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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 108

Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly remembered something.

“Really! Where.”

Yamada Fairy’s expression suddenly changed, and she looked at him expectantly.

“It’s comi cmarket.”

Wu Geng Liuli was the first thing that came to mind.

“Oh, it’s the one you were talking about before.”

Yamada Fairy raised his finger, as if he suddenly understood.

“It seems to be last year’s winter comic. We saw it together, Hachiman.”

Wu Geng Liuli was a little hesitant and turned around to confirm.


He nodded.

This summer I didn’t go because of the novel convention.

Suddenly, he felt a chill on his back.


The two eyes focused on him again.

“Senior, your relationship with Wu Geng turns out to be so good.”

“Can you tell me any other secrets we don’t know?”

This trip to the Holy Land finally ended perfectly, everyone bought what they wanted.

The next day.

As agreed, Hikigaya Hachiman went to Tokyo with Nayuta to prepare for the final interview of “Silver Season”.

Because the weather is too cold, Nayuta is dressed in a mid-length coat and boots today. Although the clothes are a little bloated, she still looks youthful and beautiful. The lively smile that always hangs on her face is even more… A mouthful of hot springs warms the heart.

She doesn’t look like an artistic girl who usually talks about dirty jokes.

At least, this is how Nayuta behaves in front of him now.

Enter the floor where the Fusugawa Bunko headquarters is located.

“Teacher Yuezi and Teacher Ke’er, good morning.”

The editor lady wearing OL uniform happily greeted me at the door.

Machida Enko had to show the best attitude towards her two capable generals.

“Good morning, Miss Yuanzi.”

Keer Nayuta smiled sweetly and waved.

Hikigaya Hachiman responded in the same way.

In the familiar room, Machida Enko opened the curtains to brighten the room.

“Let me be the interviewer today.”

She took the text, sat across from the two of them, and started the interview.

“About the best-selling “Silver Season” by Teacher Ke’er, everyone has always been talking about its soulful words, but as for the story itself, or the source, everyone has always wanted to get a correct answer. Teacher Ke’er, can you talk about it in detail?”

③Erba Ⅰ ④Sanji

Machida Enzi opened the text and asked questions according to the voting results filtered above.

“If you don’t want to answer, you can listen to the next question.”

She thought of something and added something.

“It’s okay, Miss Yuanzi, I don’t care anymore.”

Nayuta replied with a smile.

“About this issue, everyone should have expected it a long time ago, right? Yes, senior, the girl mentioned by Yue Se is me. I was saved by senior, and it was also under the guidance of senior that I got to where I am today. One step, really, if it weren’t for seniors, you might not have seen the work “Silver Season” at all, so please thank your seniors!”

A handful of old things

As she spoke, the girl suddenly turned her head and grabbed him with her gloved right hand.

“Senior, I like you! Please date me!”

“Currently…not yet.”

Hikigaya Hachiman replied calmly, as if he had expected it.

“Can Nian, I was rejected again.”

Keer Nayuta touched her cheeks lightly with both hands and made cute gestures with a smile, without any trace of disappointment.

“Don’t suddenly show off your affection in front of older women!”

Machida Enzi patted the table with an unkind expression.

“Sorry, sorry, Miss Yuanzi, then I wish you find the boyfriend of your choice as soon as possible!”

Kaer Nayuta said with his hands clasped together.


Machida Enzi snorted and glanced at the two of them.

As for the relationship between the two, she could tell that although Teacher Ke’er was verbally rejected outright, it was actually more than a friend but not a lover.

As for why there is no relationship, there should be some unknown secret.

“Hey, I’m sorry, Xiaoshi came too late, otherwise…”

She sighed inwardly.

The interview continues.

“This next question may be a bit tricky.”

Machida Enzi looked solemn.

“Miss Yuanzi, come on.”

Keer Nayuta patted his chest with great ambition.

“That’s about Teacher Yue Se. In the eyes of Teacher Ke’er, what kind of existence is Teacher Yue Se?”

Machida Enko said immediately.

“This question… to be honest, I haven’t thought about it seriously. Please let me think about it.”

Ke’er Nayuta’s expression became serious, and she secretly glanced at his side face, her eyes as gentle as water were a little obsessed.

156 The Story of Moonlight and Nayuta

Hikigaya Hachiman was vaguely aware that the girl’s gaze was too intense, making him a little shy.

Regarding this issue, he was actually a little curious.

His relationship with Nayuta was nothing more than a chance encounter, appearing as a lifesaver. He could not estimate the subsequent emotional progression.

Not long after, Kanayuta gave the answer himself.

The girl pressed her chest, closed her eyes and thought about her past experiences for a while, then slowly opened her watery eyes.

“For me, senior is my savior, who saved my world, and then turned into a ray of light, shining into my heart, allowing me to see the way forward clearly. Unknowingly, after watching senior After getting in touch with seniors, I finally understood that seniors are indispensable. They should not only be the people I admire, but also the people I like, well, the kind of people I want to get married to. “

After saying this, Machida Enzi was slightly stunned.

Hikigaya Hachiman held his chin with one hand and looked to the other side, already feeling very embarrassed.

He could feel that his face was getting very hot.

“Ahem, Teacher Ke’er, this is the final interview of “Silver Season”, not a confession scene. I think you can be more subtle and simple.”

Machida Enzi coughed twice, glanced at someone, and then continued.

“I have feelings for my senior, so be it.”

But Nayuta thought for a while and said again.

“Forget it, Teacher Ke’er, if you want to be more willful, then just be more willful. It won’t affect me anyway.”

Machidaenko was simply ruined.

“So, Teacher Yuese, after listening to Teacher Ke’er’s confession, what do you think?”

She looked teasingly.

Hikigaya Hachiman turned around and was about to say what he really wanted to say, but the girl next to him reached out to stop him.

“Senior, just leave what you want to say until that day. Before then, senior does not need to respond.”

Kanayuta shook his head.

“I see.”

He confirmed the meaning in the girl’s eyes and took the words back into his mouth.

“Miss Yuanzi, is this why you called me here?”

He looked at Machida Enko.

“Don’t worry, I have another question for Teacher Keer. Teacher Yuezi, please wait a moment.”

Machida Enzi raised her hand to signal.


He nodded.

“Teacher Ke’er, do you have any ideas about the prospects for your new work?”

Machida Enko asked the third question.

“Gold represents harvest and joy, so next I will write the second part of the seasonal series “Golden Season”. The content of the story is naturally the story from then on. The girl who has emerged from the predicament is about to usher in the happiest moment in her life. time.”

As Nayuta said this, she smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed.

“Then everyone should be looking forward to it very much.”

Machida Enzi was still muttering in her heart.

Especially the group of CP members must be crazy about it!

“Then it’s your turn, Teacher Yuezi.”

Machida Enko turned the topic to him.

There were not many questions for him. They were just about what kind of mentality he had when he met Nayuta, and why he chose to let Nayuta become a novelist.

The answer he gave was simple.

“Seeing the cute girl crying in the rain, as a passionate young man, it’s hard not to be moved by it, right? As they often say in anime, this is a fateful encounter.”

“As for why Nayuta became a light novelist, I just happened to know that Nayuta was very talented in literature and I happened to have the channels, so I recommended her to the wise editor. You will know what happened next.”

This statement made the other two people present laugh, because he usually wouldn’t speak like this.

“That’s right, senior and I were destined to meet. We are a match made in heaven.”

Putting her hands under her chin, Nayuta’s eyes turned into crescent moons when she smiled.

“You also deliberately used the modifier Yingming. This is the first time I heard it. Thank you, Teacher Yuezi.”

Machida Enko couldn’t hide her smile either.

“I hope Teacher Ke’er’s new work “Golden Season” will be equally popular!”

At the end, Hikigaya Hachiman sent his blessing to Nayuta’s new work as Yue Shimei.

Get out of the building.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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