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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 125

He said without changing his expression.

“Hmm, home friend?”

Hiratsuka Shizu suddenly smiled.

“The teacher also knows a lot.”

Hikigaya Hachiman was noncommittal and laughed too.

“Do you want me to recommend some comics to you, teacher?”

Hiratsuka Shizu suddenly became interested.

“I’ll make a note of it.”

“Then please listen carefully…”

At this time, the two of them were communicating in other identities.

What Mr. Hiratsuka recommended to him were some hot-blooded comics, and even fighting-specific ones, full of violence.

With this preference, it’s no wonder that Hiratsuka-sensei still can’t get married until now.

He cursed in his heart.

“Boy, you don’t have any offense.”

Hiratsuka Shizu suddenly looked unkind.

“How could it be? I’m very happy to be able to exchange comics with the teacher.”

He immediately smiled.

“Okay, stop being shy.”

Hiratsuka Shizu’s eyes were deep, and she reached out and patted his chest.

“I’ll send the application form up, and I’ll let you know after it’s approved. I’ll probably wait until next Monday or next Tuesday.”

“I understand, thank you Mr. Hiratsuka.”

He thanked me very politely.

Then, turn around and leave the office to tell others the news.

“Goblin, it is estimated that starting from next week, we will come back from school later.”

During the dinner party, Hikigaya Hachiman mentioned this matter.


Yamada Fairy’s eyes were blank, a little at a loss.

“Because we have established a club…Ah, I’m sorry, Miss Goblin must not know what this is going on, so I’ll explain it a little bit.”

Kaer Nayuta answered.

“You are actually carrying me…”

After hearing the explanation, Fairy Yamada showed a very aggrieved expression, as if he was going to cry in the next second.

“It’s just two or three hours since we last met. Is it necessary? I waited two years to meet Hachiman for the first time.”

Qianshou Village Zheng said disapprovingly.

“It’s not the same thing!”

The Yamada Fairy pursed her lips angrily and dissatisfied.

177This will be our promised land.

“Fairies hate feeling isolated, right?”

Hikigaya Hachiman turned around and asked.

“No, that’s not true. Except for you, the fiancé I have chosen, everyone else is simply dispensable. I just feel that letting these people go is a threat.”

Yamada Fairy’s tone was coquettish.

“Look at what you are saying, it’s ridiculous.”

Senjumura Zheng commented with a cold expression.

“Haha, I don’t want to be with you either.”

But Nayuta’s eyes were like inhuman cat’s eyes at the moment.

“If I could, I would create a world where there are only me and my seniors!”

She turned her head with tender and sweet eyes.

“Okay, you can just mess around in the novel.”

Hikigaya Hachiman just glanced at the girl and replied lightly.

If you just look at their current statements, the relationship between the three women can be said to be very bad, no different from when they first met.

But what he knew clearly was that the relationship between the girls was definitely much closer than before, but for some reason, they still would not give in or give in verbally.

Without him, they would probably be good friends now… probably, maybe, maybe.

Soon, he shook his head again.

Except for the goblin, who is the more enthusiastic one, forget about the other two.

Dinner is over.

Everyone watched TV on the sofa for a while.

“By the way, goblin, I actually have a way to solve this problem. Do you want to listen to it?”

Hikigaya Hachiman spoke.

“Nani, Nani.”

The Yamada Fairy looked like she wanted to pounce, her eyes full of eye-catching colors.

“Then use the computer to make a video call, just like Sagiri and I do, and you are equivalent to being present.”

He gave the answer directly without titillating.

“Yes! You can still do this!”

Yamada Fairy clapped his hands and said suddenly.

“It’s so dangerous, otherwise I would have no choice but to find a way to sneak in.”

She subconsciously blurted out her thoughts.


The three people immediately cast different looks.

“Anyway, you are satisfied, goblin.”

He smiled.

“Hachiman, you still have a conscience… No, this is proof of your love for me. Sure enough, I am your favorite person! We will definitely get married!”

As Yamada Fairy was talking, he suddenly changed his attitude, pressed his chest, and said proudly.

“No, I just pity you.”

he said calmly.


The elf lady fell down on the sofa next to her, squeezing Nayuta’s shoulders.

“Sentimental elf lady, let me sleep forever, under the spell targeting the elf…”

But Nayuta reacted immediately, hugged the fairy with both hands, controlled her body, and began to whisper in her ear.

Because of the distance, Hikigaya Hachiman and Senjumura Sei couldn’t hear clearly.

“Then Yuta’s chuunibyou will probably get worse, right? Is this the inevitable path for everyone?”

He looked solemn.

“Targeted spells? When did Mr. Crab know this? Is she secretly collecting methods to target other people?”

Qianju Cunzheng also had a solemn look on his face, but he was thinking of another aspect.

“Go away! Don’t sing children’s songs to me! How old are you!”

Suddenly, the Yamada Fairy screamed, struggled hard, and finally escaped from Nayuta’s clutches.

Qianju Cunzheng: “Huh?”

“It’s actually a children’s song? Isn’t this humiliating?”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s mouth twitched.

Just when he thought this nonsense should end, the next painting style became even weirder.

“Damn crab weirdo, today I will use one of the most powerful fairy magics, the ‘Fairy Holy Law’, to knock you down!”

“It’s just a demi-human monster, don’t talk nonsense, just show your strength!”

The two girls were tossing each other on the sofa, rolling around, it was so lively, and they inadvertently messed up each other’s clothes, exposing their snow-white skin, and it turned into a sexy scene.

The weekend went by in a blink of an eye.

At noon, Hikigaya Hachiman came to the office.

“The application has been approved. Please check it yourself for the specific information.”

The chair turned, Shizuka Hiratsuka turned around and handed him the approved documents.

Below are some rules of the club, application for club funds, and where the applied activity classrooms are.

He basically glanced at it. Since he was planning to apply to establish a society, he naturally knew a lot about it. The most important thing was to see where the future activities would be.

“The fourth floor of the Sobu High Special Building…it’s quite remote.”

Hikigaya Hachiman chanted.

“There’s nothing we can do about it. Other societies have already taken up their positions. If you want to establish a new society, you will definitely suffer in this regard…”

The beautiful teacher in white coat spread her hands and said.

“It’s worth mentioning that Yukinoshita’s service club is right next to your club, and you will still be neighbors from now on.”

A smile appeared on her lips, she raised an index finger and said.

“No wonder few people go to her club. Not only is it a remote place, but there is no way to publicize it. Her ideal is just a dream…”

Hikigaya Hachiman said “Oh” and made a sharp comment.

“I really want to know how Yukinoshita would behave if she heard these words.”

Hiratsuka Shizu suddenly laughed.

After school.

Hikigaya Hachiman called the rest of the club to the connecting corridor on the second floor. Through this corridor, they could directly enter the special building next to it.

Following the stairs, they arrived at the fourth floor.

This floor was relatively empty, and I didn’t see a club logo until I walked to the east side.

“Are there no other clubs on this floor?”

Kanayuta expressed confusion.

“There is also a club next to it… called the Service Department. It’s such a strange name. Is it about learning how to serve others?”

Wu Geng Liuli took a look.

“Maybe she’s learning to be a maid or something!”

Saori Makishima’s tone suddenly changed. She was as excited as she was at the previous gathering, but she quickly calmed down and turned into a lady like everyone else.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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