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I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot — Chapter 064

【Shunzi ran over quickly and was about to stop Monk Hua:”What are you going to do? Boss, you are crazy!””】

【Before he finished speaking, Lang Feng knocked him out with a pickaxe behind him. Shunzi fell into the snow, and Lang Feng dragged him aside.】

“Hahahaha, sorry, I didn’t hold back, I laughed out loud”

“The merit is going to be lost again, haha!”

“Shunzi probably spent the whole night thinking about what they were doing here. This answer definitely did not appear in his mind!”

“You’re sweating now, bro!!”

“Shunzi was shocked for a whole year!”

“Being young is good, just fall asleep”

“It was so miserable that the guide was knocked unconscious like this. Chen Pi Ah Si was going to kill someone and silence him, right?”

“Naive, they are still there, they should-not”

【Wu Tianzhen was speechless, feeling that there was a dark wind behind his head, but thinking about it, Shunzi could tolerate everything, and he would never tolerate people blowing up mountains. After all, he still wanted to hang out here.】

【The fat man asked Monk Hua what he was going to do with Shunzi in the future. Monk Hua said that he would have to rely on him when he returned. Then he would take him into the underground palace and give him more money.】

【Lang Feng was extremely professional. He arranged the detonators according to the model of the stress-bearing structure by himself, and then asked everyone to climb onto the bare rock.】

【Wu Tianzhen thought that the sound of the detonator exploding would be very loud. Unexpectedly, when Lang Feng pressed the detonator, he heard no sound at all and only saw the flat snow cracking.】

【Then large tracts of snow began to pour down the slope like a waterfall. A large turbid, uneven white mixed layer of ice and snow was exposed under the snow slope. This is probably the ice layer below.】

【Lang Feng’s skills were excellent and no avalanche occurred as expected. However, just when everyone wanted to praise him, a piece of snow suddenly hit his head.】

【Everyone subconsciously kept silent.】

【Wu Tianzhen looked up and saw an inconspicuous but chilling black crack gradually appearing on the snowy slope more than a hundred meters above his head.】

【Then, countless small cracks spread on the snow layer, and everyone knew what was going to happen next.】


【Lang Feng was dumbfounded:”I calculated the weight accurately.……”】

【Monk Hua covered Lang Feng’s mouth, indicating that he would talk later. Then he pointed to a raised rock on the snow.】

【Wu Tianzhen understood instantly】

【If an avalanche really occurs, they will definitely not be able to escape. The only chance of survival is to hide under this kind of mountain rock. The rock can withstand the weight of the avalanche, and the snow that buries everyone will not be so heavy. thick】

【Just when everyone was tiptoeing and just moving to the foot of the rock, a strange vibration suddenly came from above their heads.】

【In an instant, a sheet of white snow mist suddenly exploded into the air, almost blocking everyone’s view.】

【There’s an avalanche!】

“The artillery god also misses one day!”

“From today on, this name no longer belongs to him!”

“Oh my god, there’s an avalanche, this is so bad Barbie!”

“My home is in the northeast. I have personally seen an avalanche. A large avalanche is really scary. The gravitational potential of the snow on the hillside is unknown. If it rolls down, it can really destroy an entire village!”

【The fat man shouted from the side:”Grab the mountaineering pickaxe! Stick to the ice!” Then all of a sudden everyone felt that the world had plunged into darkness.】

【Fortunately, everyone moved to the bottom of the rock in advance, and the snow flow rushed over the rocks. Wu Tianzhen only saw a snow waterfall in front of him, but they below were safe and sound, and not much snow even fell.】

【After all, the scale of this avalanche was not large, and it came and went quickly. In less than half a minute, the entire valley below was shrouded in white mist. Everyone was frightened. If they hadn’t reacted quickly, they would have been swept down. They all probably have to die!】

【After the avalanche, the snow on the slope was swept away, revealing a large piece of crystal clear ice below.】

【Monk Hua turned on his flashlight and shined it into the ice, trying to find traces of the burial tomb.】

【The fat man’s eyes were very poisonous. He also turned on the flashlight and shined it towards the location where he found the abnormality. Wu Tianzhen looked over and found that there was a huge shadow looming under the ice.】

【That thing occupies almost half of the ice cliff. Judging from its shape, it looks like a big-headed baby curled up in its mother’s womb.】

【At this time, Chen Pi Asi was supported by Monk Hua and walked over. When he saw something under the ice, he was surprised and said:”Is this a Kunlun fetus!?”】

【Monk Hua took over and explained to everyone:”Kunlun fetus is a strange natural phenomenon. It refers to the source of dragon veins, which is the place where the aura of heaven and earth gathers as the saying goes.”】

【”The rocks, glaciers, and trees in these places are likely to evolve into fetus-like shapes. Because they were first discovered near the Kunlun Mountains, this phenomenon was eventually called the Kunlun fetus.”】

【”In Feng Shui, the place where the Kunlun fetus appears is the best natural treasure cave. Such a treasure cave is rare and rare. Legend has it that only those who reach the sky are qualified. The only person recorded in history is buried in the Kunlun fetus. That is Huangdi!”】

【When Wu Tianzhen heard this, he was inexplicably shocked!】

【There is actually a Kunlun tire in the ice under this little holy mountain. According to Chen Pi’asi, this place is just a companion mausoleum, and even the companion mausoleum occupies a top-quality treasure cave like the Kunlun tire.】

【How good is the feng shui of Yunding Tiangong under the Sansheng Mountain?!】

【”Don’t think so much. If you dig deep, you will know what’s going on!”】

【Wu Tianzhen shook his head. He majored in architecture and had some knowledge of basic physics and engineering. He said,”This ice layer is covered under snow all year round. Its hardness and density are estimated to be extremely exaggerated. Even if our equipment digs Come spring, I guess I won’t even be able to dig it down!”】

【At this time, Menyou Ping came over from the place where Shunzi drank tea with the stove, put it on the ice, and asked Wu Tianzhen:”Is this okay?”】

【When Wu Tianzhen was reminded by Menyou Ping, his eyes lit up!】

【yes! The density and hardness of ice are linearly related to temperature. If you use a stove or hot water to lower the temperature of the surface ice before digging, it may be much easier!】

【They can do it step by step, first softening the ice on the surface, then knocking it off in one piece, revealing the tightly frozen ice core inside, and then continue to bake it with the stove, repeating until it is broken through.】

【Wu Tianzhen felt that it was feasible, and everyone quickly tried it. As he thought, the ice cubes that had been baked at high temperatures would become brittle and might even crack if dropped.】

【More than three hours later, Fatty hit him again, and the ice block below was completely broken. Then Wu Tianzhen was surprised to find that the ice block actually fell downwards!】

【It turns out that the ice layer is actually not that thick, maybe only one or two meters, but it is actually empty underneath!】

【Everyone gathered around, turned on their flashlights, and discovered the true form of the black Kunlun tire.】

【It was a huge fetal-shaped cave. I don’t know whether it was built artificially or formed naturally. The entrance of the cave was as big as a standard swimming pool. At first glance, it looked like a huge black baby.】

【The flashlight shone brightly into the cave, and there was actually a huge palace built there with eaves and flying beams. Part of the building even poked out the entrance of the cave, but only part of it could not be seen in its entirety.】

【Chen Pi’s old man had a smile on his face:”It’s right here, I found it!”】

【Monk Hua:”This is the spiritual palace of the burial tomb. I didn’t expect King Wannu to be so grand and build such a large spiritual palace for the burial tomb!”】

【Wu Tianzhen couldn’t help but think that the spiritual palaces were so luxurious, and how spectacular the previous Yunding Heavenly Palace would have been if it had not been buried by an avalanche!】

【Pan Zi put on a smile again and asked Chen Pi Asi:”Grandpa of the Chen family, should we go down today, or take a rest and go down again tomorrow?””】

【Chen Pi Asi glanced at Pan Zi and Wu Tianzhen with a sinister look, and asked:”Can you bear it if

we go down tomorrow?”】

【Pan Zi smiled, because he was actually more anxious. He was anxious to save Wu Tianzhen’s third uncle.】

【Finally, Pan Zi took out the rope and tied it to his waist. He was the first to hang down from the crack in the ice. There were no dangers along the way, and he successfully descended to the top of the cave entrance of the Ling Palace.】

【Then others followed suit and helped each other. After more than half an hour, they all descended to the tiled roof of the spiritual palace.】

【The tile roof that everyone is standing on is the roof of the outermost elevated hall. The cornices on the eaves are all facing phoenix and dragon heads. On both sides of the roof ridge are the owl kisses of the town house. The yellow tiles and red beams are very royal. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Of course it is impossible for a nation like Dongxia to design this way. Most of this spiritual palace was also designed by Wang Zanghai.】

【One by one, everyone carefully picked up the faucet on the tile roof and used ropes to descend to the porch outside the main entrance of the Spiritual Palace.】

【The porch is a place similar to a sacrificial altar. The elevated floor is made of stone slabs. Year-round cold has made the stones brittle, making a crunching sound when you step on them, and they may break at any time.】

【This should be the end of the plank road that was built to enter the mountain. Now the plank road has been demolished. On one side is a dark abyss, and on the left and right are a row of copper tripods covered with ice chips, all of which are black and unknown. ancient ashes】

【In front of the main gate of the Spiritual Palace stands a stone tablet with no words. Behind the stone tablet is the white jade stone gate of the palace. The gate is very large, almost as tall as three people and two people wide.】

【The stone door is carved with many strange human-faced birds dancing in the clouds. I can’t tell the names. The brass door roll above the door is a tiger’s head. The door cracks and door shafts have been watered. Now the door panels on both sides are frozen. like a whole】

“Every time I see Lin Shen writing about the architectural styles, placement, and details of these palaces, temples, and underground palaces, I will be amazed.”

“It is indeed written very tastefully. Although it is fictional history, these things are really written by so-called historical professionals. Maybe they are not as good as those written by Lin Shen.”

“Don’t you know, after Lin Shen became popular, several big names in history and archaeology have come out to make videos. What Lin Shen has written so far has been highly praised by them.”

“So the masterpiece is all about paying attention to the details! Lin Shen didn’t even bother with such trivial things!”[]

【There was no tap stone behind the stone door. The fat man used a crowbar to squeeze hard, and the ice on both sides of the door shaft burst. Then Pan Zi on the side used a chisel to smash the ice in the crack of the door, and the door could barely be pushed open through a gap.】

【Suddenly, a burst of black energy came out, and everyone hurriedly ran away. Monk Hua said,”It’s okay. This is the moisture-proof paint stuck on the back of the door. It has frozen to powder now.””】

【The fat man turned around and asked Menyouping:”Brother, why don’t you take a look first and see if there is any mechanism behind this door?”】

【Menyouping nodded, stepped forward and touched the door, then looked at the relief on the door. After looking at it for a long time, he shook his head to express his uncertainty:”Follow me, don’t talk.”】

【Everyone nodded, Menyouping dodged, crossed the threshold that was only at knee height, and walked in first.】

【Wu Tianzhen and others followed closely and arrived directly at the front hall of the Spiritual Palace.】

【After entering the main hall, Wu Tianzhen first saw the large stone pillars on both sides of the spiritual path in the middle of the spiritual palace.】

【These pillars were about five meters each. Wu Tianzhen was a little surprised. Everything here must have been hung from the cliff bit by bit in the same way as the tomb paintings on the seabed.】

【Everyone turned on their flashlights and moved forward in the darkness, and soon arrived at the center of the Linggong Hall. There was a jade platform in the center, surrounded by several human heads.���huge bronze statue】

【Pan Zi climbed up a bronze statue and carefully took out something from the mouth of the human-faced bird. It was a bronze monkey with a golden face and fangs, and countless strange patterns carved on its body, like a tattooed imp.】

【Monk Hua checked the other four bronze statues and found the same thing. Then he analyzed:”These human-faced birds are probably the patron saints of the Eastern Xia people at that time.”】

【Wu Tianzhen shrugged. There were too many small countries in history, each with its own cultural beliefs. The emperor of the Eastern Xia Dynasty might have turned into a monster, and the patron saint was also a monster. It is not surprising.】

【Continuing to walk inside, everyone came to the end of the hall. There was a jade door with two gatekeepers carved on it.】

【Repeating the same trick, after prying the jade door open again, a corridor appeared leading to the apse of the spiritual palace. The apse is usually where the entrance to the underground palace is. Most of them will have a decorative coffin, lit with longevity candles. It is immortal all year round, or a large number of sacrifices are accumulated, which are replaced regularly by the tombkeepers.】

【Walking into the corridor of the back hall, Wu Tianzhen was once again attracted by the murals on both sides. On the murals, almost all of them were painted with hundred-legged dragons coiled in the clouds and mist. They had various expressions and were all over the wall. At first glance, It looks like it’s crawling with centipedes】

【Some murals also show many soldiers wearing furs, bowing to the centipede dragon in the sky.】

【Some even depict two hundred-legged dragons entwined together, not sure whether they are having sex or fighting.】

【All in all, the theme of all the murals is the centipede dragon. Obviously the Eastern Xia people also worship this centipede dragon unusually.】

【Walking into the apse, everyone was shocked to find that there was nothing in the apse of the spiritual palace. It was extremely empty. The last hope could only be placed in the underground palace under the stone slab of the apse.】

【Everyone lifted up the stone slabs underground, and a brick wall made of blue bricks appeared in everyone’s sight. Everyone was dumbfounded.】

【”Isn’t there an underground palace below?”Monk Hua was a little confused.】

【At this time, he saw Menyou Ping squatting down, holding a green brick with his long fingers, and pulling it out with force, pulling the brick up from the ground!】

【Monk Hua, Lang Feng and the other Chen Pi Ah Si guys were all staring!】

【The fat man was very proud, with an expression on his face that showed how awesome our brothers are.】

“Fatty’s reaction, hahaha!”

“A dog relies on human power!”

“You’ve never seen this before!”

“Fatty’s reaction is so real. If I had such awesome friends around me, I would be so arrogant, haha!”

“From Monk Hua’s reaction, we should be able to tell that this little brother’s trick may be unique in the entire inversion world. At least they have followed Chen Pi’s Si for so long and have never seen anything like this in the world!”

【The strange thing is that the bricks below are not difficult to dig out】

【This is very strange, because the entrance to the underground palace is the most fortified part of the fortress. It must be wrong to dig through it so easily.】

【Everyone quickly dug a big pit, and under the bricks, a black two-headed stone turtle the size of the Eight Immortals Table appeared.】

【This should be the entrance to the underground palace, but there is a stone turtle buried there?】

【What’s even more weird is that when the fat man got close to the stone turtle, the engineer shovel hanging on his waist was stuck to the turtle’s back. Could it be that this turtle was carved from a magnet?】

【The fat man took out a coin and threw it on the turtle’s back. The coin was instantly sucked firmly.】

【Chen Pi Asi asked what happened, and Monk Hua reported the situation to him.】

【When Chen Pi Asi heard this, his expression changed instantly. He hurriedly asked Monk Hua to help him up and approached the turtle.】

【Then he took out the compass from his pocket, and when he saw it, his face almost turned green. He smashed the compass and said coldly:”Oops, we were deceived! This burial tomb is a trap. We’ve fallen into a trap!”].


I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

I asked you to write about folk crafts, but you wrote about tomb robbing on the spot

Status: Ongoing


When he woke up, Lin Yi found that he had become a rising star in the screenwriting world and was participating in a global proposition creation competition!

The show is very popular across the country, with tens of millions of people following it!

Proposition: Folk crafts! Lin Yi took out “Stealing Pen” with his backhand!

Netizens commented: “Good guy, this is too much punishment. What kind of tomb robbing is your folk craft??”

When the story really unfolded, everyone couldn’t stop, and tens of millions of viewers collectively urged for more updates!

“How long have you lived, little brother? What is behind the bronze door!”

“Please! Write quickly!”


Proposition: Dragon Slaying Technique! Lin Yi took out “Morning of Fire”!

“Fuck, others are writing about dragon slaying in historical dramas, but you are really slaying a dragon!!”

“Mixed race, Yan Ling’s setting is so touching, write it quickly!!”

Proposition: One person is inferior and ten thousand people are superior! Lin Yi directly took out Wang Zha – “Under the Stranger”!

“Fuck, others are writing about eunuchs, why don’t you write about cultivating immortals? It’s a homophone, right? Deduct your money!!”

Lin Yi: Just tell me whether it fits the theme or not!


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