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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 142

This problem seems very normal.

Hikigaya Hachiman replied: “Actually, I like many characters very much, but it’s hard to choose the one I like the most at the moment. I like both the shadow tide and the assistant because they are both cute and very special at critical moments. reliable.”

“Teacher Tsukiko’s answer is a bit cunning, but I like it very much.”

The voice actor who played Xiao Zhouchao smiled.

“Indeed, after all, you are the human body of Chao.”

The host echoed.


The others laughed too.

“The next one will come from the village.”

he continued.

“Eh? It’s not called Qian Shou.”

“It’s so intimate.”

“I think he is called the same as the other teachers.”

“Who knows.”

Everyone in the program team immediately started cheering.

The live broadcast room also started cheering.

“Teacher Qianju shares +1.”

“Is this a name call? If it wasn’t a live broadcast, it should be a real name call!”

“Do you also scream like this in bed at night? Old thief.”

“Old thief, don’t treat Teacher Qianshou badly in the future, wuwuwu…”

Regarding these words and some outrageous barrages, he simply chose to ignore them.

Sei Senjumura: “As a fan of Sensei, the question I want to ask is, where does the inspiration for Sensei’s creations come from?” How to create such a great story. 』

“Well… if we want to say that the inspiration for creation comes from dreams, every day when I dream, various stories will appear in my mind.”

He said nonchalantly.

“Eh? Is there such a thing?”

“It’s actually in a dream, it’s too exaggerated.”

“Although it is outrageous, it feels quite reasonable. Geniuses are different from ordinary people like us.”

The host and the voice actors discussed with exaggerated expressions.

Qianjumura Zheng just typed another line: “I believe what the teacher said.” 』

“Let the next one…”

“let me! 』

Yamada Fairy took the initiative to ask for help in the live broadcast room.

“Then let Miss Goblin do the talking.”

He nodded.

Yamada Fairy then typed: “Do you have any unique skills?” When we first met, she was obviously very different from me! 』

“Miss Goblin, don’t use it to set up your settings again. If it really does exist, it will be God’s way. There is no special method.”

He couldn’t help but laugh.

After the fairies, there are Sagiri and Eri.

There is nothing special about their questions. They are purely asking questions from a more general perspective. They are all small details that everyone wants to know.

At this time, the anger between Nayuta’s fans and Murasei’s fans suddenly rose, and they started arguing. The war soon spread to other parties, and they were touched one after another.

Ever since, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly turned into a party battle.

“Teacher Ke’er is the best in the world! Everyone else, get out of here!”

“Nonsense, Teacher Qian Shou is the best in the world!”

“What are you arguing about? Don’t you take our other parties into consideration?”

“I will always like Teacher Yamada, even if she is already an old thief at heart, woo woo.”

“Stop yelling. Teacher Eri Kashiwagi is obviously better! I can’t stand just thinking about the materials used by the painter of the beautiful girl’s book.”

“The one who has the deepest friendship with the old thief is probably Mr. Eromanga. Please save your time.”

“Hehehe, I don’t care, I’ll just recommend Teacher Ke’er.”

“You’re laughing. You actually got into a quarrel over something like this. Let’s just let the old thief take it all away.”

Hikigaya Hachiman just glanced at the barrage, then withdrew his gaze and concentrated on the conversation.

Just pretend you didn’t see it.

“Oops, something seems to be wrong.”

“Is this the so-called party struggle for stock speculation? It has actually become reality!”

“Everyone is too enthusiastic.”

The host and several voice actors were almost stunned.

“Can I join too? I also like Teacher Ke’er.”

Suddenly, a female voice actor raised her hand silently and said weakly.

Everyone’s eyes turned away silently, and the latter took his hand back slightly embarrassed.

“Teacher Ke’er! Teacher Ke’er!”

“I support Teacher Qianju!”

Suddenly, the audience in the audience started to make a fuss and even raised signs. It can be said that they came prepared.

The scene was very chaotic for a while.

“As for everyone’s questions, this session is almost over. I think Teacher Yueze will be busy continuing to write, so we shouldn’t cause him any trouble.”

The host glanced at the time and prepared to end the program.

“I’m very happy to see everyone who is so enthusiastic, but the happy time will eventually end. This interview ends here, and I have to leave… Ah, by the way, about my cooperation with Mr. Eri Kashiwagi “White Album” is about to be released. If you like galgame, you can buy it. ”

Hikigaya Hachiman also felt a lot of pressure, so he quickly followed the topic and made a small advertisement.

When the voice call ended, I thought that without him as the main target, the scene and live broadcast room would quickly become quiet.

What I didn’t expect was that instead, as if they had lost control, everyone became more noisy. Even after the live broadcast room went black, they were still hurting each other.

This incident even spread to Twitter, where it was out of the circle for a while and was called the first partisan drama in history!

200 summer invitations

After that rose-colored night passed, summer vacation was about to begin in a blink of an eye.

On this last day, Hikigaya Hachiman came to class and heard the endless discussion in the classroom.

“Ah~ it’s finally time to take a vacation!”

“I have studied hard for so long, it’s enough, now I want to have fun!”

“Where are you going to play during the summer vacation? Maybe we all have a chance to come together.”


“This year I plan to go to the countryside to enjoy the cool air. When I’m tired from playing, I can even take a bath in a hot spring. I can’t wait to think about this.”

“I am supposed to be traveling abroad with my parents for a month. I heard that there are countless delicious foods there. I have been looking forward to this day…”

After all, it is an international education class. Not only do the students here have good grades, but most of them come from good families, so the vacation entertainment methods discussed are also very high-end.

“Where are Yukinoshita-san? What are you planning to do during the summer vacation?”

Hearing this question, Hikigaya Hachiman turned his head slightly and looked to the other side.

This was not a curiosity on his part, but a question from Yukinoshita-san at the table in front of him.

The reason for such a change is of course thanks to Sawai-san, and interesting stories about her getting along with Yukinoshita spread quickly.

This also led to a huge change in the students’ impression of Yukinoshita, and they no longer felt afraid.

For the enthusiasm of everyone, Yukinoshita might still be turned away and unable to cope with it before, but after being accompanied by Yuigahama, the girl like Yuki now only has the surface layer of ice that can be easily broken. layered.

“Well, I won’t do anything special. If nothing else happens, I will probably stay at home and read a book, occasionally play the piano or something. If I have time, I will probably go to a movie with my friends.”

There was a slight pause in her voice, and Yukinoshita Yukino answered normally.

Although it is abnormal compared to before.

“Are you going to watch a movie with Hikigaya-san?”

The female classmate in the front seat suddenly became excited.


It was so sudden that Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t hold back for a moment.

Can you please keep your voice down?

Also, why does it have to be associated in this way?

Regarding this issue, Yukinoshita Yukino also stared hard and said: “Why do you think so? Can’t I have other friends?”

The surrounding students were shocked.

“That’s right. I heard that a girl joined the club established by Yukinoshita-san. She should be your friend, right?”

The classmate in the front seat tapped his lips with his finger, as if trying to figure it out.


Yukinoshita Yukino nodded slightly.

“That’s a bit of a shame.”

After saying that, the classmate in the front seat turned around.

Pity? What are you regretting?

He complained in his mind.

At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to notice and turned to look at him.

Ⅲyi Erhao Yiyi Yisasi

Both parties make eye contact.

“Hikigaya-san who is eavesdropping, do you have anything to say?”

“I didn’t eavesdrop. I listened openly. It’s not that you chatted too loudly, everyone heard it.”

He denied the accusation.

“Really, then I can ask you what you will do during the summer vacation, lonely Hikigaya-san.”

Yukinoshita Yukino chuckled lightly.

This is an exchange.

Hikigaya Hachiman’s expression was frozen for a moment.

This kind of words should usually be used by him to tease the other person.

Now you are being ridiculed instead?

“Let’s play with friends, what else can we do?”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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