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I have to praise Chapter 427, A Guang is so detailed!

I have to praise Chapter 427, A Guang is so detailed!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 427 I have to brag about it, Guang is so detailed!

  He found a toilet and went offline.

  Battlefield Guy organized these interesting intelligence in a document.

  However, he did not publish it immediately, but returned to the game first, and followed Korway to the front-line command post of the Legion.

  If that guy is kept waiting for too long, and he finds himself sitting in the toilet in a daze, it will be difficult to explain it clearly at that time…

  Wait until night falls, when the players are online and offline .

  Battlefield Guy spent another half an hour to organize the intelligence, and then happily stuffed it into the forum post.

  As he expected.

  As soon as the new intelligence was online, it quickly attracted the attention of the players.

  In just one minute, dozens of comments flashed under the post.

  Tail: “Oh oh oh! It’s the Black Orcs! (ω)”

  Sis: “Oh! Very impressive, but it sounds like they just repainted the model? (Squint)”

  Debt Eyes: “So… it’s just the base of a thousand-man team? This information is a bit weak, brother Pangolin. (Funny)”

  Fountain Commander: “But the equipment parameters are quite interesting. It’s a pity that the prisoners captured before were all air force, and they don’t know about the army equipment.”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “By the way, how did Kolwe know? Isn’t he an officer on the Iron Heart?”

  Fountain Commander: “His immediate superior is Rachel, who is affiliated with the Air Marine Corps and is responsible for training the escort troops. Maybe he knows more about land warfare equipment? Or has he been in the army system before?”

  Edgepad: “Possibly! No wonder we couldn’t get anything out of the prisoners captured before.”

  Irena: “Not bad, you’ve done a good job, brother! (Funny)”


  Everyone was helping to analyze the intelligence, some analyzed the weaknesses of these equipment based on their characteristics, and some took the opportunity to brag.

  ”Damn! These bastards are really demanding!”

  ”I risked my life to bring back this information, be content!”

  The battlefield guy sitting in front of the computer rolled his eyes and typed a reply.

  Then, he excitedly pressed F5, looking at the time in the lower right corner and the number of replies rising. Hot


  This time it must be settled!

  In fact, there is no reward for the hot list. A Guang has already labeled his post as a boutique, and the reward for the task of collecting intelligence has been received.

  But everyone has the desire to show off.

  To be more precise, it is called the realization of self-worth, which ranks at the top of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

  The battlefield guy, who has never received so much attention, still wants to try to get on the hot list and experience the feeling of being looked at by everyone with “admiring eyes”.

  However, when the number of replies reached 522, the number of clicks reached a bottleneck.

  The discussion was still about the same few people, and they were all familiar IDs.

  The surging mood began to get anxious. The battlefield guy switched outside the post and took a look at the forum. However, this look was not important, and he almost vomited blood.

  Oh my god.

  The hot list was robbed again!

  However, this time it was not robbed by Fang Chang, but by Mole.


  Even the popularity of the 100 million Cr investment was killed by Mole brother’s post.

  《Playing VR games in completely real VR games–》

  ”Brothers! The Easter eggs in the new map are amazing! You can even play other VR games in VR games! But to be honest, Easter eggs are just Easter eggs after all. Compared with “Wasteland OL”, those games are not real enough. Not only can the physical sense not be fully restored, but the NPCs are also dull, and the types are too single!”

  ”The sales list is full of open worlds, and the themes are all role-playing. Although there are a lot of content and the maps are ridiculously large, there are no characteristics at all. Rather than saying that it is a game, it is more like a virtual community packaged as a game!”

  ”Strictly speaking, this is a relatively advanced concept. If you spend a long time immersed in the game world, you should be able to experience the rich and colorful fun, such as playing a wizard, or playing an astronaut exploring the galaxy, etc…. But those simple, crude and creative gameplays are hard to see here.”

  ”Later, I analyzed it carefully. Referring to the background of the ideal city, it is not difficult to understand why it has become like this.”

  ”This seemingly prosperous city seems to be giving birth to new things every day, but the ability to innovate is actually suppressed.”

  ”Most industries are either controlled by the five major groups or indirectly controlled by them. 99.9% of game companies are subsidiaries of the ‘internet giant’ Endpoint Group. The works produced by them are all compatible with the same system, using the same set of development tools and the same set of material libraries, and naturally become assembly line products with different skins.” “I have

  to praise it, A Guang is so detailed!!”

  Less than half an hour after the post was published, there were already tens of thousands of comments below.

  It’s not just the players who are enjoying the fun.

  Lianyun players also came to join in the fun.

  Tail: “Oh! Pass it on, A Guang is too thin! The mole said so! (ω)”

  Meat Mountain Big Bun Mo: “Stop it, A Wei, don’t you want your account anymore?!”

  Tail: “!!! Sisi just sent it from my phone!”

  Sisi: “?!”

  Cheerful netizen: “I’m crying. I haven’t even seen a helmet yet, and these European emperors are already playing virtual reality games in virtual reality games! QAQ”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “Please kindly give me a helmet. Remember not to pay the postage. I’m still a student. Can you give it to me for free? TT”

  I’m the darkest: “Hahahaha, isn’t this a map prepared for me?! Give me a plane ticket! I want to go to Ideal City! I want to make games and release albums. I want to be the king of entertainment!!! (Crazy)”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Wake up, can you open a game in Ideal City ?

Can I get investment after opening a company? Can the games made with investment be put on the Endpoint Cloud of Endpoint Group? (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “That’s a problem. Putting aside the visa issue, judging from the public information on the official website, except for the unclear attitude of Kangmao Group, Endpoint Group’s favorability towards us can be said to be the lowest among the five major groups.”

  Ya Ya: “But our video is still circulated on Endpoint Cloud, why is that? (Curious)”

  Fang Chang: “It’s normal. There is a game relationship between the five major groups of enterprises, and they will inevitably control a certain link in the industrial chain of each other, such as the video website invested by Silver Wing Group, just like the operating system developed by the software company under Endpoint Group will be used in the intelligent weapons of Changge Group. “

  Edge paddling: “Oh my god… I feel like my brain is not enough, or tell me where to go. (Headache)”

  Battlefield atmosphere group: “Boil!!! (Frenzy)”

  Night Ten: “……?”

  In the shelter.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting in front of the computer and peeking at the screen, nodded with satisfaction.

  Not bad.

  In the military, there are battlefield guys to help spy on intelligence, and in the economy, there is Fang Chang to help him attract investment, start work at the same time, and fleece the army and the enterprise at the same time.

  With this pair of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix in hand, why worry about not being able to take over a mere Luoxia Province?

  At this time, Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the desk, whispered.

  ”Master, look at Fang Chang’s post, many people are talking about the shady dealings.”

  Chu Guang casually clicked on Fang Chang’s post and took a look. Seeing that this guy was still explaining to the silly netizens who were making trouble, he smiled lightly and said indifferently.

  ”Let them talk, it’s not just one or two days.”

  There is only one point of complaint.

  You went to the new map as a tester, why did you get it from the new map first?

  If it is a public beta game, there must be a rhythm, but nominally the game helmet is a closed beta game given to players by the game company, so the reason for this rhythm is untenable.

  So why Chu Guang never gave up on the closed beta qualification, and would rather occasionally auction two technologies than sell the helmet, it is also for this reason.

  Besides, it can’t be considered a personal benefit.

  Niuma Group, like the No. 81 Steel Plant, is a collective holding company invested by Shelter No. 404. The four shareholders hold shares in single digits, and Shelter No. 404 takes the majority of the dividends every time.

  And the money distributed is basically spent on the alliance, either subsidizing the NPC store where most players buy equipment, or investing in infrastructure.

  A set of “Miner” Type I exoskeleton sells for 4000Cr in the enterprise, 8000 chips in Boulder City, and only 2000 silver coins (limited purchase) in the NPC store. The subsidy amount is not a small amount.

  And the money spent on repairing the road is not made out of thin air.

  Of course, the art of cutting leeks lies in continuous harvesting, and Chu Guang will not let the players’ efforts go in vain.

  While these collectively owned enterprises bear certain social responsibilities, they will also enjoy the “exclusive tasks” issued by the shelter and appropriate resource allocation.

  For example, the second-hand hydrogen plasma arc furnace worth more than 10 million Cr just imported from the enterprise was allocated to the No. 81 Steel Plant at an asset price of 30 million silver coins.

  From the perspective of gameplay, this can balance the income of players and prevent the value from overflowing.

  From a practical perspective, before there is enough cake to be divided in the market, it is possible to concentrate production materials to expand production capacity and make the cake bigger as soon as possible.

  More specific plans were already planned in detail by Chu Guang in the Alpha version.

  After several versions of adjustments, the dividend ratio and the corresponding tax law are already relatively complete.

  After closer cooperation with enterprises and more trust, Chu Guang will consider selling tickets to the East Coast to players above high citizens or knights, and encourage more life professional players to go to Ideal City to develop the market there.

  The Alliance needs the production technology there.

  By then, the residents of Ideal City will be more tolerant of the players’ imagination.

  After closing Fang Chang’s post, Chu Guang turned his attention back to Pangolin’s post.

  There was still a lot of useful information in the post.

  Especially the firing range and killing range of the Conqueror No. 10 II self-propelled artillery, and the firing rate and effective range of the Conqueror III anti-aircraft vehicle.

  Based on the information of the former, the Alliance can roughly calculate the charge and explosion power of its 150mm artillery, so as to design bunkers in a targeted manner to minimize its fragmentation and shock wave damage.

  The latter will help the Alliance’s air force design more effective tactics for its ground anti-aircraft firepower.

  Including the mutant mercenaries that appeared in the Legion’s team…

  To deal with these guys, ordinary 7mm rifles are not very effective, and you have to use 20 or 37mm “cavalry lances”, or even RPGs and other rocket launchers to deal with them.

  He has sent these data to the Army Command, as well as military factories such as the 81st Steel Plant and Goblin Technology.

  The Alliance needs to bid for an anti-armor weapon that is better than the “switchblade” and has a stronger destructive effect.

  The metallic hydrogen provided by the enterprise and the azide technology recovered from the wasteland by the alliance itself can provide more available technical options for this new equipment.

  Whether it is to formulate targeted combat plans or design targeted weapons, it is a part of war preparation.

  In addition, there are some high-tech guided weapons that can be imported with the military purchase funds of 300 million aid.

  ”The front-line troops need to be equipped with more infantry anti-armor weapons, at least twice the baseline ammunition, which is a big test for logistics…”

  ”But then again, a thousand-man team…almost a regiment of personnel, actually equipped with more than 50 tanks, and also stationed a mutant camp of 100 people.”

  Such an elite force composed entirely of Weyland people is not in the oasis, but in the desert near Oasis No. 9, which is quite suspicious.

  The surrounding terrain is not dangerous, but an open plain.

  Thinking of the merchant who transported supplies, Chu Guang touched his chin and thought, and his heart suddenly moved.

  Could it be the ammunition depot on the front line?

  Or at least it is one of the transportation nodes for providing supplies to the front line!

  If we can take it, we will not only have the hope of collecting key witnesses and evidence of the delivery of weapons from the Bugera Free State to the Legion, but we can also send those weapons to friendly forces to support the front line!

  And the most important thing is that we can take this opportunity to test the high-tech weapons that the Alliance imported from old friends!

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang immediately looked at Xiao Qi and said.

  ”Xiao Qi, can you calculate the specific location of the camp based on the travel time and speed of the player’s battlefield atmosphere group?”

  Xiao Qi: “Well… it’s a bit difficult. Your player is not moving in a straight line, and the speed is not fixed. We can’t locate the town where he started, so we can only guess a general direction of travel.”

  Chu Guang frowned slightly, and was about to say something, but Xiao Qi suddenly continued.

  ”… But it’s not completely impossible. Your player encountered a sandstorm at noon, right?”

  Upon hearing this, Chu Guang was delighted and immediately understood what he meant.

  ”I understand… As long as we determine the path of the sandstorm, and then according to the approximate direction of the pangolin’s movement, draw the overlapping area in the middle, we can determine the approximate location of the ammunition depot!”

  Xiao Qi gave a thumbs up and said with a happy smile on his face.

  ”As expected of the master, it’s great!”

  ”…It’s a pity that we don’t have a weather satellite, so we can’t determine the trajectory of the sandstorm,” Chu Guang touched his chin and continued to think and talk to himself, “But the locals living in Oasis No. 9 should know.”

  Thinking of this, he immediately ordered.

  ”Notify Kariman for me and ask him to take the pigeon and wait for me at the Alliance Army Headquarters early tomorrow morning!”

  Xiao Qi said with great enthusiasm.



  South of Dawn City.

  The village of the Frostspear clan.

  Hearing that the manager was going to come to the Merchants’ Guild to inspect the arrangement of the books, Shuangxue, who happened to be on duty today, deliberately put on her favorite dress and borrowed cosmetics from her sister who worked at the trading post.

  However, she was not very good at makeup, so she didn’t dare to use a lot, and only put on a little light makeup with the help of her sister.

  While carefully helping her sister to trim her eyebrows, Shuanghe said in a chatty tone.

  ”… This alone is not enough. There are too many handsome men and beautiful women in the shelter, and those residents always like to hang around him.”

  Shuangxue blushed and whispered.

  ”After all, he is their manager…”

  Shuanghe said patiently.

  ”What I mean is, if you want to leave a deep impression on that adult, at least let him know your name, you have to find opportunities to create some coincidences or accidents.”

  ”Intention, accident?!”

  ”Don’t move. The accident I’m talking about doesn’t mean you have any bad intentions towards him… Oh, forget it, it’s really troublesome to explain, you’d better not think too much.” After a long

  time of struggling.

  Shuangxue finally arrived at the Merchants Guild before work.

  When handing over her work, she learned from the personnel that in addition to the manager, there was also a distinguished guest from Luoxia Province who was coming today.

  ”Distinguished guest?”

  ”She is a member of the royal family of the Honey Badger Kingdom. The manager intends to let her help us sort out the books in the warehouse. Your main task today is to show her the job.”

  The girl in charge of personnel looked at her twice, and suddenly a smile appeared on her face. She said jokingly, “It’s a pretty dress, very suitable for you. Where did you buy it from?”

  ”Teng, Teng Teng House.”

  The personnel curved her lips.

  ”It seems that there are new styles there. I’ll go and have a look after work.”

  After understanding the work items, Shuangxue blushed and hurriedly left the personnel office and went to the warehouse next to the Merchants Guild. She waited anxiously for half an hour.

  Finally, a figure appeared in the distance and walked towards this side.

  However, she did not wait for the azure power armor, but only saw a girl in a long skirt.

  The girl had slightly curly brown hair and a fair and delicate face that looked like a porcelain doll. She had this special temperament, which made Shuangxue feel a little nervous involuntarily.

  But it was only a little.

  Walking to Shuangxue and stopping, the little girl blinked and asked politely.

  ”Hello, is this the book warehouse of the Merchants’ Guild?”

  Shuangxue came back to her senses and smiled.

  ”Yes… I am the staff on duty today. You can call me Shuangxue. May I ask who you are?”

  She gently lifted her skirt and performed a court etiquette. The little girl looked at her and blinked.

  ”Avni, it’s my name, or you can call me Nini.”

  The well-behaved, dignified and lovely appearance made Shuangxue want to touch her head.

  However, this kind of thing can only be thought about, it is too rude to the guests.

  ”Avni… Are you the guest that the manager mentioned?”

  ”Yes, it’s me,” Avni nodded and said in a clear and pleasant voice, “The manager went to deal with work matters, and I came alone. We will be colleagues in the future. If there is anything that is not done well, please be more tolerant.”

  ”You are too polite, please follow me.”

  Taking Avni into the warehouse, Shuangxue briefly introduced the work process.

  To put it simply, it is to take out the books in the cardboard box and go through them briefly, scan them with VM, save them in the database, and divide them into several major categories according to the content of the books, such as natural sciences, humanities, historical documents, etc.

  At first, both of them were a little reserved, but after all, they were of similar age, and they gradually became familiar with each other as they chatted.

  Frost and Snow, who had only heard of the identity of a princess in fairy tales, looked at the little girl with an exotic face curiously, and after asking for her consent, reached out and touched her soft brown curly hair.

  ”By the way, Miss Avni is… the princess of the Honey Badger Kingdom?”

  ”Yes.” Avni nodded gently.

  Although the Falcon Kingdom and the Legion occupied there, she and her brother had not surrendered, and the people of the kingdom had not surrendered either.

  ”No wonder you are so beautiful, you should have many suitors in your country.” Frost and Snow said enviously.

  ”That’s not the case,” Avni sighed softly and joked in a joking tone, “If I were really that beautiful, your administrator would not have rejected my proposal so readily.”

  With a click.

  The book fell to the ground.

  ”Oh, sorry.”

  Seeing Shuangxue squatting down hurriedly to pick up the book, Avni seemed to see something from her expression, and a smile of interest appeared on her quiet face.

  ”It seems that the adult is very loved by you.”

  ”Of course!” Patting the dust on the book, Shuangxue’s cheeks blushed, and she said a little embarrassedly, “A long time ago, we all lived a life of displacement. Thanks to that adult, we can live and work here in peace and contentment… So I love him too.”

  That shy smile revealed happiness visible to the naked eye, and Avni couldn’t help but feel a little envious in her heart.

  She was not envious of her. She

  envied the manager for being loved by so many people.

  She had been in the alliance for two days.

  In these two days, she had seen that enviable smile more than once.

  There were men, women, children and the elderly…

  As the monarch of a territory, her father was undoubtedly a wise king.

  The people of the Honey Badger Kingdom respect him from the bottom of their hearts, and their loyalty to him is like their devotion to the spirit of the sea of ​​sand.

  However, when her father’s name was mentioned, people’s faces showed loyalty and piety, but rarely did they show love and gratitude from the bottom of their hearts.

  An invisible force united these people together. From the residents of the shelter to the civilians outside the shelter, everyone believed in the alliance and their own future, even though the war had spread to the visible places.

  How did that man do it?

  She was thirsty for that knowledge.


  as he said, the answer is hidden in those books.

  Her eyes fell on the cartons filled with books, and Avni thought for a moment and spoke.

  ”Is our task today to sort out these books?”


  Frost Snow came back to her senses from the daze, sorted out the expression on her face, and said with a friendly smile.

  ”I will teach you how to sort. In fact, this job is very interesting. If you find interesting books, you can borrow them home to read. As long as you return them on time, we always rush to do this job.”

  ”Then let’s get started.”

  Avni squatted on the ground, not caring that the dust stained her skirt, and picked up a thick book from the box.

  A line of words was printed on the cover in deep ink – “Study of Classical Economics: Contradictions and Evolution of Production Relations and Productive Forces”.

  From the introduction on the back, it seems that this is an academic work written by scholars in the early prosperous era.

  Gently patting the dust on the cover, she opened the title page. Although she didn’t understand it very well, she still read it.

  ”Can you talk to me about that manager?”

  Frost’s eyes lit up when she heard the topic of interest.

  ”Of course! What do you want to know?”

  Avni thought for a while and said.

  ”For example, the books he likes to read…”

  … North of

  Shuguang City.

  The army headquarters near the airport.

  Standing at the door with a pigeon cage, Kariman felt that he was out of tune with the atmosphere here, and could only awkwardly glue his eyes to his watch.

  Fortunately, everyone here was very busy, and no one paid special attention to him, which eased his embarrassment.

  At this moment, a figure appeared at the door.

  Looking at the azure power armor, Kariman finally breathed a sigh of relief, bowed slightly, and said respectfully.

  ”Hello, dear manager, do you have any instructions for me?”

  Chu Guang glanced at the pigeon in the cage in his hand.

  The sharp beak and claws did not look like a pigeon at all, but more like an eagle. Especially the two tufts of brown hair above the eyes were like eyebrows, which made it look quite aggressive.

  It is said that the pigeons trained by the royal family of the Eagle Kingdom can fly 800 kilometers a day. The general pigeons can basically fly about 500 to 700 kilometers.

  But no matter which one it is, it is enough for him.

  ”Follow me.”

  Chu Guang did not explain, but took Kariman straight to the room at the corner of the corridor.

  This is a command room, with papers and pens scattered on the long table, and a few cigarette butts left in the ashtray.

  A meeting was held here last night.

  The map hanging on the wall not far away, and the arrows and circles drawn with solid and dotted lines on the map, are the results of the combat meeting last night.

  Soon noticing the map, Prince Kariman stared at it for a while, and a surprised expression gradually appeared on his face.

  ”…What is this?”

  Without wasting time to lay the groundwork, Chu Guang skipped the opening remarks and spoke concisely.

  ”Our intelligence personnel have locked onto a military base in the desert that is suspected to be a logistics hub. We are not sure of its exact location, but we know its general direction and where the sandstorm passed yesterday afternoon.”

  ”There are military supplies sent through the Bugera Free State, which are the equipment sent from the Golden Lizard Kingdom that I told you about.”

  Hearing the word “Golden Lizard”, Kariman unconsciously clenched his fists and squeezed out a sentence with gritted teeth.

  ”This group of shameful traitors…”

  Chu Guang did not give him time to brew his emotions and continued speaking quickly.

  ”It’s useless to curse them. Let me tell you about our plan. We plan to take down this military base, take photos of the inventory there, and arrest the relevant personnel… In short, we will collect as many useful clues as possible and then send them to the Great Rift Valley.”

  ”I can’t be sure of the attitude of the Great Rift Valley, but it’s hard to assume that they will stand on the same front with the Legion after just fighting with the Legion. We need them to manage their vassals, and it would be best if we can use this to clean up the intelligence network planned by the Legion in the Bugera Free State.”

  ”We have detailed information on the equipment, personnel and defense arrangements of the target military base… This is what we spent more than a month collecting. I need you to cooperate with us and take down that military base!”

  ”After the investigation and evidence collection is completed, you can take the equipment there.”

  Seeing the details of the battle plan handed over by Chu Guang, Prince Kariman felt a headache.

  He was just a diplomat. He couldn’t say that he knew nothing about military affairs, but he did know a lot.

  Especially when he saw the deployment of enemy forces in the battle plan, his breathing froze for a few seconds.

  Put down the documents in his hand.

  Kariman looked at Chu Guang with a bitter face, his voice full of embarrassment.

  ”A full-strength team of 1,000 people, and the elite of the legion, it is difficult for our troops alone… no, it should be almost impossible to take down this place.”

  The legion’s combat effectiveness is very strong, far stronger than their servants.

  Usually, they need to pay 5 times or even 10 times the price to block the attack of the same number of troops.

  And this is still a defensive battle relying on fixed bunkers.

  As for the active offensive battle…

  he is not even sure whether the army of the kingdom lacking heavy equipment has taken the initiative to attack so far.

  ”Isn’t the Enterprise’s Expeditionary Team helping you?” Chu Guang frowned.

  Kariman shook his head.

  ”That’s what I said, but the battle zone they are responsible for is mainly in the south, with our main force, mainly responsible for harassing the legion’s artillery positions and air force bases, and the location of this base… from what you mean, it should be to the north of Oasis No. 9, right?”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  Kariman continued.

  ”…According to my understanding, the western and northern parts of Oasis No. 9 have completely fallen. Currently, we only have a few guerrillas active there, and the number of people is probably only two or three thousand-man teams, which is difficult to form an effective combat force.”

  Chu Guang stared at the map and thought for a long time, then said.

  ”We will send a paratrooper to assist you in the battle, including providing necessary air support.”

  It is nearly 700 kilometers from the temporary airport in Luoye City to the military base, which is beyond the combat radius of the W series fighter.

  However, this is not a problem for the company’s killer whale transport aircraft! As for

  air support.

  It should not be a problem to give him the fixed-wing drone imported from the company.

  Although he was skeptical about whether this plan could succeed, when he heard Chu Guang say that he would send paratroopers to fight side by side with the kingdom’s troops, Kariman still raised some confidence in his heart and nodded seriously.

  ”I will inform the kingdom. Can you tell me the specific time of the action?”

  Chu Guang said without hesitation.

  ”The day after tomorrow at dawn!”

  ”We will take down that base before dawn!”

  (Thanks to “Silence in the Wind and Rain” and “IAG_启神” for their rewards! I made a mistake. I heard that Chapter 7 said that it was uncomfortable TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode