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I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot — Chapter 058

Yang Mi, who had just joined the judges’ table, saw a look of surprise in her eyes.

In fact, she was not the judge replaced by the program team at the beginning.

But there is someone else.

But after Lin Yi and his works occupied the top three hot searches that day, Yang Mi accidentally went to read Lin Yi’s book in person.

Then… she stayed up all night.

She simply couldn’t stop, and then she took the initiative to contact the director of the program, Hu Li. The two hit it off immediately, and she finally sat on the judges’ bench.

“He is also great at writing storyboards.”Suddenly Jiang Wen beside Yang Mi started to laugh.

Yang Mi nodded and said with appreciation:”Yes, this action description is equivalent to completely writing out the scene. If you are filming, you don’t even need to come up with storyboards, just You just need to ask the on-site martial arts director to talk to the actors, and then you can easily shoot it!”

The directors and screenwriter judges became more and more excited as they talked.

The writer judges next to them all looked envious.

Yes, they were envious!

Because they were able to be discussed by these people on how to shoot, this basically shows that the work of contestant No. 33 , the film and television adaptation is already a certainty!

【After getting rid of the sea monkey, a ball of hair had already popped up in the thief’s cave. Fatty still used the old method, first used a lighter to force the ball of hair down, and then put the green stone cover back in place together with the stuffy oil bottle.】

【The forbidden woman was very unwilling and bumped against it several times, trying to knock the stone away. The fat man was afraid that it would crack the stone, so he simply sat on it and crushed the entrance of the hole firmly to death.】

【The sound of impact continued for more than ten minutes. Unfortunately, the fat man added the stone slab, which was not something ordinary people could lift. The fat man’s body was shaken by the shock. It was not until he was exhausted that the things below calmed down.】

【Wu Tianzhen breathed a sigh of relief when the danger was over. Only then did he have the opportunity to check his injuries. The right shoulder that was bitten by the sea monkey just now had only a little blood oozing out. It only hurt the skin and flesh, but not the muscles and bones. Fortunately, Meng Youping saved him in time, otherwise it felt like the sea monkey could tear him into pieces.】

【At this time, Menyouping walked to the southeast corner. Wu Tianzhen and Fatty followed him. The mirror there had been removed. As expected, there was a dark hole on the wall, only half a person high. Looking inside, It goes up very deep and I don’t know where it leads.】

【This cave entrance should be the key point in the whole incident. Menyou Ping’s memories are interrupted here. What happens after that is a mystery. What is in the cave, how did he come out, and whether others have lost their memory like him. know nothing】

【This hole appears here, which is very inconsistent. Most normal tomb chambers are symmetrical structures. It is rare to find a passage or an extra room 327 in one place for no reason, unless the owner of the tomb has this habit.】

【In addition, it may be that they intend to collect some secret funerary objects. It is still very common to place a dark room in the tomb, but the dark room is usually very well disguised. This hole has neither a trap door nor a disguise, it is just placed outside. A mirror is too childish】

【Wu Tianzhen carefully observed the entire room and found that the layout of the entire room was exactly as Zhang Qilin said. It was still the same as it was twenty years ago. Only four directions were illuminated by luminous pearls, and the Tiangong model in the middle was hidden in the darkness. , I can only see a few parts with my flashlight.】

【Then Wu Tianzhen’s attention was attracted by the shadows and paintings on the four walls, and these paintings were much more delicate than what the little brother described, and many details could even be seen.】

【First of all, Wu Tianzhen discovered at a glance that the snow-capped mountains in the painting were probably the northern slope of Changbai Mountain!】

【This is not because of his amazing memory, but because the main peaks of Changbai Mountain are very distinctive, and everyone who has been there will have an impression.】

【Secondly, in the second painting, the funeral procession is all wearing the costumes of the Yuan Dynasty. This means that the person in the coffin may be a prominent Yuan Dynasty dignitary, so it is very possible that the Yunding Tiangong was built at the same time. It was the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, when dynasties changed.】

【To be able to build such a huge mausoleum in such troubled times, the owner of this tomb must not be a simple person.】

【The third and strangest thing is that the funeral procession is composed of all women, and not a single man can be seen. This is really unreasonable. Does some strange Mongolian tomb rituals require that all women must be buried?】

【With these details, Wu Tianzhen was confident that as long as he went around Changbai Mountain and found a local resident who was familiar with the terrain, he would be able to find the general location of the Tiangong.】

【Returning to the entrance of the passage behind the mirror, Menyouping was still standing there. He seemed to be thinking about something. When he saw Wu Tianzhen coming, he suddenly said:”I may go in again.””】

【Wu Tianzhen was surprised:”No! Aren’t you going to die? If it wasn’t your third uncle who caused you to lose your memory at that time, but something in this passage caused it, wouldn’t you have lost your memory for another twenty years?”】

【Menyouping said lightly:”I am different from you. For you, what happened here is just a bizarre experience, but for me, it is a huge knot in my heart. If I don’t untie it, even if I remember everything, this It will never be easy in my life”】

“I feel sorry for you, brother……”

“He is a person without a past……”

“Has he been living in such a state of confusion for the past twenty years? No wonder he looked extremely desperate even if he recovered his memory just now, because after recovering his memory, he realized how important he had lost!”

“Don’t be afraid, little brother. At least you are not alone now. There is Tianzhen and Fatty beside you. Even just now Tianzhen was still caring about little brother. Someone cares about him!”

“Has no one noticed that Yunding Tiangong is in Changbai Mountain?”

“I’m afraid of the cold. I wasn’t interested in Changbai Mountain at first, but now I suddenly want to go there. Maybe I can find Yunding Tiangong?”

“I’m from the Northeast! We live at the foot of Changbai Mountain, everyone is welcome to come and play!”

【”What? Can I get out through this passage?”The fat man studied for a while, but couldn’t figure out how to get up to the dome and pull down the night pearl, so he had to give up. At this moment, following the light of the fat man’s flashlight, Wu Tianzhen suddenly saw the dark passage. There was a person squatting inside!】

【It was just a back figure, and it was impossible to determine whether it was Aning or Wu Sansheng, or even someone else. However, after seeing the black figure, the younger brother no longer hesitated and chased after him quickly. Wu Tianzhen sighed.】

【I can only follow up】

【When Wu Tianzhen and Fatty entered the passage and walked around a corner, Menyou Ping was already twisted with the man, and then Fatty also pounced on him. The two men pushed the man to the ground one after the other.】

【Wu Tianzhen looked at it with a flashlight and said,”Why is it her?”】

【This person is clearly Aning, who has been missing for a long time. However, at this moment, she has disheveled hair and a dirty face. Her diving suit has been scratched. She exudes an unpleasant smell, and there are blood stains on her nose and mouth. I don’t know what happened to her. What happened to make it so miserable?】

【The fat man got angry when he saw this woman, pointed at her nose and started scolding her, but after a few curses, Menyou Ping suddenly stopped him and said:”Wait a minute, something is wrong with her!”】

【Only then did Wu Tianzhen realize that Aning’s expression was very dull and sluggish, which was very

different from the confident and arrogant look she had before. She was pressed to the ground by the oil bottle, but she didn’t struggle at all or speak, as if this matter had nothing to do with her. It has nothing to do with it】

【”What’s up with her? Did the fat man make a serious move just now? When the fat man heard this, he was unconvinced:”Stop talking nonsense. Although this bitch is hateful, I am a gentleman after all. Can I treat a lady like this?””】

【Menyouping:”Don’t worry, there’s nothing serious wrong with her. She’s just not very clear. She may have been stimulated.” As he said that, he waved his hand in front of her again, but Aning still didn’t react at all.】

【”This girl has a lot of drama. Could it be that she was restrained by the younger brother and is just pretending now?”The fat man analyzed. After all, Aning has a criminal record. He used to look soft and weak, but when she used innocence as a shield, she was ruthless.】

【Menyou Ping shook his head:”Her pupils are sluggish, her reaction is very slow, and she is much more serious than normal when she receives any kind of mental stimulation. She can’t be faking it.””】

【”what is it now? We can’t leave her here. It’s not much different from murder.……”The fat man said a little guilty, still looking at the faces of Wu Tianzhen and the younger brother.】

【After all, these two people are from the Southern sect, and they are masters of killing without batting an eye. There is also the precedent of Wu Sansheng, so it is normal for the fat man to have this idea.】

【Menyouping:”Let’s take her out and talk about it later.” Wu Tianzhen also nodded.】

【Then the fat man carried Aning on his back, and the three of them planned to walk back. Who knew that when they returned to the place where they came in, the passageway blocked by the bronze mirror had disappeared, replaced by a white marble Brick wall!】

【”It’s so damn evil, this tomb!!”The fat man cursed, and Wu Tianzhen’s scalp was numb. Something happened to this dark passage 20 years ago, and now he really doesn’t want to stay here any longer.] (Read Baoshuan novels. , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【But the way back was blocked, so they could only move forward.】

【The passage was longer than expected. After walking for more than ten minutes, the fat man suddenly pointed forward and said,”Look at the innermost part, is it a tree?”】

【Looking in the direction of his finger, Wu Tianzhen only saw a vague shadow, but that thing did have branches. There was nothing wrong with calling it a tree. After getting closer, he realized that it was not a tree.】

【It is a huge white coral, as tall as a person, divided into twelve branches. The shape is indeed very much like a tree. The entire coral is well carved, but the texture is very ordinary and not expensive.】

【This white coral is planted in a huge porcelain pot, weighed down with pebbles. There are many small bells hanging on its branches. Judging from the material, these bells should be made of bronze.】[]

【”Comrade Xiao Wu, is this coral worth anything?”The fat man rubbed his hands, obviously worried about the fact that he hadn’t caught anything in this fight.】

【”The coral itself is not valuable, but the bells hanging on it are good things. Look at the patterns on these bells. They are older than the Ming Dynasty, and they were considered antiques at that time!”】

【The fat man was stunned by Wu Tianzhen. He walked over and wanted to pick one off to have a look, but Menyou Ping grabbed his hand, shook his head and said:”Don’t move!”】

【Then he turned to look at Wu Tianzhen:”Do you still remember where you saw this bell?”】

【After being reminded by Mengyou Ping, Wu Tianzhen was shocked to find that the bell hanging on the coral tree looked familiar!】

【Soon, Wu Tianzhen remembered where he had seen it!】

【More than half a month ago, I followed my third uncle to the Lu Palace, entered the corpse cave, and caught a big corpse cricket. There was a hexagonal bronze bell hanging on the tail of the corpse frog. Isn’t it the coral tree in front of me? An enlarged version of the bell hanging on it!】

“Damn it! Connected!!”

“This undersea tomb is really inextricably linked to the Lu Palace! But is this connection a coincidence, or was it intentional?”

“It feels like a coincidence. The Lu Palace is a tomb from the Warring States Period, and this underwater shipwreck tomb is from the Ming Dynasty. To talk about the connection, at most it can only be that Wang Zanghai may have been to the Lu Palace, and then imitated the bronze bells from the Lu Palace. Made these bronze bells!”

【When Wu Tianzhen thought of this, he suddenly shuddered!】

【If the bronze bell hanging on the coral tree had been rung by the fat man just now, and all these dozens of bells had started to move together, and the hallucinogenic sound had sounded, all three of them might have fallen here!】

【Menyouping saw Wu Tianzhen thinking about it, and continued:”We didn’t go into the depths of the corpse cave, so there must be something weird, but I don’t know how it could be related to Wang Zianhai.”】

【Fatty:”Did you read it wrong? The Lu Palace is also a tomb before the Warring States Period. How come the bronze bells there appear in this Ming Dynasty tomb! Is it possible that Wang Zanghai is also a tomb robber?”】

【As soon as he said these words, Menyouping was stunned.】

【”It’s not impossible. He is proficient in Feng Shui and knows how to make various mechanisms. If he wants to rob tombs, he should be an expert. However, he has a prominent family and is an official in the Ming Dynasty. He has no worries about food and clothing, so why would he choose to rob tombs?”】

【The fat man seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said:”Actually, besides those who fight upside down, there is another kind of person who often encounters ancient tombs. Do you know what it is?”】

【Wu Tianzhen thought for a moment and his eyes lit up:”You mean the construction workers?”】

【”Right! In fact, most of the many amazing ancient tombs in our country were dug out unintentionally during construction!”】

【”Think about it, Wang Zanghai built the Ming Palace and the Yunding Tiangong. He was a big contractor in ancient times. What if he accidentally dug something like this coral tree near Shandong? The bronze bell on his head was then treasured by him and placed in his tomb. It makes sense, right?”】

【Fatty’s analysis is methodical, maybe it’s the truth.】

【But this coral tree must not be touched. Maybe Aning touched this coral tree and became insane when so many bells rang together. But she didn’t know what she saw when these bells rang. Things can have such a powerful effect】

【Continuing to think along this line of thinking, even the amnesia of Menyouping and other members of the archaeological team was caused by these bells!】

【The lanyards of these bells are precisely tied to the coral trees with copper wires. The coral originally has holes inside, which transmits sound very well. This thing placed here is like a musical instrument, which can produce many kinds of sounds. Maybe listening to a certain one can make people forget all the memories of the past!】

【The place where the coral tree is placed is the end of this dark corridor. There is a dead end ahead.】

【After exploring around, Mengyouping said:”The walls here are all solid. It’s difficult to break through. We don’t have the tools.””】

【The implication is that this is the passage everyone walks back through later. Try your luck, maybe you can find a secret door to get out.】

【After returning the same way, more than ten minutes later, a light suddenly appeared in the darkness ahead, and the entrance to the passage that had just disappeared reappeared.】

【Wu Tianzhen felt that he was already a little numb. The mechanism of this underwater tomb was too complicated and exquisite. If he wanted to forcefully trigger it, perhaps only Wang Zanghai himself could do it.】

【Wu Tianzhen looked at the watch on his wrist and said,”We have to find a way to break through the dome as soon as possible and get out. It’s high tide time now. In a few hours, it will be low tide time. The water depth is not deep, so we still have a chance to get out.” , otherwise if it takes too long, by the next high tide, even if we can break through the dome, with such a huge water pressure and no diving equipment, we will drown here!].


I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

Status: Ongoing


When he woke up, Lin Yi found that he had become a rising star in the screenwriting world and was participating in a global proposition creation competition!

The show is very popular across the country, with tens of millions of people following it!

Proposition: Folk crafts! Lin Yi took out “Stealing Pen” with his backhand!

Netizens commented: “Good guy, this is too much punishment. What kind of tomb robbing is your folk craft??”

When the story really unfolded, everyone couldn’t stop, and tens of millions of viewers collectively urged for more updates!

“How long have you lived, little brother? What is behind the bronze door!”

“Please! Write quickly!”


Proposition: Dragon Slaying Technique! Lin Yi took out “Morning of Fire”!

“Fuck, others are writing about dragon slaying in historical dramas, but you are really slaying a dragon!!”

“Mixed race, Yan Ling’s setting is so touching, write it quickly!!”

Proposition: One person is inferior and ten thousand people are superior! Lin Yi directly took out Wang Zha – “Under the Stranger”!

“Fuck, others are writing about eunuchs, why don’t you write about cultivating immortals? It’s a homophone, right? Deduct your money!!”

Lin Yi: Just tell me whether it fits the theme or not!


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