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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 11

After reading all the private messages, she thought of this as she happened to be very free recently.

As a professional with a sense of smell, Yinglili immediately paid attention to the illustrations of Teacher Eromanga, although the reasons were different.

“The painting is very good, but it is a little immature in some places…”

She wasn’t too surprised. Although such illustrations were beautiful, they were nothing in her eyes.

Compared to the illustrations, her expectations were entirely focused on the plot of “Summer Returns”…

“Shenping, close your eyes. 』

“Okay, open it…I’ll give you a gift.” 』

“Shenping, you have to find me.” 』

“You have to protect Mio.” 』

The story of “Summer Returns” begins with a confusing conversation.

Online loan Shenping woke up from such a dream, opened his eyes, and was already approaching his hometown of Ridu Island.

After being slapped for being frivolous with a big sister, he woke up and embarked on an incredible journey.

First, he learned information about the mysterious shadow disease from Mio, leaving a suspense and foreshadowing for the story. Then, he was shot dead by Shadow Mio without knowing anything, officially kicking off the story.

Shadow Mio’s decisive shot even made Eiri, who was reading, exclaim, and the figure originally lying on the sofa straightened up.

“Ah, are you so decisive? Does the plot develop so quickly?”

Now her mind was like a tangle of threads, and she wanted to sort out all the threads again. With this impulse, she re-entered the state of reading.

Looking back in time, Wangdai Shenping returned to the past and quickly figured out the situation. He began to pay attention to clues that he had not noticed before, thinking about different directions and considering various possibilities. This feeling of anxiety increased the sense of immersion.

Unfortunately, in the second reincarnation, another setback occurred due to an unexpected phone call.

The feeling of despair doubled.

“Isn’t it the depressive type?”

This style makes Yinglili a little uncomfortable. She prefers works that are more refreshing, but she is eager to pursue the truth and can’t help but look below.

After three things happened, it was reincarnated again. Online loan Shenping learned his lesson and not only recorded what happened to the shadow, but also told his friends.

At this moment, the originally dead Chao appeared in front of him.

“Oh hoo!”

This was Yinglili’s first reaction.

The heroine appears! The point is still childhood sweethearts!

But she soon reacted.

“Didn’t Chao die before? Is the person who died a shadow? Or is this guy the shadow? I really don’t understand.”

Yinglili had a headache, but she quickly reacted.

Just look down and you’ll know!

The answer was soon revealed. The tide in front of me was indeed a shadow, a special shadow.

“Is it just a fake?”

Ying Lili pouted.

Then they are not real childhood sweethearts!

But soon she was attracted by this cute shadow tide. Although it was a shadow, it also inherited the advantages of the original figure.

I watched the desperate scene at the end of the volume with bated breath.

“Oh my God, this memory-reading trick is too bad! This villain is too strong! And he can still think of ways to deal with it.”

Yinglili was shocked.

Are you sure you don’t want to kill the protagonist with this way of writing? Isn’t this too hellishly difficult?

But even in this situation, she still has hope.

After all, the protagonist is still the protagonist. If the story wants to continue, something unexpected will inevitably happen.

Sure enough, the next moment the heroic big sister appeared on stage!

The rescue was successful!

The story also stops right here.

It does not end with a desperate ending, but with a new hope. This not only gives a sense of expectation, but also makes readers feel less depressed.

However, the overall story still gives people a depressing feeling.

After reading it, Ying Lili decisively logged on to the website and issued her own critical comments.

19 Skill: Divine Eye!

Childhood Sweethearts: The Time Loop is a difficult setting to write about, so there are very few in the industry. I like this story very much, and the Shadow Disease setting is also pretty good, adding variety to the story. As for some shortcomings, Considering that the author is a newbie, this is understandable. The most important thing is that Chao is very cute and I like it very much! Although it is a shadow, it seems to be from the side of the protagonist group. It is rare to see this type of work. I hope the author can continue to work hard in the future, as long as he can maintain the level of the opening chapter. In addition, please urge me to update more. ! Update the second volume soon! I can not wait anymore!

Yinglili is very anxious, because the update speed in the industry is unpredictable. If it is a new work, it will be a little more diligent. Generally, one volume will be updated every three or four months. If it is in the middle and late stages, some people will write new works at intervals. More than half a year is very possible!

There is a role in urging manuscripts at this time, because when a newcomer first debuts and his creative desire is the strongest, when he becomes an old man, it is really easy to put it aside, and urging manuscripts has no effect at all, and it is useless even to send a razor blade.

However, her account was not specifically certified as ‘Eri Kashiwagi’, so this comment was quickly submerged in the comment area and was not seen by Hikigaya Hachiman.

Everything is developing in a good direction. Although the increase in sales has entered a steady stage and is far from the results created by Ms. Yamada, Hikigaya Hachiman is already satisfied.

Because everyone’s reviews are very good, even if I think there is something wrong, I will use words of encouragement.

This shows what?

This shows that perhaps due to audience issues, “Summer Returns” has not received enough attention, but the quality of the work itself is not bad. If there is an opportunity to increase exposure in the future, such as animation, it may explode. possible.

This is thanks to the fact that the story of “Summer Returns” itself is great. Otherwise, with his average talent and only good writing skills, it would be difficult for him to achieve such results from the beginning.

If you don’t fail several times, I’m afraid it won’t be successful.

Therefore, under such pressure, he must seize this luck so that his abilities can one day be worthy of such an excellent story.

Only then can he be considered a truly powerful writer.

Spring break, only two or three days left.

After Hikigaya Hachiman paid a little attention to the sales a few times, he no longer cared about it, but focused on the second volume of Summer Reappearance.

In fact, he is not just thinking about the content of the second volume now. He has been thinking about and describing it some time ago.

His goal is to maintain the same speed of updating one volume in three months as Ms. Yamada. When it comes to online serialization, this speed is definitely not good, but in the light novel industry, this speed is basically considered top-notch. , except for those who update several copies at the same time, few people can compare with it.

While he was busy, Miss Yamada suddenly sent a message.

Yamada Fairy: Why didn’t you tell me?

I:? ? ? Ms. Yamada, what are you talking about?

Yamada Fairy: Are you pretending to be stupid? Idiot Hikigaya, isn’t your “Summer Again” released?

Me: So that’s what I’m talking about.

Me: So why did you tell Ms. Yamada specifically?

“Of course…”

Yamada Yao was stunned for a moment and stopped talking.

There seems to be no reason that can be explained.

When this happened, it was actually a difference in personality between the two, and the girl quickly figured it out.

One has a lively and cheerful personality and likes to share his joy, while the other is more reserved.

Yamada Fairy: Okay, there really is no reason.

Me: Besides that, does Ms. Yamada have any other ideas? I don’t think you’re just coming to me about this.

Yamada Fairy: Frankly speaking, I’m a little impressed by you.


When Hikigaya Hachiman saw this sentence, he couldn’t help but sit up straight and his eyes became serious.

He had thought that it might take a long time before he could see Miss Yamada speaking like this, but he didn’t expect it to come so quickly.

Of course, this certainly does not mean admitting defeat.

Seeing the Yamada fairy again typing: I can definitely see from the work how much effort you have put into it. In order to modify the first volume into what it is now, you should have deleted it more than once or twice, right?

Me: You can see this?

Yamada Fairy: Of course, I have the B-level skill ‘God’s Eye’. I can see through the essence of the work after just one viewing, including what kind of person you are. It was reflected in my heart through the lines!


Hikigaya Hachiman felt happy when he saw it.

Me: Ms. Yamada, you must not be in the second grade of junior high school yet, right? I kindly remind you that this is reality, not a game.

Yamada Fairy: This lady is not a chuunibyou! Forget it if you don’t believe it! In short, I am optimistic about you, Hikigaya, you may be someone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with me in the future! In the future, I will be waiting for you on the highest throne!

Me: It’s such an honor to be recognized by you, Ms. Yamada.

“Don’t you feel embarrassed typing these words? Miss Yamada.”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s mouth twitched.

But to be honest, that thing called ‘divine eye’ is certainly not a game skill, but it is also a real thing. It is obviously a talent that Miss Yamada said in an abstract form, a special talent that only geniuses have.

According to Ms. Yamada’s settings, it is estimated that an ordinary person like him, in addition to a slightly stronger memory ability, must have all D-level skills, right?

Maybe he overestimated himself.

Get out of the bedroom.

“Komachi, I’m going out to buy a bottle of Coke. Do you want me to bring something?”

Hikigaya Hachiman passed by the sofa and glanced at his sister who was leaning on the sofa reading a book, so he took the initiative to speak.

“Two packs of potato chips, please, Onii-chan~!”

Komachi grinned, his beautiful little tiger teeth shining white and dazzling.

After walking out of the gate, Hikigaya Hachiman was about to walk to the street next to him. When he turned his eyes, he noticed a large truck of a moving company parked next to him.

“Is this a new neighbor?”

His eyes were questioning.

Also, the neighbor’s house has been moving for two or three months, so it is normal for someone to move in at this time.

Don’t know what the new neighbor is like?

Soon, Hikigaya Hachiman put this boring thought behind him.

Normally, even the neighbors would not be familiar with each other, as long as they are not the kind of weirdo who plays music at night.

20 new neighbors

After thinking about a certain plot in the second volume of “Summer Returns” for a while, I felt a little tired. After returning home after shopping, Hikigaya Hachiman did not enter the room. Instead, he chose to sit on the sofa and prepare to chat with his sister for a while. , relax your mood.

“Here, Komachi, the potato chips you want are all the flavors you like.”

He handed over two bags of potato chips.

“Thank you, Onii-chan.”

Komachi happily took it, then took out a piece of change from his pocket and said with a smile, “This is the errand fee for Onii-chan.”

“No need, who wants this from you? As a brother, isn’t this natural?”

After speaking, he raised his finger and then said something familiar, “Ah, what I said is very good.”

“Yeah! This sentence scores a lot in Komachi’s heart!”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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