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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 114

Kanayuta nodded.

Afterwards, they visited several stalls.

“I want to buy this one!”

The silver-haired girl looked at the doujinshi in her hand and her eyes lit up.

Eiri, who was also reading, frowned slightly because she didn’t think the quality of this doujinshi was very high, but soon she saw that during the action scene, the heroine called the man “Tsukiyoshi”.

Her brows straightened out instantly.

It all made sense instantly.

Senjumura Sei, who was traveling with Kosaka Kirino, also saw the copy of “Fantasy Demon Swordsman”.

As an animated work that is about to air its second season, some characters in it are even more popular.

However, erotic topics have always been Senjumura Sei’s weakness, so when she opened the doujinshi, she blushed with embarrassment and covered her face with the book.

“Miss Qianju, do you want to buy this doujinshi?”

Kosaka Kirino glanced at the stall owner who was about to get angry and couldn’t help but remind her in her ear.

“Buy…buy it!”

Qianjumura Zheng pursed his lips and confirmed.

The descriptions of some of the erotic aspects are very good and may come in handy in the future.

She thought of this inexplicably, and her pretty face turned even red to her ears.

163The number of doujinshi is the proof of popularity




Not here, not there!

The Yamada Fairy looked back and forth, his expression changing from solemn to depressed.

“Mr. Yamada, you seem very anxious. Are you looking for some treasure? If it’s convenient, please tell me.”

Makishima Saori followed closely and couldn’t help but suggest.

“Uh, well, I want to find out if there are any doujinshi related to “The Dark Fairy of Explosion”. Of course, I don’t really care about this kind of thing, I’m just a little curious.”

Yamada Fairy’s eyes wandered and he hesitated before responding.

“Now that I know it, let me help you find it together.”

Saori Makishima raised her glasses to hide the smile at the corner of her mouth.

It turns out that they have the same attribute as Xiaotongtong.

Then, with the combined efforts of the two of them, they searched for a while before finding the doujinshi of “The Dark Fairy of Explosion” in a corner.

This made Miss Fairy very happy, and she decided to buy it before even reading the content.

“Damn, there are so few.”

She browsed for a while, but she didn’t find many related doujinshis. There were only a few books, and she bought them all.

You know, her novel has been animated and the first season has ended, so she should be quite popular!

“Is it true that the animation performance is too poor?”

The Yamada Fairy sighed.

She had previously received a sample of the first episode of the animation. After watching it by herself, she could see its level, so she did not actively show it off to others and treated it as nothing happened.

This is really unacceptable.

The girl’s left hand clenched her right wrist.

“Yamada-san, the appointed time is coming, it’s time for us to gather.”

Makishima Saori reminded her in her ear, causing her to wake up.

“I see… Huhu, I don’t know what they bought. I really want to know.”

Yamada Fairy raised his head, changed his expression again, and walked outside.

“Yamada is really optimistic.”

Makishima Saori was still a little stunned by the changes that took place in front of her, and it took a few seconds before she followed him.

Hikigaya Hachiman has been waiting at the meeting place for several minutes.

During this time, he visited a lot of stalls alone, but for an old man like him, there were fewer and fewer doujinshis that satisfied him.

After all, first of all, there are fewer original works that can interest people, and then it is even more troublesome to sort through the good and bad doujinshi.

Fortunately, I finally bought several doujinshis that I am interested in today.

He glanced at the works in the storage bag and smiled with satisfaction.

“Senior, I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

But Najiyuduo ran towards him first.

“You bought a lot, Nayuta. It seems you came to the right place today.”

He noticed that the girl’s movements with the handbag were a little difficult.

“It’s okay, I just met someone I like.”

Kaer Nayuta said with a bright smile.

Correspondingly, Yinglili didn’t collect much on her hands.

Apparently like him, the threshold has been raised.

Not long after, other people came back one by one. Looking at the fullness of the storage bags, they all bought more or less what they wanted.

“Let’s go have lunch first. It’s perfectly time to go down to the West Building.”

Hikigaya Hachiman suggested.

Everyone nodded in agreement, then found a good restaurant and booked a private room.

While the food was being served, everyone chatted about what they had learned this morning.

“Ah, I bought several good doujinshis today, especially the XX plots in them. It really opened my eyes. I hope I can give it a try with my seniors sometime.”

Kanayuta said with a smile.

The first sentence makes people unable to hold back.


Except for a few acquaintances who have become accustomed to it, everyone else can’t help but feel dull for a while.

“Why are you surprised as a book painter?”

Wu Geng Liuli turned her head and glanced at Ying Lili.

“Although I am a book painter, my soul is still pure!”

Yinglili couldn’t help but retort.

“It’s Nayuta’s hobby to speak pornographically… Think about it, are there characters like this in some animated light novels, so just ignore them.”

揯浯婯彼伊 father

Hikigaya Hachiman opened his mouth to explain and smiled sarcastically.

“I know it’s normal for writers to have some weird quirks.”

Makishima Saori also came to the rescue.

Although this sentence sounds a bit strange, it can only be accepted as such.

The focus of everyone’s chat turned to the doujinshis they purchased.

“If you ask me, the quality of these guys’ doujinshi is really bad! After searching for so long, I have only found a few that are somewhat passable, but the descriptions in some aspects are not what I imagined. Well! If I write it myself, it will definitely be sold out!”

Yamada Fairy sighed and spread his hands.

As she spoke, she also lifted the storage bag on the handle, as if to declare something.

Everyone’s expressions were a little strange.

“I don’t think I’ve seen many doujinshis written by Mr. Yamada.”

Kosaka Kirino was the first to question.

⒊Ⅰ Erpa Yi Si Yi San Research

“Uh… you were too slow and didn’t see all the stalls, so you missed it.”

Yamada Fairy said a little embarrassed.

“Admit it, Ms. Yamada, your works are just like mine and no one cares about them.”

Wu Geng Liuli looked calm.

With this move, the pursuit was completed.

The goblin lady was almost killed, so she covered her chest and felt angry for a moment.

“Well, how can this young lady be on the same level as you!”

This is her last bit of stubbornness.


Wu Geng Liuli’s expression changed, and she did not deny this. She had learned to face the gap.

“There are some novelties, but no one can move me as much as Hachiman. And those doujinshis all write about the characters in their own minds, not mine.”

Qianju Cunzheng shook his head and expressed regret.

Hikigaya Hachiman was not surprised by Murasei’s evaluation.

It can be said that the most discerning thing among people here is the village levy.

From an amateur level, it is difficult to satisfy her.

After all, if they were really high-level, these amateurs could choose to make their debut like Liuli and earn more income.

“Okay, I think Murazheng you seem to have bought a lot of doujinshi, right? If you don’t like them, why did you buy them?”

The Yamada fairy who was lying on the table recovering his health suddenly raised his head.


Qian Shou Cun Zheng seemed to be down, his body motionless.

Feeling everyone’s eyes, she suddenly felt ashamed, lowered her forehead, and her cheeks were stained red.

“Okay, no need to ask anymore, everyone understands.”

Hikigaya Hachiman raised his head slightly and gestured.

Regarding Murasaki’s weakness, other girls have also seen it, so it’s not surprising.

At this time, the dishes are basically ready.

“Let’s finish lunch first and then talk.”

He picked up the chopsticks.

164Do you know why I am angry?

After lunch, everyone complained for a while about some inexplicable or interesting content they saw when they were trying to read doujinshi.

As for the more in-depth things, it is an issue that cannot be discussed. One can only lock the door and appreciate it quietly.

It was probably after three o’clock when several people returned to the venue. Passing by the colorful COSERs, they came to the West Pavilion.

The atmosphere here is obviously different from that in the east hall. After all, there are many large companies here. You often see on the Internet that famous animation agencies or game companies have their own exhibition space.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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