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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 117

I always like Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao: just look at my group name and you will know how much I am looking forward to it.

Fallen Holy Black Cat: He has actually changed back again… a guy who is restless.

Xiao Tongtong: I hope the performance can be successful! Don’t let us fans down, let alone Teacher Yuese.

I always like Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao: Don’t worry, you don’t have to worry about this issue.

Xiaotongtong: That’s great.

Saori Bagina: Let me create a small group, and everyone can watch and complain at the same time.

Xiao Tongtong: I agree with this!

I will always love Tide Tide Tide Tide Tide: plus one.

As fans of the original work, they naturally wanted to find a channel to chat, because watching it in real time in front of the TV did not have the atmosphere of barrage, so they all adopted their own opinions, either in chat groups, or posting on anime forums, etc.

Because it is a school day, Hachiman’s house is no more lively today than it was on Saturday during the holidays.

The people present were missing Gogeng Ruri, Senjumura Sei and Komachi.

But besides this, there is one more person, and that is Sagiri.

Of course, Sagiri didn’t come in person, but met them through video chat.

“First meeting, Teacher Eromanga, I am Kanayuta.”

The silver-haired girl came to the laptop and introduced herself generously.

“I don’t know anyone with that name, eh… Teacher Ke’er?”

Sagiri looked dumbfounded when she looked at the beautiful girl with the same hair color but different development.

This is the figure she imagined!

At the same time, the lustful soul sleeping in the heart was suddenly awakened.

I really want to draw!

“If it’s okay, I’ll call you Sagiri like my senior.”

“Yeah, okay.”

“Although I heard my senior tell the fairies before, Sagiri is cuter than I thought. She has become a reliable illustrator at such a young age. It would be great if the daughter that my senior and I give birth to in the future is so good. “

“Uh, huh?”

Sagiri opened her mouth wide for a moment, but stopped talking.

“Hey, what are you imagining! You actually think that Teacher Eromanga is… I can’t stand it anymore!”

Yamada Fairy appeared from behind and pushed Nayuta onto the sofa next to him from behind.

“Miss Goblin, do you want to spar with me?”

But Nayuta turned over and pushed the goblin down with his backhand.

“Come just come, whoever is afraid of whom, hum!”

The Yamada Fairy began to struggle.

“Sagiri, don’t worry, that’s what Nayuta’s style is.”

Hikigaya Hachiman ignored the two men holding a wrestling match next to him and reappeared in the camera.

“Teacher Ke’er’s character is indeed a bit surprising.”

Sagiri smiled awkwardly.

After the two of them had run out of energy fighting each other, it was almost time for the broadcast.

“It’s time for you two to stop, it’s about to be aired.”

He turned to remind.

“Huh? Are you going to start?”

Yamada Fairy and Kani Nayuta reacted, loosened their hands, straightened their messy clothes, and quickly sat up straight, focusing their gazes forward.

Immediately, the commercial break ended and the first episode of “Summer Again” officially began!

There is no need to say more about the plot. Everyone here already knows it. The focus is still on the performance after animation.

For example, voice actors’ dubbing, BGM, and frame rate are all the differences between the genre of novels and the genre of animation.

Only the popularity of animated works can truly reach the top level in the industry.

“Yes, yes, it feels like this, exactly what I expected!”

But Nayuta’s eyes were shining.

“How can it be repaired? Why is your animation effect so good!”

Yamada Fairy said very reluctantly.

“Hachiman-nii, the moving characters are so emotional! Is this the charm of animation? I finally understand.”

Sagiri’s voice also came from the other side of the video.

Hikigaya Hachiman was paying attention to the animation as much as them, but was slightly distracted.

In fact, the day before yesterday, he received a sample of the first episode of “Summer Returns” from the company. The animation performance is naturally different from the one he remembered. After all, it is the same work. If it were produced by a different animation production company, the effect would be very different, which is why there is a saying of “miserably animated”.

Fortunately, although there were differences in the painting style and other aspects, the quality of the animation was solid, which made him moved.

Unknowingly, the plot of the first episode ended, and the scene stayed at the moment of the first reincarnation restart.

This is an obvious rhythm point, and as an animation production company, of course, we will be very keen to capture this.

“Is it over yet? This last scene feels so good.”

But Nayuta still looked like he still had something to say.


Sagiri applauded on the other side of the screen with a smile in her eyes.

“Isn’t it possible that you secretly gave money to the production company?”

Yamada Fairy turned around and said.

“Fairy, I know you’re jealous, but there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m just so lucky. But if you’re not satisfied with the animation effect of your work, you can really give it a try.”

Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly laughed, spread his hands, and said teasingly.

“You guys have seen it!”

Yamada Fairy pursed his lips, not knowing what to say for a moment.

167 animation viewers and fans are very satisfied

Of course he knew about the failure of Miss Goblin’s animation.

He was showing off before but didn’t say a word about it later. Even if he hasn’t seen the specific situation, he can probably guess it.

The animation of the work is not 100% successful. Because of the construction period or not being favored, we can only get perfunctory results, especially for some popular themes with serious homogeneity.

Unfortunately, Miss Fairy’s “Dark Fairy of Exploding Flame” became one of the sacrifices and was drowned in the ocean.

He didn’t mention this matter before because he was afraid of hurting the goblin’s self-esteem, but now that the goblin raised it himself, he naturally changed his attitude and stopped worrying about it.

“It seems that you still care about me. Yes, it must be refreshing to see your strong enemy in despair, right? But I am just unlucky. Next time, I will not hand over my works to others easily. , we will let an excellent production team take over and amaze you!”

Yamada Fairy smiled proudly.

“I hope so.”

He said noncommittally.

Seeing that the goblin’s mood still changed so quickly, he felt relieved.

“Miss Goblin is really good at talking.”

But Nayuta was complaining from the side.

“Are you saying I’m tough? Mr. Crab, don’t sleep in the room today. Instead, sleep on the sofa in the living room.”

Yamada Fairy snorted.

“You stingy man, why would I want to live with you? If senior hadn’t allowed me to recommend myself as a pillow, humph.”

But Nayuta raised his eyebrows and said indifferently.

“Of course, everyone knows what you guys will do when you take this opportunity.”

Yamada Fairy looked disgusted.

Sagiri had no intention of paying attention to the jealousy between the two, and thought of having to go to school tomorrow, so she spoke.

“Hachiman-nii, I’m so happy to watch “Summer Comes Again” with everyone today.”

“The same goes for me.”

“Hmm…Okay, Brother Hachiman, it’s time for me to log off.”

“Goodbye Sagiri, let’s talk again on the weekend.”

“Well, see you on the weekend.”

The animation has just finished playing, and for those night owls, there is still some time before going to bed.

At this time, of course, we need to find a place to blow water.

“It’s over.”

“That’s it. It feels like time flies by so fast.”

“The rhythm of the first episode is great. It is worthy of being produced by Kyoto Animation. It is taken very seriously.”

“With this kind of quality, we can look forward to future episodes.”

In Saori Makishima’s small group, several girls felt very good about today’s anime premiere and were full of praise.

They believe that fans of the original work like them will be satisfied, including animation viewers who don’t know anything about it, and they should also have a good impression.

This is true regardless of the popularity of discussions in chat groups or forums.

“The first episode of Summer Reappearance has a perfect ending!” The plot just reaches the key point of the end of the first reincarnation. The rhythm is tight, the BGM is correct, and the voice actor also matches the look and feel. A perfect score of 10. How many points do you plan to give? 』

A senior netizen on the anime discussion forum initiated a poll on the forum, and many people responded.

“I give it full marks! It’s great for me, a fan of the original work. The restoration is excellent, and it also adds the charm that only animation can have.”

“Of course it’s a perfect score, and by the way, thank you Kyoto Animation for taking it seriously.”

“I feel it’s okay, not as good as you guys say, so I’ll give it nine points.”

“Don’t open the champagne too early. It’s only the first episode. Maybe it will collapse after that? It’s not like this is the case in the industry.”

“I hope the production company can maintain this performance and give it a 9.8 rating.”

“Although I haven’t read the original novel, I am very interested in the animation alone. If you have time, I will collect a copy.”

And so on, at least the performance of the first episode of “Summer Returns” was well received by most people, so much so that the discussion on Twitter suddenly reached a very high level.

Obviously, this animation will be a mutually reinforcing result. The animation production company has received praise and the original work has increased its popularity.

This situation will make many people in the industry envious and jealous.

For example, after Miss Goblin returned, she complained endlessly to him in the chat box about the problems she encountered during animation, and cursed the animation production company.

“You actually look down on my debut work and hope they go bankrupt tomorrow, huh!” 』

Hikigaya Hachiman laughed dumbly. He felt the demon’s deep resentment from these words.

At the same time, he also received messages from several other people.

Murasaki: Great animation. Thanks to Hachiman, you can let me see such a story. I am very excited when I think about seeing many such works in the future.

Sawamura: I finally waited until the day it was animated. As a fan, I am so happy. More importantly, Teacher Tsukiyoshi, the animation production was very successful! Hope it can be maintained.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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not work with dark mode