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I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot — Chapter 057

“This little brother’s analysis is so clear and logical!”

“At present, the logic is consistent, and it may even be what happened at that time!”

“Scheming child, keeps touching your belly!! The famous detective is busy!”

【”After Xie Lianhuan escaped from this ancient tomb, of course he planned to find your third uncle to settle the score. Then he may have found your third uncle, but was killed by him instead. Then your third uncle took his The body was returned to the ship disguised as an accidental death caused by being stuck on a coral reef.”】

【”After that, Wu Sansheng took us all into the undersea tomb for some purpose, or really just to avoid the storm, and then pretended to be possessed by a female ghost and introduced us into the room where the models were placed, and then behind the mirror In the passage, it fascinates us all”】

【”Then what did he do to us, how did we get out, and what happened to the others in the end, I can’t tell. Maybe the others have had their memories wiped out like me.”】

【Wu Tianzhen shook his head:”This doesn’t make sense. Let’s not say that you have no suspicion that Uncle San killed Lian Lian. If Uncle San wanted to prevent this matter from being exposed at all, why didn’t he choose to stun you? If I kill you directly, wouldn’t it be more effective?”】

【Menyouping nodded:”This is also what I can’t figure out.”】

【Fatty also joined in, and the three of them chatted about all the possibilities while resting.】

【The fat man’s nonsense brought a smile to Menyou Ping’s face. Wu Tianzhen looked at him and finally felt that he was starting to look a little more human.】

【It was almost time to rest. The three of them moved forward along the robbery hole dug by Jie Lianhuan. After more than ten minutes, Menyoupin, who was leading the group in front, waved his hand, then put his finger to his lips and made a silent gesture.】

【The fat man came over and was about to ask. Wu Tianzhen quickly covered his mouth, and for a while, the cave became completely quiet.】

【Then Menyou Ping turned off the flashlight. Wu Tianzhen and Fatty did the same. They immediately turned off the flashlight and fell into absolute darkness. Wu Tianzhen remembered that when they were in the Lu Palace, before encountering the blood corpse, Menyou Ping also made them do the same. Hold your breath and don’t speak. There’s probably something dirty nearby.】

【In the darkness, Wu Tianzhen only felt something brushing against his neck, which made him feel itchy. Wu Tianzhen touched it back and touched a wet thing.】

【The thing stuck to his neck, and then he swept it away with a forceful sweep. However, when he stretched out his hand, Wu Tianzhen found that his nails seemed to be stained with the mucus of the wet thing, and the mucus also had a faint smell. the fragrance】

【Just when Wu Tianzhen felt nauseous and rubbed his fingers against the wall of the burglar’s cave, the itching sensation on his neck came again. His heart became angry, and he grabbed the thing on his neck and violently Pull it!】

【However, when Wu Tianzhen came into contact with the mass, he was shocked. Judging from the touch, this wet mass seemed to be human hair! He touched it carefully again and found that the hairs were all tangled together, and they were actually moving in his hands, as if they were living creatures and could be twisted into!】

【Wu Tianzhen remembered that when they were diving down to the tomb, he could not help but find it difficult to breathe, and his whole body fell into panic, but he did not dare to turn on the flashlight. Having experienced face to face with bloody corpses, Wu Tianzhen was convinced that if he dared to flash his flashlight, there might be some surprises waiting for him.】

“Damn it, the forest god’s evil taste!”

“Are you afraid that the monster will stick to you?”

“So naive, he is already familiar with Lin Shen’s routines and has made predictions, 2333333!”

“But it’s still scary. Damn, I’m most afraid of hair. I feel like the monster in this undersea tomb is much scarier than the bloody corpse in Lu Palace!”

【Suddenly a slender hand, wet with water, touched Wu Tianzhen’s face. The hand was cold and the fingernails were very sharp. Wu Tianzhen’s scalp exploded and his whole body trembled. The wet hand followed Wu Tianzhen’s face and closed it. He turned back, and the next moment, the head of the thing in the darkness suddenly came to Wu Tianzhen’s face, and its extremely thick hair swept across his face, making him want to scream.】

【”Who are you.?”】

【Suddenly, a misty female voice came to Wu Tianzhen’s ears. The voice was really soft, but he heard it very clearly. The next moment, the woman’s body came closer and squeezed into Wu Tianzhen’s arms. Slender hands put on his shoulders and hugged his neck】

【Wu Tianzhen shivered instinctively. She felt that this woman was very petite. Her mouth was pressed against Wu Tianzhen’s ear, and her breath was cold. Another soft voice came from the darkness: Please stop.”】

【When Wu Tianzhen heard these words, he felt like he was possessed. Although his hands were still resisting, they didn’t listen to his brain’s orders at all, and subconsciously hugged the woman’s waist. Judging from the touch, Wu Tianzhen discovered that this woman was not wearing anything, and her skin was cold but surprisingly smooth. Wu Tianzhen was confused.】

“Ahem!”At the judges’ table, several judges coughed and looked away from the screen.

They wanted to relieve their embarrassing emotions.

All the audience present also showed strange expressions.

“Is this something I can watch? ?”

“Lin Shen, you drive a serious car, even if you write about Aning, how innocent and interactive with this monster is now, so charming? ?”

“Once you accept this setting…it seems…it’s not impossible…(blushing expression)”

“Damn it, this generation of netizens are really perverted, I declare that you will be expelled!”

【The next moment, Menyou Ping’s flashlight suddenly lit up, and Wu Tianzhen instantly saw the thing in his arms, and the hair on his body stood up!】

【Among the black hair, there is a pale human face. The skin has been soaked in the sea for who knows how many years and has been swollen to a translucent color.】

【The most chilling thing is that there are no whites in the eyes of this thing. The black eyes take up the entire eye frame. At first glance, it looks like a ferocious corpse with its eyes gouged out.】

“What about those brothers who said you could do it just now?”

“Is it still possible now? ?”

“Stop talking, I’m so fucking sick that I’m almost going back to my stomach. I will never have any illusions about Lin Shen’s book anymore!”

“Gan! You were fooled. Lin Shen knows how to describe and writes very well. Don’t write it next time!”

【Wu Tianzhen was so frightened that he almost went crazy. He pushed the monster away and screamed. However, the next moment, everything in front of him disappeared like an illusion. The fat man wondered:”What the hell are you calling, what’s wrong? What’s wrong?””】

【”Ghost, there is a water ghost!!”】

【”Where are the water ghosts? The fat man didn’t believe it, so Wu Tianzhen said,”My neck is still wet!” There’s no water here, feel it and see!”】

【The fat man touched it:”There is really water. Isn’t this your sweat? Is it disgusting to me?”] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The fat man turned to one side, and Wu Tianzhen saw something lying behind him. When he shined his flashlight, it was the hairy monster just now!】

【When the monster saw that it had been discovered, it no longer hid. Countless hairs spread out and wrapped around Wu Tianzhen’s body, making him unable to move. A

t the same time, a large amount of hair emerged from the monster’s body. The fat man had been captured by her. It was completely wrapped in, and the whole person disappeared in the pile of hair.】

【Wu Tianzhen instinctively looked at Menyou Ping. Menyou Ping grabbed Wu Tianzhen’s collar, pulled him over, and then quickly said:”Is there any fire? This thing is afraid of fire!”】

【Wu Tianzhen touched his pocket and took out a windproof lighter. He couldn’t help but be overjoyed. He started to light a fire and burned the hair on his body. Although the hair was very wet, a lot of it could be burned by the fire.】

【Wu Tianzhen broke free in a few moments, and then Wu Tianzhen rushed to the fat man’s side. Just as he was about to light a fire, a huge face suddenly poked out from the pile of hair on the side and pounced on him fiercely.】[]

【However, when the monster saw the fire in Wu Tianzhen’s hand, he suddenly stepped back. His white-less eyes showed an extremely malicious expression. Mengyou Ping took out a handful of fire sticks from his pocket and lit them all on fire. The next one The fire in the entire thief’s cave became much bigger】

【The monster screamed and ran away. The oil bottle forced the hair monster to the end of the thief’s cave. It didn’t turn back until it disappeared into the darkness. The two of them used the fire in their hands to burn off the big clumps of hair on the fat man’s body. I found that the fat man’s mouth and nose were also filled with disgusting black hair】

【At this moment, his face was suffocated and he punched him in the chest, making him spit out the hair in his mouth before he could continue to breathe:”My grandma, what the hell is this?”】

【”That’s a forbidden woman”】

【When Wu Tianzhen heard this, she quickly remembered the legend about forbidden women.】

【In many legends in coastal areas, the forbidden woman is a monster that is formed when a woman is thrown into the water after being insulted. Her resentment lingers and she absorbs enough yin energy from the corpse. It is said that she will come ashore to seduce men every lunar day. Killed and dragged into the water, it is said that the bones of the forbidden woman have a special fragrance, which is called bone incense and has the function of making people fall asleep.】

【”Leave quickly. Menyouping waved. Fatty and Wu Tianzhen were both worried that the forbidden woman would come back. They nodded, and the three of them crawled forward quickly along the robbery hole without stopping.】

【The overall direction of this robbery cave is upward in a zigzag shape. It seems that when Xie Lianhuan dug this robbery cave, his purpose was also to get to the top of the undersea tomb in order to break through the dome and escape.】

【After climbing continuously for five or six minutes, Wu Tianzhen noticed that the stuffy oil bottle in front of him stopped:”There is no way.””】

【Wu Tianzhen looked sideways, and sure enough, the robbery cave ended here. However, Menyouping stretched out his hand and kept groping for something above the robbery cave. Soon, he found the doorway and opened a bluestone slab.】

【Seeing how hard he was lifting, Wu Tianzhen stepped forward to help. Who knew that as soon as he put his hand on the bluestone, the stone suddenly disappeared on its own?】

【The next moment, a burly sea monkey with scales all over its body appeared from behind the stone slab. Wu Tianzhen’s heart skipped a beat. The cave was narrow and small. If they really wanted to fight this beast, they would be very passive.】

【The younger brother pointed to the back. Wu Tianzhen understood and avoided the edge for the time being!】

【However, the fat man behind shouted:”~Climb quickly! That chicken bitch is coming up again!” In the darkness behind him, countless hairs were tangled up again. There were wolves in front of them and tigers in the back. Wu Tianzhen cursed secretly. Unlucky, I handed the windproof lighter in my hand to the fat man and asked him to hold it.】

【However, the next moment, the sea monkey actually reached down, bit Wu Tianzhen’s shoulder, and then pulled him hard out of the robbery hole!】

【Wu Tianzhen almost fainted from the huge pain in his shoulder. Fortunately, the guy in the bandit’s cave suddenly jumped out and kicked the sea monkey on the head. I don’t know how powerful this kick was. He directly kicked the burly sea monkey and gave him a slight concussion. As soon as his teeth were loosened, Wu Tianzhen, who was held in the air by him, escaped and rolled to the ground.】

【Puff puff!】

【The fat man also leaned out half of the thief’s hole, holding an air gun in his hand, and fired three shots at him. His shooting skills were good, and all three shots hit. But after all, it was an air gun. There were no bullets, only spears. The spears hit the sea. The hard parts of the monkey’s body could only pierce the skin. Only one shot was shot in the soft abdomen, making it roar in pain.】

【Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Tianzhen saw clearly that when they came out of the robbery cave, they suddenly arrived at the huge room where the model of Yunding Tiangong was kept.】

【Menyou Ping and Sea Monkey completely fought each other. Only then did Wu Tianzhen see Menyou Ping’s terrifying skills.】

【This sea monkey stands two meters tall, and its arms are as thick as an ordinary person’s thigh. Its strength is extremely terrifying, but Menyouping doesn’t seem to be at a disadvantage in a competition of pure strength.】

【But animals are not humans after all. Humans have more brains than animals. Menyouping did not engage in hand-to-hand combat with the sea monkey. Instead, he found the right opportunity, opened his position, and deliberately led the sea monkey into the room. Beside a thick golden nanmu pillar】

【Then I saw him jump suddenly, step on the pillar with his first foot, then kick off, turn around like dancing in the air, and press his two knees hard on the sea monkey’s shoulders!】

【This set of movements was so smooth, fast and accurate that it almost forced the sea monkey to kneel down. Unfortunately, the sea monkey was too strong and the weight of both parties was not at the same level. It only bent its knees slightly and withstood it. This knee strike is heavy!】

【However, the little brother did not give up. When he saw that he could not control Sea Monkey to the ground, he immediately changed his tactics and clamped his legs hard, clamping his head severely. Then he exerted force on his waist and hips, and before Wu Tianzhen and Fatty With stunned eyes, he almost completed a twist in mid-air that challenged the limits of mankind!】


【After a crisp sound, the sea monkey’s neck was twisted nearly 180 degrees, and the entire neck bone was twisted!】

【In fact, this series of events is long, but from the moment Mengyou Ping kicked Sea Monkey on the head to the time he saved Wu Tianzhen, it only took three or four seconds!】

【It can be said that this sea monkey was almost killed by Men You Ping alone, and it was an instant kill!】

【Wu Tianzhen thought of the scene in King Lu’s palace where he was holding the bloody corpse’s head, and gasped. That meant the black gold ancient sword was not here. He didn’t have the weapon at hand, otherwise the sea monkey would probably die faster! huge】


“Brother 666! So handsome!”

“Damn it, Tianzhen was almost killed by this sea monkey in the ghost ship, but here, the sea monkey was instantly killed!”

“In Ghost Ship at that time, it was Zhang Tuzi’s identity that restricted his performance after all!”

At the broadcast site, seeing the countless audiences here, they gave cheers and thunderous applause!.


I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

Status: Ongoing


When he woke up, Lin Yi found that he had become a rising star in the screenwriting world and was participating in a global proposition creation competition!

The show is very popular across the country, with tens of millions of people following it!

Proposition: Folk crafts! Lin Yi took out “Stealing Pen” with his backhand!

Netizens commented: “Good guy, this is too much punishment. What kind of tomb robbing is your folk craft??”

When the story really unfolded, everyone couldn’t stop, and tens of millions of viewers collectively urged for more updates!

“How long have you lived, little brother? What is behind the bronze door!”

“Please! Write quickly!”


Proposition: Dragon Slaying Technique! Lin Yi took out “Morning of Fire”!

“Fuck, others are writing about dragon slaying in historical dramas, but you are really slaying a dragon!!”

“Mixed race, Yan Ling’s setting is so touching, write it quickly!!”

Proposition: One person is inferior and ten thousand people are superior! Lin Yi directly took out Wang Zha – “Under the Stranger”!

“Fuck, others are writing about eunuchs, why don’t you write about cultivating immortals? It’s a homophone, right? Deduct your money!!”

Lin Yi: Just tell me whether it fits the theme or not!


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