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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 123

He slowly walked into the second-grade classroom. The layout inside was no different from before.

He still came to the previous position.

Soon, the classmates all arrived one by one. They were almost the same as when they were in the first grade. There was no saying that they suddenly matured after being a grade older.

After all, there are only two weeks until the holidays.

At this time, several students who had arrived at almost the same time as him began to share with others what they had just seen.

“Are you serious? Hikigaya-san is actually a playboy. He not only has two things to do, but he also makes them willing to do it?”

“Besides, she’s a cute new student. In terms of appearance, she’s almost the same as Yukinoshita.”

“Really? I’m afraid there is no hope for Yukinoshita-san.”

“It’s a pity Yukinoshita-san. I thought they would be a couple. Judging from Yukinoshita-san’s character, she probably won’t participate in the Shura Field.”

Just as the two girls were whispering to each other.

“What are you talking about inexplicably?”

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from behind.


The two girls turned their heads tremblingly.

Yukinoshita Yukino entered from the back door of the classroom, and the two of them didn’t notice it for a while.

“Feel sorry!”

They apologized quickly.

“Please be careful next time and don’t discuss these things in front of me, especially if you don’t understand the truth.”

Yukinoshita Yukino had originally prepared some harsh words, but seeing the attitude of the two girls admitting their mistakes, her tone became much softer.

“Yes Yes!”

The two girls nodded.

Yukinoshita Yukino turned around and went to her seat, her behavior seemed heroic and quite handsome.

The girls’ eyes were filled with fear and admiration.

Hikigaya Hachiman noticed this side, his eyes thoughtful.

Although Yukinoshita-san feels isolated, she is not disliked, but is unexpectedly popular.

It’s just that Yukinoshita has never noticed this, so she is a little overwhelmed by Yuigahama’s approach.

This is his social observation, which provides strong support for the in-depth description of interpersonal relationships in the novel.

After everyone arrived, the head teacher also arrived to arrange the following opening ceremony.

Just after the opening ceremony, the discussion on this matter became more and more heated.

As the scholar who remains the number one in his grade, Hikigaya Hachiman’s name is not as loud as it is at this moment. When everyone mentions him, they will think, ‘You are talking about that scumbag who has two legs, right? ’.

In fact, his reputation would not have become so bad in the first place. It was not until a female classmate in the class with whom he had a good relationship came to inquire in the afternoon that he found out who was adding fuel to the fire behind the scenes.

“Hikigaya-san, your charm is so strong! You actually attracted two beautiful freshmen girls, and they both said they ‘like you the most’.”

The female classmate said in a teasing tone.


Hikigaya Hachiman was speechless for a moment.

You will never say at this time: Yes, they are all my harem, right?

The society will definitely die.

Not only can I join the school’s student newspaper, but I might even be able to make the front page of the Chiba local newspaper.

However, Nayuta still obeyed his instructions and did not use any indescribable words. Otherwise, the disciplinary committee would come looking for him.

“You didn’t even refute.”

After the girl left, Yukinoshita Yukino looked like she was thinking.

“What do you want to refute?”

he asked rhetorically.

“If you live in reality, you should know what I’m talking about.”

Yukinoshita Yukino’s smile was a bit teasing.

“Because it’s true. There’s no need to refute it. I’m just so lovable.”

He suddenly sighed.

“I didn’t know you were so charming, Hikigaya. I’m sorry. It’s all my fault that I’m too weak. I haven’t dared to look at you directly.”

Saying sarcastic words, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at his face carefully.

“It’s pretty good. It’s just that the eyes are not that good, but the eyes are pretty good. So it’s not the appearance but the inner part? It’s not impossible. According to my observation, as long as…”

As she spoke, she suddenly stopped again.

Because she felt that an example she thought of was inappropriate to use here.

The atmosphere was inexplicably awkward.

“Sorry, just pretend I didn’t say it just now.”

“You should finish your sentence!”

Hikigaya Hachiman immediately complained.

This feeling of being neither up nor down is too uncomfortable.

By the way, Yukinoshita, why are you so coy?

“I mean… Yuigahama.”

Yukinoshita Yukino was silent for a while, and after saying this, he was at a loss for a moment.

Is it because of the feelings that continue from the life-saving kindness?

He could feel it when he occasionally chatted with Yuigahama.

Fortunately, this feeling is not strong yet.

After school.

Hikigaya Hachiman walked out of the campus and was waiting not far from the door.

This is to fulfill the previous agreement of going to and from school.

After waiting for less than a minute, Senjumura Zheng and Kanayuta both arrived one by one.

They didn’t leave immediately because he also contacted Liuli.

After all, they were in the same university, so it would be a bit unkind to ignore Liuli.

But to their surprise, it was not just Liuli who appeared in front of them.

175 Go to create a world that belongs to us

After a while, two girls, one tall and one short, came to them.

Today, Gokou Liuli was wearing a uniform of Sobu High School, which showed more of her youth and beauty. Compared with the usual Gothic Lolita clothes, she had a completely different temperament and was more pure and energetic.

“Miss Kuroneko, you look much better today than usual.”

Kaori Nayuta came in front of her, looking around and observing.

“Really? I don’t feel any difference.” Gokou Liuli looked indifferent.

“Miss Kuroneko, don’t you know? Usually you seem to be able to release black magic at any time.”

Kaori Nayuta said jokingly.

Gokou Liuli’s mouth twitched slightly.

It would be great if she could really release black magic!

“By the way, who is this?”

Kaori Nayuta looked at the tall man next to her.

Hikigaya Hachiman and Senjumura Masaru also looked over.

Shoulder-length blue hair, delicate facial features, model-like height and figure, and a ladylike temperament.

“As expected, you can’t recognize her?”

Gokou Ruri sighed slightly.

“It’s Saori.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said firmly.

Because he has the memory of his previous life, he can combine the two. Otherwise, it would be difficult to confirm so easily even with superhuman memory.


As soon as this was said, Kanayuta and Senju Muramasagi both made surprised sounds.

Makishima Saori’s current appearance is completely different from the previous winter comic. At that time, Makishima Saori was the kind of otaku that was difficult to accept, but now she is a very charming young lady.

“Has she been discovered by Tsukiro-sensei… no, by Hikigaya-senpai?”

Makishima Saori’s tone was gentle, and it was completely different from the previous impression.

“I was shocked when this guy greeted me at the opening ceremony today. Who would have thought that big fool would be like this.” Gokou Ruri narrowed her eyes and added. “Then let me introduce myself to you again. My real name is Makishima Saori…” Makishima Saori continued to speak very gracefully. After being frank, everyone learned some of Makishima Saori’s real information, such as confirming the fact that she was a lady from a noble family. At this point, Gokou Ruri no longer felt envious and jealous of the identity of a rich second generation. Because she will become a rich first generation in the near future through her own efforts and the help of Yawata, her mentality is completely different, so the mental outlook reflected has also changed a lot. “It seems that we are not on the same way, so I… I will take my leave.” Makishima Saori almost changed her speaking style subconsciously, but her tone was still a little shy and soft. “What kind of lady is this guy?”

Ruri Gokou turned her head and glanced at her departing back.

“This kind of antipathy is very good. Isn’t this a vivid character setting? Ruri, you can consider it when you set up the character later.”

Hikigaya Hachiman smiled.

“It’s indeed worth considering.”

Kari Nayuta and Senju Muramasagi thought about it thoughtfully.

“I think it would be more attractive if your story was used to write a light novel.”

Ruri Gokou suddenly laughed evilly.

“That’s possible! Just write a youth love story about my love for my senior!”

Kari Nayuta put her fists together in a praying gesture, and looked devoted.

“The story of Hachiman and I is enough.”

Senju Muramasagi said so.

“You two guys…”

Hikigaya Hachiman curled his lips.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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