very popular across the country, with tens of millions of people following it!

Proposition: Folk crafts! Lin Yi took out “Stealing Pen” with his backhand!

Netizens commented: “Good guy, this is too much punishment. What kind of tomb robbing is your folk craft??”

When the story really unfolded, everyone couldn’t stop, and tens of millions of viewers collectively urged for more updates!

“How long have you lived, little brother? What is behind the bronze door!”

“Please! Write quickly!”


Proposition: Dragon Slaying Technique! Lin Yi took out “Morning of Fire”!

“Fuck, others are writing about dragon slaying in historical dramas, but you are really slaying a dragon!!”

“Mixed race, Yan Ling’s setting is so touching, write it quickly!!”

Proposition: One person is inferior and ten thousand people are superior! Lin Yi directly took out Wang Zha – “Under the Stranger”!

“Fuck, others are writing about eunuchs, why don’t you write about cultivating immortals? It’s a homophone, right? Deduct your money!!”

Lin Yi: Just tell me whether it fits the theme or not!


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