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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 101

Komachi looked surprised.

In her opinion, although Sister Liuli and her brother have known each other for a long time, their closeness was average. This made her even think that Sister Liuli might only regard her brother as a close friend.

But now it seems…this friendship is not that pure after all!


Keer Nayuta licked the cream on the corner of her lips. Although she was attacked, her face showed joy.

She still did it!

“You guy!”

However, her move also angered the other two. The goblin and Murasaki ran over and baptized Nayuta.

“I want to come too!”

Someone threw a cake and hit Komachi who was watching the show, causing her to join the fight.

Then, the scene fell into a big melee.

Hikigaya Hachiman touched the traces of saliva left on his face, was stunned for a moment, turned to look at the scene of the melee, and then shook his head with a smile.

He had only seen this indescribable scene in comics with titles like “White Burning Liquid, Multiplayer Hell XX”.

146 When I write, I feel like I am inspired, and I am making progress again!

“What are you…”

Hikigaya Hachiman looked at the messy scene in front of him and couldn’t help but sigh.


The girls woke up from their violent state and looked at the cream on their bodies. It looked like some kind of strange scene. Then they smiled and stood aside embarrassedly to tidy up their appearance.

But cream is not that easy to clean.

Obviously, this can only be cleaned by taking a bath.

“Okay, today’s carnival should end here, and it’s time for everyone to go wash up and sleep.”

Seeing this, he chose to terminate the banquet.

“If I go back in this dirty state, I would rather die.”

Wu Geng Liuli looked at her own condition and said loudly with deep resentment.

“Feel the same!”

Qian Shou Cun Zheng covered his body very uncomfortably, and the tips of his ears were already dyed red.

The same was true for the others, only Nayuta Kana still said calmly: “It feels a bit similar to the manga I’ve read by Kashiwagi Eri-sensei.”

Everyone could hardly stand it any longer.

They may not know about other book painters, but Eri Kashiwagi is a teacher that everyone knows well.

“Ahem, don’t have any inexplicable associations, and pack it up quickly.”

He coughed.

“But there are no clothes to change into.”

Komachi was the first to notice this problem.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Miss Goblin.

“Hey, hey, if that’s the case, then I’ll give you a favor once. It’s an honor to wear the same dress as this lady!”

Yamada Fairy said with joy.

“Will it not fit?”

Keer Nayuta looked down and glanced at his chest, and his voice suddenly became louder.

The scene suddenly fell into silence.

As a result, it is of course wearable.

The Lolita clothes purchased by Miss Elf are of high quality and fluffy, and can fit even Nayuta and Murasaki, who are several sizes larger.

In fact, the most annoying thing is that Miss Goblin found that the clothes worn by Komachi, who is two years younger than her, still look very good, which makes her look too ‘stingy’!

After everyone bathed and changed into similar Lolita clothes, they came to the lobby.

“Huh? By the way, Cun Zheng, are you going back tonight?”

But Nayuta suddenly discovered a blind spot.

“I have already agreed with Yaren to stay here tonight.”

Qianju Cunzheng’s demeanor returned to his usual calm state.

“Then I want to stay too! With senior!”

But Nayuta’s eyes lit up.


Several other girls expressed their opposition.

“It doesn’t matter what you say, I’ll go find senior!”

But Nayuta spread his legs and ran out the door.

The girls looked at each other and followed him one after another.


Hikigaya Hachiman’s answer was exactly the same as the others.

Everyone knows that it is too dangerous to let Nayuta in!

And he still understood the principle of not worrying about scarcity but inequality. If it was just to accommodate Nayuta, it would be even more troublesome for others to make the same request.

He glanced distractedly at everyone’s clothes.

Goblins are used to dressing up on weekdays, and they don’t look anything special, but everyone is wearing similar clothes, and suddenly I have an inexplicable feeling.

This thought only flashed through his mind.

He turned around and said, “But it’s so late and it’s not that safe. I can’t send you back one by one. Why don’t you all stay here tonight? Nayuta and Ruri, you guys will stay here tonight just like Murazheng.” The Fairy’s Crystal Palace, as for Komachi, just live here.”

This kind of handling method is the most acceptable to everyone. Even Nayuta has no willful desire to push the envelope.

Hang the washed clothes on the balcony to dry, and then go back to your assigned room.

They had been having fun for a long time tonight and were very tired, so they all fell asleep quickly.

The next day, Hikigaya Hachiman got up very early, earlier than the other girls.

Because he felt a little itchy in his heart and couldn’t help but want to write a novel.

Just as he expected, it felt very smooth once he started using it, and sentences that usually require careful consideration came easily.

“I’m in great shape today!”

Hikigaya Hachiman thought with excitement.

Obviously, it was because of yesterday’s incident that the gaps in his soul were filled again, allowing him to seek and find his own ‘touch’.

For writers, literary accumulation is very important, but emotional state is also very important.

Before today, he had improved a lot because of his hard work, but he gradually encountered a bottleneck and it was difficult to make rapid progress again.

He knew that he still had too much craftsmanship. Compared with Nayuta and Murazheng, his writing lacked a bit of aura.

The two girls have reached the point of being ‘extremely emotional’, just like their own mental states, that’s why their words are so touching.

There are very few people in the industry who can be in this state at any time, and they all have the potential to become top light novelists.

Originally, this level of difficulty was difficult for him to break through, but now it seems that it can no longer limit him.

He can confirm that if he writes his own original story now, it will be easy to achieve sales of more than one million. He even said that writing a novel about stitching monsters from another world would only be even more amazing.

Of course, it’s still the same thing. He would be a fool not to take advantage of his advantages. He should wait until he gets bored and then consider original stories!

If you don’t pay attention, the morning will pass by.

Hikigaya Hachiman didn’t realize that the time had reached noon until he finished writing a large section of the plot.


My stomach growled.

Only then did he realize something very important.

Why didn’t anyone ask him to have breakfast? Have they all gone back?

Then do it yourself.

He turned around and pushed open the door to the room and came downstairs, only to find that the girls were having fun playing games and had not left.

“Onii-chan, are you done with your work? I was planning to call you, but I found that Onii-chan was too absorbed in typing, so I had to give up.”

Komachi ran over and explained the reason.

My sister understood that such a state was rare, so she discussed it with the others and didn’t bother them.

“So that’s it.”

He looked clear.

“Senior, are you hungry?”

“Hachiman, do you want to eat the lunch I made?”

“Don’t take my word for it, Cun Zheng!”

“When it comes to cooking skills, I am better!”

“You are too noisy, so we should act quickly.”

The girls quarreled over this matter.

“You’d better stop it!”

He said in a weak tone.

Everyone came back to their senses, looked at each other, and discussed, everyone brought out their own special dishes to enrich the lunch.

The weekend of this week ended in a joyful and noisy atmosphere.

147 I will always like Makise Kurisu

“The third volume has been completed! Brother Hachiman.”

Opening the video call, Sagiri’s expectant gaze greeted her.

“Yes, I have been in very good condition during this period, so it is earlier than expected. It feels really good not to be stuck.”

Hikigaya Hachiman stretched, looking very relaxed.

“Well! Then let me finish the story in the third volume!”

After Sagiri received the file and read the contents of the third volume, she felt the same way and said, “It feels so smooth! It’s like I wrote all the words on the same day. Hachiman is so powerful!” “

Hikigaya Hachiman, who was used to hearing praises from fans, couldn’t help but smile.

This time, he felt that he had really become stronger.

Then I called Ms. Yuanzi.

“Teacher Yue Se, you are indeed one of my most trusted generals, and he actually completed the work ahead of schedule.”

Machida Enko said happily.

“Hey, shouldn’t it be Nayuta? Her sales have already surpassed mine.”

Hikigaya Hachiman asked in surprise.

“That’s right, but if it weren’t for your help, I don’t know how many times Yuta would have to cross the deadline. Now that I can complete it before the deadline, I am very satisfied. Shiyu, too, at the beginning It was easy for two volumes, but it started to slow down after three volumes, not to mention other writers, but it annoyed me to death and I often had to call to push for manuscripts.”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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