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I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot — Chapter 050

【Just when Wu Tianzhen and Fatty were puzzled, Menyouping nodded at the disgusting corpse in the coffin, and then said:”Look at your head.””】

【Wu Tianzhen held the flashlight, suppressing nausea, and carefully observed the heads of the corpse in the coffin. He did find something strange. There were six heads in total at the top of the corpse, hanging on the torso like grapes, except for the top one. Except for the head that has facial features such as eyes, nose, and mouth, the other five heads have no facial features at all, not even a normal head outline. They are completely like proliferated sarcomas growing there.】

【The arms and legs on the torso are also completely connected to the same torso. There is only one torso from beginning to end. This indeed confirms that Meng Youping’s statement is correct.】

【This is not a corpse formed by multiple people pressed together, but a super deformed man with six heads and twelve hands!】

【”My mother! Is this still a human? This is an insect! If he was born with this deformity, how could he be raised like this?”】

【Menyouping shook his head:”There are no absolutes in everything.””】

【Fatty:”Look, there is a stone slab under this body. There seems to be words engraved on it. Comrade Xiao Wu, let’s go find some utensils to scoop out the water in the coffin and see what’s going on.””】

【Although Wu Tianzhen was a little reluctant, he was still dragged by the fat man back to the place where the spring was, and came to the pile of bottles and cans.】

【Wu Tianzhen leaned down and looked at the prints on the pottery and porcelain. He couldn’t help but be fascinated. There were pictures painted on these jars, and they were actually related to each other!】

【Those people seemed to be building a huge project that was unique in the world. Some were moving stones and some were transporting logs. Looking at it all the way, the scale of this project was probably several times greater than that of the Forbidden City!】

【Wu Tianzhen turned around, wanting to share his findings with the fat man, but saw that the fat man behind him had long disappeared. Wu Tianzhen panicked and ran to the entrance of the corridor in a few steps.】

【But there is no corridor there, only a brick wall made of white marble.】

“Oh haha! Done!”

“Damn it, Tianzhen is going to act alone again!”

【But when God closes a door for you, he will open a window for you. The corridor was sealed, but there was a dark doorway next to it. This doorway had never appeared before. Although Wu Tianzhen was afraid, But I had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk in.】

【Follow the doorway to the end, and a wide tomb appears in front of you. In the center of the entire tomb, there is a huge pool. There is a coffin in the pool, which is made like a basin.】

【Wu Tianzhen pondered for a moment and felt that the place he arrived at should be the right side hall of the entire undersea tomb. Normally, there would be no coffins in the side hall, but now there is a

coffin. This coffin was only a custom during the Warring States Period. and customs】

【Why does a coffin from the Warring States Period appear in a Ming Dynasty shipwreck tomb?】

【Wu Tianzhen took out the snake-eyebrow copper fish in his arms. One of them was obtained by his third uncle in this tomb, while the other one was stored in Qixing Lu Palace. Is this a coincidence?】

“This tomb is definitely related to the Lu Palace, right?”

“The Lu Palace dates back to the Warring States Period, but there was a gap of nearly 2,000 years. The builder of this tomb is absolutely extraordinary!”

【Wu Tianzhen was in a state of confusion. When he shined his flashlight on the wall of the side hall, he suddenly saw a painting that was almost the same as the scenes carved on the previous ceramics.】

【It was a man wearing the clothes of a Ming Dynasty official, standing on a mountain, looking at the giant fortifications below. Wu Tianzhen majored in architecture at university.

【At this moment, I suddenly remembered some knowledge about the Ming Dynasty in the architectural history class. There were very few skilled craftsmen in the early Ming Dynasty. Looking at the specifications of this tomb, it must be a person with a prominent status who is qualified to enjoy it. Therefore, the person who built this tomb Not only do people have high positions and powerful positions, they also need to know how to find acupoints in Feng Shui.】

【A name soon came to Wu Tianzhen’s mind – Wang Zanghai!】

【This man can be said to be a strange person. The entire Ming Palace was built by him, and countless famous buildings in the history of Long Kingdom also have his participation. It is said that Shen Wansan’s underwater tomb was also built by him. I am also a master of Feng Shui metaphysics, and even has a book handed down to the world. Thinking about it this way, the owner of this undersea tomb could not be him, right?】


【Suddenly, a series of bubbles appeared in the pool. When Wu Tianzhen shined his flashlight, he saw something swimming upwards at a faster speed under the water!】

【He was frightened, and raised the air gun in his hand to prepare to shoot. There were more and more blisters. The next moment, two human heads emerged from the water. One of them was gasping for air. Wu Tianzhen looked carefully and was overjoyed!】

【It turns out to be the fat man!】

【”Damn it! Fatty, I… almost suffocated to death!!”】

【Soon another person climbed out of the water to the shore. It was Men You Ping with a naked upper body. But what puzzled Wu Tianzhen was that he had seen the fire-walking unicorn on Men You Ping before in Qixing Lu Palace. The tattoo disappeared at this moment?】

【”Aren’t you in that tomb? How did you get here?”】…………………………………………………………….

Sixth update completed!

Today is the Winter Solstice. The author hereby wishes everyone a happy Winter Solstice in advance, a happy family reunion, and remember to eat dumplings!


I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

Status: Ongoing


When he woke up, Lin Yi found that he had become a rising star in the screenwriting world and was participating in a global proposition creation competition!

The show is very popular across the country, with tens of millions of people following it!

Proposition: Folk crafts! Lin Yi took out “Stealing Pen” with his backhand!

Netizens commented: “Good guy, this is too much punishment. What kind of tomb robbing is your folk craft??”

When the story really unfolded, everyone couldn’t stop, and tens of millions of viewers collectively urged for more updates!

“How long have you lived, little brother? What is behind the bronze door!”

“Please! Write quickly!”


Proposition: Dragon Slaying Technique! Lin Yi took out “Morning of Fire”!

“Fuck, others are writing about dragon slaying in historical dramas, but you are really slaying a dragon!!”

“Mixed race, Yan Ling’s setting is so touching, write it quickly!!”

Proposition: One person is inferior and ten thousand people are superior! Lin Yi directly took out Wang Zha – “Under the Stranger”!

“Fuck, others are writing about eunuchs, why don’t you write about cultivating immortals? It’s a homophone, right? Deduct your money!!”

Lin Yi: Just tell me whether it fits the theme or not!


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