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I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot — Chapter 062

“I’m so reminded of things in those immortality novels, haha! Lin Shen is probably a middle-aged boy, so he would choose such a name!”

“The main reason is to highlight the extraordinaryness of Genting Tiangong. I feel that the dungeon of Genting Tiangong is really not simple due to the foreshadowing along the way. From a game perspective, this may be the first epic difficulty dungeon!”

【In the carriage, everyone’s faces were ugly after being scolded by Chen Pi’s Si. Pan Zi had been with his third uncle for a long time and was very good at making things happen. He quickly put on a smile and said,”Grandpa of the Chen family, we have dealt with each other before.” , we know that our abilities are shallow, but aren’t you here? We will listen to your instructions on this journey. Do you think it’s okay?”】

【Chen Pi’s Si squinted his eyes and looked at Pan Zi. He was silent for a long time and finally said:”Assuming you know some rules, I will give you a few words!”】

【”The place we are going to this time is not that simple. When Wu Sansheng came to me, he just wanted me, an old guy, to give you some tips. I am afraid no one else in the world can enter that place except me.”】

【”So you must listen to my arrangements along the way. If you are not convinced, get out of the car now!”】

【The fat man was dissatisfied. He didn’t like the old man in the first place, so he immediately sneered:”Old man, don’t scare people. What have I never seen in the world, Fat man? Let me tell you, some of us have picked moons in the sky and caught turtles in the sea. Isn’t it just a Kowloon corpse-carrying coffin? How powerful can it be?”】

【Wu Tianzhen quickly pulled the fat man to silence him, then turned around and said with a smile:”Old man, don’t listen to his nonsense. What this guy said is all nonsense. Don’t take it to heart.””】

【Chen Pi Asi looked at Wu Tianzhen and said,”Don’t deny it. I know you are Wu Laogou’s grandson. I went to drink your father’s full moon wine. You still have to call me grandpa.””】

【Wu Laogou can only be called by those who are close to Wu Tianzhen’s grandfather on the road. Outsiders don’t even dare to call him that. Thinking about it this way, Chen Pi’s Si and his grandfather do have a close friendship.】

【Wu Tianzhen shouted:”Four Grandpa”】

【Chen Pi Asi smiled:”Okay, when we get to the place, I have two more apprentices who will go up the mountain with us.”】

【After finishing speaking, he finished showing off his power and walked out, returning to his exclusive compartment.】

【three days later】

【The group finally arrived at Yingshan Village at the foot of the Hengshan Forest Area in Changbai Mountain】

【Wu Tianzhen also met the guy Chen Pi Asi mentioned, one named Guo Feng, who was responsible for driving.】

【A man named Monk Hua wears glasses and has scars all over his body.】

【Wu Tianzhen looked at the vast white mountains and was a little confused. When he was at the Undersea Tomb, he felt that he had seen the shadow of Yunding Tiangong. When he really arrived at Changbai Mountain, he should be able to recognize it at a glance.】

【It turns out he thought too much】

【Chen Pi Asi chuckled:”It’s easy to find a dragon, but it’s hard to find acupoints!”The Burial Sutra” says that it takes three years to search for a dragon and ten years to tap acupoints. It takes at least three years to determine a dragon’s veins, but it takes ten years to find a treasure eye.”】

【”Now that we know that the dragon head is in Hengshan, we can naturally find the location of the treasure eye as long as we enter the mountain.”】

【The group stayed in Yingshan Village for a few days. Several of Chen Pi’s Asi’s men were busy renting horses and finding a Korean veteran who was willing to be their guide into the mountain, named Shunzi.】

【After everything was prepared, a group of nine people and fourteen horses carried their equipment, planned the route according to the guide Shunzi’s requirements, and went up the mountain. 】

Lin Yi wrote here.

Suddenly I seemed to remember something.

He exited the software and almost scared everyone to death.

Just when everyone thought Lin Yi was going to stop writing again, they discovered that he had just gone back to the part he had written before, which was the part where Wu Tianzhen and Fatty escaped from the undersea tomb, and wrote”The angry sea dives into the sand, finished.”!

Then I created a new volume and named the part I just wrote: Yunding Tiangong!

Seeing Lin Yi’s operation, everyone felt relieved

“Scared me!”

“What time is it now? It’s not lunch time yet. Lin Shen really stopped writing and went fishing, so I personally went to the program team to urge for updates!”

“The third volume is indeed called Yunding Tiangong, haha, I just remembered it after writing it!”

Lin Yi lit a cigarette and continued to code.

【From Yingshan Village, everyone walked into a forest area and walked uphill for four hours until they came to a lake. The lake was like a mirror with no waves at all, and the entire Changbai Mountain was reflected in it.】

【In order to make Shunzi think that the group of people were tourists, everyone took photos by the lake and then continued to set off.】

【As the altitude continues to rise, the good roads gradually disappear. Going further up, even the hillside becomes steeper. Shunzi told everyone that there is an abandoned border guard post further up. According to the plan, it should be at We spent the first night there, and then on the second day, we continued walking up until we were about to cross the snow line.】

【Climbing all the way up, until everyone discovered that the lake where they took pictures before had almost turned into a small pool in the field of vision, the fat man suddenly took out his telescope, looked down, and then said:”We are in trouble.~”】

【Wu Tianzhen took the telescope and saw another cavalry team appearing by the lake. This team was far more numerous than them.】

【Through the sparse trees, I saw about thirty people and more than fifty horses bustling by the lake below. It was a very large horse team.】

【Those people were setting up tents by the lake, and it seemed they wanted to spend the night by the lake. One of them was opening a radar-like object to debug. Wu Tianzhen looked intently and saw that the woman was none other than Aning!】

【Wu Tianzhen cursed. Aning’s appearance here meant that his conclusion was correct. The people the third uncle wanted to delay were probably this group of people!】

【So what Aning said before that she belongs to a ship salvage company is nonsense. How could a salvage company come here!】

【The boss behind her should be someone else!】

【Monk Hua also saw the cavalry below, his expression changed, and he asked Chen Pi and Asi softly what to do.】

【Chen Pi Asi smiled contemptuously and said:”It’s good to come, it means we are on the right track, keep going and ignore them!”】

【Wu Tianzhen held the binoculars and kept looking at everyone below. To his disappointment, he could not find his third uncle.】

【However, it has to be said that the group of people led by Aning were very well-equipped, and even brought automatic rifles. The fat man was not in a good mood, and said to Chen Pi Asi:”Old man, you said you don’t want to buy a gun, don’t buy a gun, you see They are coming with guns and ammunition, what should I do if I have to hand them over?”】

【Chen Pi Asi glanced at him, waved his hand and said with a smile:”In our business, we never rely on the number of people. Once you cross the snow line, you will know that you are right to follow me!””】

【Everyone rushed to the abandoned guard post mentioned by the guide Shunzi and camped for the night. Early the next morning, the troops and horses set off again. However, yesterday’s good weather was gone forever. It may also be due to the high altitude. It started to snow. Got it】

【After crossing the snow line, the snow became thicker and thicker. Chen Pi’asi looked at the topography of the mountain and made a judgment: It should not be far away. There must be traces of a large number of projects under the snow.】

【By noon, everyone had completely entered a white snowfield. The snow on the ground was so thick that there was no way to go. It was all up to Shunzi to lead the horse in front to clear the way.】

【The wind and snow became more and more fierce. Shunzi looked at the clouds and said,”Why don’t we camp here today? There may be strong winds today. It will be dangerous to go up.”】

【Chen Pi Ah Si waved his hand and asked everyone to stop here and take a rest.】

【He came to the ridge alone and looked far into the distance. After observing the terrain, he slowly said:”We are in the right general direction. We have to go up. There must be something strange where the dragon head is. The place where the earth veins stops is the dragon’s cave. There are many mountains here. , but there is only one leyline. We are walking along the leyline now

. We are not afraid of not finding it. It will only take a while at most.”】

【Wu Tianzhen and others saw that he was confident in what he said, but they really didn’t understand the so-called dragon-finding and acupuncture technique. They could only be ignorant of it. However, Menyou Ping on the side looked at the snow-capped mountains in front of him and frowned slightly.】

【Wu Tianzhen knew that when the younger brother showed such an expression, it usually meant that the crisis was not far away. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Is this a barometer for me? You can tell something is going to happen just by looking at your expression?”

“Brother: Look at my face!”

“Damn it, Wu Tianzhen really found a pattern!”

“Laughing to death, Lin Shen wrote this, even a pig, after so many experiences, knows the brother’s premonition and judgment of danger, and has never made any mistakes until now.”

【We continued to set off, and a few more hours passed. The sky was getting darker, the wind was getting stronger, and the horse was walking slower and slower.】[]

【The sky was full of wind and snow. I wanted to say something, so I opened my mouth, and the cold wind poured straight into it. Then I could no longer make any sound. As I walked, Shunzi, who was opening the way in front of me, stopped.】

【Wu Tianzhen ran over and saw him looking at the surrounding terrain and said:”The wind is too strong, there have been avalanches here, the landscape is completely different, I don’t know the road, and the snow is too thick, the horse As soon as I stepped on it, it almost reached my stomach. I refused to continue walking. If I wanted to move forward, I could only walk.”】

【As for going back, it was even more impossible. They had gone too far. This blizzard came too suddenly.】

【Shunzi led a group of people and walked hard for four or five hours, but they couldn’t find the next place to camp.】

【He turned around and finally said in shock:”I couldn’t find it no matter how hard I searched, there was an avalanche just now, and the place where we could camp was buried!”】

【When Wu Tianzhen heard this, his head was buzzing. In this kind of environment, if exposed to wind and snow, people would freeze into ice sculptures the next day!】

【”What should we do, are we going to die here?”Pan Zi spoke.】

【Shunzi pointed to the front:”There is one last hope. I remember there is a hot spring nearby. If we can get there, at least we will not freeze to death. The food we bring will be enough to survive the snowstorm. If If we can’t find it, we can only rely on our will to survive and return. Whether we can survive or not depends on the sky!”】

【After Shunzi finished speaking, he took out the rope and tied everyone up. In his words, at least someone who fell behind or fell into the crevices of the ice could be saved.

【Unfortunately, Wu Tianzhen didn’t go far when he saw Shunzi falling in the snow in front of him. He was busy all the way and was indeed the one who consumed the most physical energy. Mengyou Ping caught up with him. , quickly helped him up, Wu Tianzhen tightened the rope and let others gather first】

【At this time, Wu Tianzhen realized that everyone was in very poor condition, especially Chen Pi Ah Si. After all, he was over ninety years old. He had squinted his eyes and was about to fall into a semi-coma state.

【Pan Zi:”We can’t stop and wait for death. The hot spring may be nearby. We stretch out the rope and spread out to look for it. When we find it, we pull the rope as a signal!””】

【His mind was quick and he thought of a way in an instant. Everyone who could still move started to operate as he said. However, an accident happened after all. Suddenly someone fell into a snow pit.

【It was Fatty who fell in. With his tonnage, no one even reacted. Just like dumplings, he was torn down the snow pit one by one by the rope on his body.】

【Fortunately, the snow pit was not too deep, and the space below was quite large. When everyone was in shock, the younger Ye Ning suddenly shouted:”Look, what is that!”】

【Looking in the direction he pointed, Wu Tianzhen saw a black creature about the thickness of a bucket. Its body was in the shape of a ring, with numerous thin legs growing on both sides. It looked like a centipede or a disc. dragon】

【Pan Zi and Fatty were currently in the best physical condition. When they joined together, they walked to the front and took a look, only to realize that the thing was not a living thing, but a stone sculpture!

【Chen Pi Asi was supported by Monk Hua and walked over. When he saw the stone carving, his expression changed, and Monk Hua also said in surprise:”This is a hundred-legged dragon!”】

【Wu Tianzhen also nodded. The evolution of the dragon is very long. The original image of the dragon is very different from what the public knows now. Because each tribe has different beliefs and totems, the image of the dragon has also changed. Until later, the Han people After unifying the world, the image of the dragon was established into what it is today: Panlong】

【The centipede dragon is a totem that is a combination of dragon, snake and centipede. Unfortunately, it looks very uncomfortable. It does not have the majestic feeling of a dragon, but is extremely evil.】

【”This is the sealing stone of the tomb passage. We are indeed not far from that palace!”Chen Pi Asi suddenly said】

【But Menyou Ping hummed, as if he had discovered something, he walked to the side of the centipede dragon sealing stone, touched it, and then said:”There is nothing behind the dragon head!”】

【”It smelled of sulfur, and the hot spring he was talking about was probably right behind! Menyouping pointed at the unconscious Shunzi.】

【His condition is very critical at the moment. If he can’t find the hot spring, he probably won’t survive today.】

【When the fat man heard that the hot spring was behind him, he rubbed his almost frozen hands, greeted the things and walked up. After some operations, he actually opened a gap in the centipede dragon seal stone. The fat man tried it. , said in surprise:”It’s very warm in the back!”】

【Then, he took the lead to get in through the gap. Chen Pi’s Asi gave an order and left two guys outside. Pan Zi also took the initiative to stay. He was a little worried that Chen Pi’s Asi’s two men were guarding outside.】

【Wu Tianzhen followed the stuffy oil bottle, and the third one entered the gap. As soon as he came in, he felt warm all over. There must be geothermal heat down here, and the smell of sulfur is still very strong.】

【”Look, what is this word?”The fat man pointed at the strange writing on the cracked rock wall and said】

【Wu Tianzhen really couldn’t recognize the words this time. Monk Hua who was following behind said:”This is Jurchen text. This is probably where the craftsmen and hard workers stayed when the Yunding Heavenly Palace was built.””】

【As everyone continued to move forward, the gap gradually became wider, and several hot springs were discovered.】

【Wu Tianzhen felt relieved. He would definitely be able to escape the blizzard here. With the existence of hot springs, Shunzi would probably not have to die if he could soak in them.】

【Everyone rested by the hot spring for a long time, and then the fat man turned on his flashlight, looked around, and said in surprise:”There are fucking murals here!”】

【Wu Tianzhen looked over and found that there were indeed murals on the wall, but they were not well preserved and the colors were dim. However, the paintings were all about the so-called flying goddess.】

【”No, this mural has two layers!”The fat man scraped it with his hand and found that there was a bright layer under the dark outer mural. It was obvious that someone wanted to hide the real content of the mural! Han】

【Chen Pi Asi:”The murals here are related to the Heavenly Palace! Scratch them and take a look!”】

【The fat man peeled off the surface mural, and soon the inner mural was revealed to everyone.——】

【The colors of the mural were very bright. Monk Hua’s eyes lit up when he saw it, and he said to himself:”This should be a war scene between Emperor Wannu of Eastern Xia and the Mongols. Look at this person, he should be King Wannu himself. This is probably the legendary war that destroyed the Xia Dynasty in the Middle East”】

【”The Mongols had a large number of troops, and the Eastern Xia Kingdom was defeated one after another, and finally retreated to the Changbai Mountain area.”】

【The fat man looked at the mural and suddenly said:”Are all the Dongxia Kingdom women? Why don’t you see any men?”】

【Monk Hua shook his head and said:”No, this is just a method of their painting. It is recorded in ancient books that people in the Eastern Xia Kingdom will not grow old. Their appearance will always be young. You will not see any old people, even if they die even though he was young, he still maintained his youthful appearance”】


I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

Status: Ongoing


When he woke up, Lin Yi found that he had become a rising star in the screenwriting world and was participating in a global proposition creation competition!

The show is very popular across the country, with tens of millions of people following it!

Proposition: Folk crafts! Lin Yi took out “Stealing Pen” with his backhand!

Netizens commented: “Good guy, this is too much punishment. What kind of tomb robbing is your folk craft??”

When the story really unfolded, everyone couldn’t stop, and tens of millions of viewers collectively urged for more updates!

“How long have you lived, little brother? What is behind the bronze door!”

“Please! Write quickly!”


Proposition: Dragon Slaying Technique! Lin Yi took out “Morning of Fire”!

“Fuck, others are writing about dragon slaying in historical dramas, but you are really slaying a dragon!!”

“Mixed race, Yan Ling’s setting is so touching, write it quickly!!”

Proposition: One person is inferior and ten thousand people are superior! Lin Yi directly took out Wang Zha – “Under the Stranger”!

“Fuck, others are writing about eunuchs, why don’t you write about cultivating immortals? It’s a homophone, right? Deduct your money!!”

Lin Yi: Just tell me whether it fits the theme or not!


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