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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 115

“Let’s go! I have something to go to alic+’s booth.”

Kosaka Kirino was already very excited and even ran over impatiently.

But when she arrived, she discovered that the limited edition version of the game had been sold out.

“It’s gone. It’s a shame I waited so long for it.”

The girl looked disappointed and crestfallen.

“Next time, remember to come over when the show starts.”

Wu Geng Liuli said calmly.

“I can only find ways to pay high prices online.”

Kosaka Kirino sighed and could only accept this result.

“Kosaka, don’t be too sad. Although you are missing this, you can make up for it in other aspects, such as our club’s games. I believe you will like it.”

Yinglili stood up at the right time and said.

“Then let’s go take a look!”

Kosaka Kirino regained his composure.

The group of them then went to the location of the game club ‘egoistic-lily’ where Eri-li was.

What you can see is that there are still many people queuing up in front of the club to buy.

Yinglili used her privileges to give everyone a copy of the latest fan game.

“Although it’s not the type I like, since Mr. Eri Kashiwagi is the main artist, it’s worth collecting.”

Kosaka Kirino held the game board and showed a sincere smile.

Others nodded silently and put the disc into the storage bag.

Afterwards, Hikigaya Hachiman wandered around with the girls, making comments from time to time, expressing his anger at some of the works that were just lame and uninteresting.

This day passed before I knew it.

At sunset.

The red clouds dyed all over and fell on the streets.

“Teacher Eri Kashiwagi, thank you for the game!”

Kirino Kosaka once again expressed his gratitude.


Ying Lili shook her head slightly, then turned her head away.

“Teacher Yue Se, Teacher Ke’er, and Teacher Qianshou, as fans, I hope you can always maintain your love for creation, and I will always support you.”

Her eyes were bright.

“We will continue to work hard.”

Hikigaya Hachiman glanced at the others, then nodded slightly.

“I’m very happy today.”

“I hope we will have the opportunity to participate together next time.”

“It would be better if it was just me and Hachiman.”

“You think beautifully!”

On the way home on the train, the girls laughed and laughed.

January 1st, New Year’s Day.

Today is an important day.

At the reminder of his sister, Hikigaya Hachiman returned to his hometown after a long absence.

Although the relationship is not that close, they are not enemies after all, so I simply came over today.

“Hachiman, you are back. You feel more mature.”

Mrs. Hikigaya opened the door and looked at his face.

“This is indeed a time to grow taller.”

He replied with a smile.

The invisible barrier dissipated a little.

“Go in and sit down. Don’t stand outside. It’s a bit cold.”

Mrs. Hikigaya waved to him.

“Onii-chan! Happy New Year!”

Komachi walked out of the room, ran over and hugged him affectionately.

“Happy New Year, Komachi.”

He stroked his sister’s hair and said softly.

Mrs. Hikigaya looked back at the two siblings who were still close to each other. For some reason, she looked a little lonely.

His father didn’t return home until noon.

Both parties nodded and then had a reunion dinner.

During this period, Mrs. Hikigaya briefly asked him how his school life was going, and he told the truth.

It’s not very exciting anyway, there’s nothing to hide.

During this process, his father just listened silently and didn’t say much.

⒊Ⅰ Erpa Yi Si Yi San Research

Maintaining such a state is already good for everyone.

Before going home in the afternoon.

Hikigaya Hachiman and his sister stopped by to visit the house of their former neighbor Gogen.

I met Liuli’s parents and they thanked me for teaching Liuli to debut.

Although Liuli’s light novels are not very famous, he has stepped out of the newcomer zone and has a lot of royalties, which has surpassed Liuli’s parents’ salary by a lot.

All of a sudden, the Wu Geng family’s family situation improved a lot.

In other words, he is the benefactor of the Wu Geng family.

Therefore, even Mrs. Wu Geng, who was a little stern, became kind and cheerful when she treated him.

“Hinata, Zhu Xi, here are the red envelopes for you.”

He took out two red envelopes from his pocket and gave them to the two cute little sisters.

“Thank you, Hachiman-nii!”

Hinata and Tsumugi said in unison with sweet voices.

“Save some of your flowers and don’t use them all to buy snacks.”

Wu Geng Liuli urged the two sisters, and then greeted the two brothers and sisters.

Hikigaya Hachiman didn’t stay long, just to send blessings.

When he left, the girl went out to see him off.

“Hachiman, happy new year.”

Only then did Wu Geng Liuli take the initiative to wave.

A handful of old things

“Well, Happy New Year, I hope your novel will get better results.”

He also blesses.

“Onii-chan, I’ll play with you when I have time.”

“Komachi can come anytime he wants… How much does that say?”

“Of course it’s a perfect score!”

Komachi stood at the door and said goodbye to him.


As soon as Hikigaya Hachiman walked to the door of the courtyard and opened the iron fence, he suddenly found a beautiful silver-haired girl standing in the courtyard. She was looking up at the only big tree planted in the courtyard.

“Na Yuta, why are you here? Why didn’t you tell me?”

He took out his phone to check if there was any unprocessed information and walked over.

“Ah, senior, you are back.”

Kanayuta, who was in a daze, came back to his senses.

“You haven’t answered my question yet.”

He stared hard.

“Didn’t Senior say that he wanted to go back to his hometown? So I didn’t want to disturb Senior… What’s more, I was just bored, so I took a walk.”

With his hands behind his back, Nayuta said with a cute smile.


He snorted coldly.

“Senior are you angry?”

But Nayuta probed her head cautiously.

“Yeah, but do you know why I’m angry?”

He said expressionlessly.

165 Senior, we will become a family!

“Ahaha…Greek milk.”

Ke’er Nayuta smiled coquettishly and touched her cheek lightly with her fingers, feeling a little at a loss.

“Hey, remember to tell me first next time.”

Hikigaya Hachiman sighed lightly and did not criticize him any more in this matter.

“Come in with me.”

He took out the key and opened the door of the villa.

Speaking of which, he was a little careless today.

Everyone else, including the elf lady who hadn’t been home for a long time, all went home, but Nayuta was different from others, he was just alone.

A family like that cannot be missed at all.

“You watch TV for a while, and I’ll prepare the coffee.”

With that said, he walked towards the kitchen.

“Senior, let me do it!”

But Nayuta said quickly.


He gave a look.


The girl sat on the sofa obediently.

“Senior today is a bit tough, um… very tough and manly!”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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