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I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot — Chapter 049

“It’s really awesome. This is still an undersea shipwreck tomb. Can the mechanisms and expansions inside it be as good as this?”

“Don’t underestimate the wisdom of the ancients! Let’s not say that this is a novel and we shouldn’t delve into it. In reality, there are actually many architectural miracles that we cannot fully explain with science and technology!”

“I’m convinced, why is it that Tianzhen is so awesome every time he enters the tomb? It’s no small matter!”

“It’s so funny, other people’s novice dungeons always pick simple ones, but naively it’s a dungeon like Qixing Luwang Palace. It’s a miracle that I can survive!”

【Menyouping listened to Wu Tianzhen’s analysis and nodded:”This is indeed the most reasonable explanation.”】

【Fatty:”So that’s it, Comrade Xiao Wu, you still have a clue, so doesn’t it mean that we only have to go back to the corridor and tinker with it to get the elevator to take us back to where we came from?””】

【Fatty’s analysis made some sense. Together, the three of them walked into the corridor again.】

【However, as soon as they entered the corridor, the fat man cursed:”What a fucking evil door!” Wu Tianzhen looked behind him and found that when they entered the corridor before, the jade gate at the end of the corridor was gone and replaced by another one. Shining a flashlight into a tomb, there was a coffin made of top-quality golden nanmu placed in the center of the tomb!】

【Wu Tianzhen only thought it was ridiculous. The tomb chamber looked like just a side chamber. Which tomb owner would put such a precious coffin in the side chamber? Then the coffin in the main tomb chamber must not be made of pure gold?】

【Coupled with the multi-layer design and the corridors that can be moved at any time, this means that the Feng Shui position of the tomb itself will be disrupted at any time, and there are many traps set up in the tomb corridors, but the ones placed there will not kill people. Lotus Arrow, what on earth does he want to do?】

【The fat man’s eyes widened when he saw the golden nanmu coffin. Wu Tianzhen knew what he was thinking. If this coffin could really be taken out, it would be priceless.】

【The three of them walked into the ear room and observed around the coffin. The fat man took out a candle from his bag and looked around, as if looking for directions.】

【Finally, he put down the candle in the northeast corner of the ear room and lit it with a fire stick. Wu Tianzhen curled his lips. He had seen it in his grandfather’s notes.】

【As I said before, there are two factions in inversion fighting: the North and the South. The Southern faction doesn’t have so many rules. If you take the one that stands out, you can run away.】

【But the northern school thinks that inversion fighting is a technical job with many fancy rules. For example, the fat man is preparing to open the coffin.】

【According to the Northern School, when you enter the tomb, before opening the coffin, you should light a candle in the northeast corner of the room. If the candle goes out, the person who touches the gold and pours the bucket should immediately kowtow to the coffin and then retreat, because People light candles, ghosts blow out lamps】

【Extinguishing the candle means that the being in the coffin does not wa

nt him to be disturbed. If the coffin is forced to be opened at this time, it will be punished by God.】

“Is Lin Shen’s family really a family of tomb robbers?”

“He really knows too much, and this rule is novel and reasonable at the same time!”

“Strictly investigate the three generations of ancestors!!”

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site: https://novelsknight.com///)

“People light candles, ghosts blow out lamps! In just six words, the rules of the tomb robber business are summed up, awesome!”

【”Oh my god!”As soon as the candle was lit, the fat man in the corner screamed. Wu Tianzhen turned around and saw the mummy of a cat next to the fat man, where the candle was burning.】

【The dead cat was very big, with two eye holes staring straight at everyone, its jaw opened, revealing a row of fangs, and it looked a bit sinister.】

【The fat man kicked the dead cat away, returned to the coffin, and prepared to open the coffin. The weird feeling in Wu Tianzhen’s heart became more and more intense.】

【There is a cat in the tomb, so isn’t the owner of the tomb afraid of raising the body? It feels like he is operating completely according to the opposite of the rules. He will put whatever is not allowed in the tomb!】

【”This is a corpse coffin.”Menyoupin suddenly made a judgment. At this time, the fat man’s crowbar had already reached into the gap of the coffin and pushed open the coffin lid,”What? What coffin?”】

【The next moment, the coffin lid was completely opened, and a stream of rancid black water emerged from it. Wu Tianzhen covered his mouth and nose, and saw that the coffin was full of black water, with mist lingering on it, and a layer of white mist floating on it. Under the corpse oil, you can vaguely see several limbs intertwined together. I don’t know if they are arms or legs.】

【It seems that this is not just one person stacked in the coffin, they have even been glued together to form a huge corpse. You can count as many as 12 on your hands!】

【When Menyou Ping saw this scene, his expression relaxed. Wu Tianzhen noticed this detail and felt a little relieved. It was estimated that there was no danger.】

【The fat man said:”It’s too tragic. These bones should have been broken all over their bodies before they were born, and then they were made into a pile of corpses and buried alive. The little brother is right, this is to nourish the body and hide the corpse!””】

“vomit!! too disgusting!”

“Lin Shen is good at everything, but these things are written in too much detail.……”

“I was fucking eating and now I vomited it all out!”

“Please, please stop writing in such detail. I can’t bear the overwhelming visual sense!”

【Standing beside the coffin, Menyouping suddenly seemed to remember something and his eyes became brighter. He shook his head and overturned the fat man’s theory:”This is not a corpse, there is only one person in it!”】……………………………………………………………………….

There will be another update later!

Although the evaluation votes did not reach 500.

But I guess all readers have worked hard and lost it, so I am very satisfied!

Therefore, Qiupeng promises that it will not change!

In addition, thank you all for your monthly votes and rewards!

And the unknown boss who gave more than 10,000 to 20,000 flowers at once!

Thank you very much!!


I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

Status: Ongoing


When he woke up, Lin Yi found that he had become a rising star in the screenwriting world and was participating in a global proposition creation competition!

The show is very popular across the country, with tens of millions of people following it!

Proposition: Folk crafts! Lin Yi took out “Stealing Pen” with his backhand!

Netizens commented: “Good guy, this is too much punishment. What kind of tomb robbing is your folk craft??”

When the story really unfolded, everyone couldn’t stop, and tens of millions of viewers collectively urged for more updates!

“How long have you lived, little brother? What is behind the bronze door!”

“Please! Write quickly!”


Proposition: Dragon Slaying Technique! Lin Yi took out “Morning of Fire”!

“Fuck, others are writing about dragon slaying in historical dramas, but you are really slaying a dragon!!”

“Mixed race, Yan Ling’s setting is so touching, write it quickly!!”

Proposition: One person is inferior and ten thousand people are superior! Lin Yi directly took out Wang Zha – “Under the Stranger”!

“Fuck, others are writing about eunuchs, why don’t you write about cultivating immortals? It’s a homophone, right? Deduct your money!!”

Lin Yi: Just tell me whether it fits the theme or not!


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