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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 146

After being stunned for three seconds, a really beautiful smile bloomed on the girl’s face.

‘Senior, thank you. ’

She thought silently in her heart.

“Damn! Why is this happening? If I were here, that wouldn’t happen! These bitches!”

Suddenly, someone yelled loudly in the cinema.

It was especially boiling in their ears.

It turned out that Miss Goblin was there to fight the injustice.

“Yama, sit down for me!”

But Nayu said with a look on his face.

“Don’t hinder others from watching movies!”

This sentence is not at all like the advice given by the Crab Guild to the goblins, but now it has really happened.

However, Miss Goblin’s actions did not arouse strong resistance from other viewers, but instead aroused resonance.

Who says it’s not?

As fans, most people here also know the creative background of “Silver Season”.

If you bring yourself into it, you also hope that someone can help you at that time, right?

Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t help but feel this.

“It was great not to miss that day.”

Also sitting on the other side of the front seat was another person who resonated strongly with this.

Yukinoshita Yukino completely put herself into it.

That experience in elementary school was so profound in her memory.

Fortunately, her experience was much better than that of Nayuta, because she had a good family, and her family’s attitude towards her was not that bad.

However, unfortunately, she did not meet that person, that person who could melt the winter snow and turn the silver season into the warm sunshine of spring.

“Xiao Xue?”

Yuigahama Yui noticed that Yukinoshita was a little confused and asked a question.

The latter didn’t even respond.

“Is Xiaoxue so devoted? Although this work is excellent, the feeling is different… Is there some secret that I don’t know about?”

At this moment, Yukinoshita Yuki turned her head and asked softly: “What’s wrong?”

“No, it’s nothing…”

She shook her head quickly, trying to hide her thoughts.

“Speaking of which, I haven’t told you the reason why I went to study abroad in junior high school.”

Yukinoshita Yukino saw Miss Dango’s little thoughts, thought about it in her mind, and told the reason naturally, which was her own experience of being isolated.

“How could…ah, I didn’t want to ask Xiaoxue this.”

Yuigahama Yui’s face was anxious, her hands flying wildly.

“This isn’t some hidden secret.”

Seeing her panicked look, Yukinoshita Yukino just smiled softly.

“That was just a thing of the past. Now we just need to seize the moment. Let’s watch the movie first. If there is anything we want to talk about, we can talk about it later.”

“I see.”

Yuigahama Yui put her hands on her knees obediently, looking forward with an inexplicable look in her eyes.

At this moment, she also felt her eagerness to help the other person, and at the same time understood the true meaning of a small business to Ke’er’s junior schoolmate.

The whole movie style of “Silver Season” is actually quite sad, because it is more in line with the situation of Nayuta Keer at that time. It also describes many social problems, which is easier for those who have experienced it, and for some former bystanders. It also awakened a sense of guilt in their hearts, so during the movie watching, many girls with more perceptual thinking cried, and even some boys did the same.

Fortunately, at the end of the story, it is not the worst ending, and the heroine finally finds her ‘light’.

The story of “Silver Season” ends here. As for the story after meeting the light, it belongs to “Golden Season”.

“What a great performance! The little sister is so cute!”

When the lights came on, Ke’er Nayuta clapped her hands happily, showing that she was already relieved.

This also reassures others in the know.

“Uuuu…Senior Sister Ke’er, I…”

Yuigahama Yui came to Nayuta with tears streaming down her face.

“Senior Yuigahama, I’ve been fine for a long time, please don’t do this.”

As a junior, Kanayuta patted the other person’s shoulder and comforted him.

Next to her, Yukinoshita Yukino pinched her eyebrows, looking helpless.

After walking out of the cinema, they first said goodbye to Yuigahama Yui and Yukinoshita Yukino.

Then Komachi, Gogeng Ruri and Makishima Saori also left separately.

There are only a few people left who live with them and the teacher Eri Kashiwagi that everyone likes.

“Hey, everyone, I’m going to be disturbing you for the next few days.”

Yinglili smiled slightly and said diplomatically.

“Sawamura, what’s going on?”

Hikigaya Hachiman asked on behalf of everyone.

“Hey, actually, I discussed with Miss Sawamura a few days ago to let her spend a few days in Chiba after watching the movie. You won’t welcome it, right?”

Kanayuta pressed Eiriri’s shoulders with both hands from behind, revealing a head from the side.

“of course not.”

He answered first.

The friendship between him and Yinglili is still very strong and they are very welcome.

The Yamada Fairy and Senjumura Sei looked at each other, and then they both nodded.

Since they can pass Mr. Crab’s test, they don’t have to worry too much.

“Actually, I have always wanted to know what teachers’ writing status is like in private. In addition to satisfying my curiosity, I also hope that it can be used as possible material for the future.”

Yinglili clapped her hands and said seriously.


His expression was a bit strange.

The question is, what materials can you choose as a book painter?

This sentence silenced the other three people except Nayuta.

Especially the village levy, whose head is already burning like a steam engine and is about to emit smoke.

“In other words, do you want me and Hachiman…that one? No, but, I’m not ready yet, but it will happen sooner or later, so practice…”

She has started talking nonsense to herself.

“Ahem, there’s no need to go to that point.”

Yinglili’s fair face turned red instantly.

“Hahaha, Cun Zheng, are you an idiot? Why did you even think of going there?”

Miss Goblin was the first to laugh.

“It’s so innocent, Cun Zheng.”

But Nayuta also looked teasingly.

“Okay, we’ve been staying here for a while, and it’s time for us to leave.”

Hikigaya Hachiman was pretending to be serious at this time.

205 Forbidden pleasure

Nayuta’s home.

“Teacher Ke’er, you, why did you take off your clothes?”

Eirili made a request to see Nayuta’s state when she was writing. Unexpectedly, Nayuta began to take off her clothes on the spot, revealing her flawless white body.

“Isn’t this what Miss Sawamura wants to read? When I write a novel, I have to be completely naked to concentrate on it.”

But Nayuta turned around and asked.

“Yes, is it like this?”

Yinglili could only reluctantly accept it.

“Yes, it’s normal for a genius to have some quirks.”

She convinced herself with this reason.

“Indeed, when Cun Zheng was writing novels before, he would set a deadline for himself. If he didn’t comply, he would even pull out his nails.”

Kanayuta revealed in passing.

“Would that hurt?”

Ying Lili looked unbearable.

“Although we haven’t tried it, it’s for sure. But this bad habit was corrected by senior in just one sentence, so you don’t have to worry.”

Kanayuta continued.

“That’s good.”

Yinglili breathed a sigh of relief.

“Okay, I’m going to start writing! Miss Sawamura, just stay close and watch!”

Sitting on the big bed, Kanayuta quickly got into the mood and typed on her laptop.

Her long silver hair shawls her shoulders, and her awe-inspiring look, she was as entranced as an angel at the moment.

“It’s awesome.”

Yinglili remembered this scene firmly in her heart and painted it with a brush.

Wait until the work is over.

Kanayuta invites Eiri to take a bath together.

“Miss Sawamura, I want to ask you something seriously.”

While taking a bath, she suddenly said.

“What’s up?”

Yinglili, who was washing her hair, stopped and turned her head slightly, revealing a blue eye under her wet blond hair.

“Then help me draw a notebook about having sex with my seniors.”

Her voice dropped.


Ying Lili was speechless and choked at this moment.

Are you serious?

“Ah, it’s not for sale. I just want to collect it for myself. As for the price, don’t worry!”

Kanayuta wanted to dispel Eiri’s worries.

“It’s not about money! Don’t you think you will be shy?”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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