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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 100

When he came to the courtyard and took out the key to open the door, he heard his sister suddenly speak again.

“Onii-chan, do you remember what day it is today?”

“Is today a holiday? Is it special?”

Hikigaya Hachiman answered subconsciously, and the thoughts in his mind began to tumble again.

‘By the way, today is my birthday? ’

‘But I forgot… no, I ignored it subconsciously. After all, this is not a day worth remembering in my life. ’

Komachi frowned slightly and said, “Onii-chan, why did you forget such an important thing!”

“I see. No wonder you are so enthusiastic today, Komachi. Is it because you want to celebrate my birthday? You are so thoughtful.”

When he recalled it, his expression was very touched.

“Looks like I have to put my heart and soul into the noodles tonight!”

After saying that, he hurriedly opened the door and prepared to enter the kitchen.

“I’m not the only one who should be grateful, Onii-chan.”

Komachi, who was following him, suddenly smiled mysteriously.

Suddenly, the lights in the living room came on.


Hikigaya Hachiman’s eyes were stunned.

What came into view were the most familiar girls.

With a click, the fireworks tube opened, and ribbons and paper flowers of various colors flew out, creating a warm and festive atmosphere.




“Happy birthday!”

But Nayuta, Sei Senjumura, Yamada Fairy, Gogeng Ruri, and Komachi behind him all sent their blessings in unison.

Come to think of it, they have been arranged for a long time.

At this moment, Hikigaya Hachiman had already thought of everything that had happened during this period of time.

It turns out that they were running around for their birthdays during this time.

At this moment, the emotions accumulated in his heart almost exploded, causing tears of emotion to well up from his eyes.

However, he still held back because he still had the last bit of stubbornness!

By the way, it’s just a birthday celebration, is it so important?

No, it’s not!

This is because he was deeply moved by their caring friendship.

This was something he had never felt before, so it seemed so precious.

Only now did he realize this.

It’s great to be able to live again.

It’s great to get to know them.

145 scenes that can only be seen in this comic book

“thank you all.”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s expression was sincere, with tears shining in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to rub the corners of his eyes.

His performance was somewhat beyond everyone’s expectations.

Because in the eyes of girls, he is a person who is more rational than emotional.

When everyone is surprised.

“Hey, you are crying, are you so soft?”

Wu Geng Liuli first said abruptly.

“It’s okay, Hachiman.”

Qianjumura Zheng worriedly stretched out his hand, trying to find out what he was thinking.

“Hehe, Hachiman must have been moved to tears! Don’t worry, I understand this guy better than you!”

The Yamada Fairy placed one hand on her hip, flipped up her long golden hair with the other hand, and smiled with deep approval.

“Senior, come and cry in my arms! There are suitable pillows here!”

But Nayuta was more direct than them. He stretched out his hands and made a gesture of wanting to hug. His face was soft and gentle, like an angel saving the world.

“Onii-chan, this is your birthday celebration. What does it look like with a crying face!”

Komachi leaned over from behind and patted his shoulder lightly.

“That’s right.”

Hikigaya Hachiman nodded, the smile on his face gradually getting thicker, burying the emotion in his heart.

Come to the living room.

On the dining table, a large cake has been placed, with five layers, richly filled with various fruits and creative symbols of living alone.

“This lady made this for you with my own hands. Eat all of this with your heart! If you can’t finish it, just accept the punishment!”

Yamada Fairy pressed his chest and still said with that proud attitude.

“Then you’d better spare me. Even if everyone eats together, they won’t be able to finish it!”

Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly laughed.

“Is it.”

Miss Goblin curled her lips, with a hint of deep meaning in her eyes.

“Okay, stop showing off there! Let’s start celebrating your birthday!”

But Nayuta intervened, drawing everyone’s attention.

At the same time, Komachi turned off the lights, and the living room suddenly became dark, leaving only the candles on the birthday cake to provide light for everyone.

The atmosphere has been set off.

“Onii-chan, please make a wish in your heart!”

Komachi said on behalf of everyone.


Hikigaya Hachiman nodded, then closed his eyes tightly, clasped his hands together, and made a wish in his heart.

In this situation, the wish he could think of was very simple, that is… to make everyone happy!

Then he blew out all the birthday candles.

The lights are on again.

“What would Hachiman wish for?”

Qianju Cunzheng looked very curious.

“If you want to know, just go and ask.”

Wu Geng Liuli said quietly.

“This kind of wish won’t work if you say it out loud. Do you understand?”

Yamada Fairy glanced at everyone.

“This is a secret that belongs to seniors. After seniors complete their birthday wishes, please ask seniors to tell us at that time!”

But Nayuta looked at him.

“This is indeed a secret. Maybe it will be revealed to everyone one day.”

Hikigaya Hachiman left a very suspenseful sentence.

Several girls looked sideways, suddenly feeling a little itchy.

But now that they had finished talking, they stopped asking further questions.

“The next step is to share the cake.”

Hikigaya Hachiman took the initiative in this birthday celebration and began to use knives and forks to distribute the cake to everyone, trying to be as impartial as possible except Komachi.

Because he understands that the superficial harmony actually only needs a small reason to detonate.

“Onii-chan, it’s really hard.”

Komachi looked at the cake on his plate that was obviously a few circles larger, and then looked at the others who had almost the same portions, and sighed in his heart.

Indeed, it is so difficult to choose from so many girls!

As a younger sister, she couldn’t help but sweat for her brother.

It would be great if there was a foolproof solution to this problem.

She has already established relationships with several bride candidates, and she really can’t bear to have anyone get hurt.

What she didn’t know was that her brother had the same idea and embarked on an unpredictable Shura path.

“There are so many more!”

After almost everyone was full, Fairy Yamada found that almost half of the cake she had made by herself was still there, and she became furious.

“Hachiman, please accept my punishment!”


Hikigaya Hachiman was just about to use words to persuade, but as soon as he met the goblin’s eyes, he understood that it was impossible for him to convince him.

Because this is obviously taking advantage of the topic!

Then, with a pop, a piece of cream cake hit his face.

“Woman, you pissed me off.”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s eyes slowly opened, like volcanoes spewing flames.

“Hey, come on and face me head-on!”

Yamada Fairy crossed his arms and looked unruly.

Just when the two sides were about to explode.

“Senior, wait, I’m not full yet, give me some more.”

But Nayuta suddenly ran over, stood on tiptoes, and licked the cream on his face.

Komachi looked on and blushed.

This is too exciting!

“Wait! This is too foul!”

“Stop it!”

Several other girls noticed this scene, and no one could calm down, so they all prepared to stop it.

The one who made the move fastest was the silent Wu Geng Liuli. She was closer to the two, so she picked up a piece of cake and blew it into the silver-haired girl’s mouth.

“You’re full now, no need to thank me.”

Wu Geng Liuli looked at the silver-haired beauty whose face was blurred, and her smile looked dangerous and evil.

“Sister Liuli is finally going to join the battlefield!?”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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