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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 152

The girls who had finished the race noticed her efforts and couldn’t help but cheer her on.


Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression was a little at a loss at this moment.

This was the first time in her life that she felt like this. She would not have enjoyed the treatment she received now. She almost thought that her classmates were looking down on her in another way.

However, after thinking about something Hikigaya had said before, she calmly accepted the kindness of her classmates and accelerated the entire race with her head buried in the air.

On the bench beside the grass, Hikigaya Hachiman was resting with his eyes closed.


Suddenly, the flower of the high mountain arrived, panting heavily and with disheveled hair.

In her hand, she held the mineral water she had just purchased from the vending machine next to her.

I just used the skills I learned during my previous workplace visit.

“Hey, you can still do it if you work hard. You have surpassed the limit you once thought, Yukinoshita.”

Hikigaya Hachiman opened his eyes and watched her sit down from the side, closer than when she was in the classroom.

“It’s all thanks to… you, phew.”

Yukinoshita Yukino pressed a hand on her chest while gasping.

“Stop talking for now, you’d better recover first.”

He glanced at the girl’s zero-degree mountain peak and said casually.

For more than a minute, all he could hear in his ears was the girl’s seductive breathing.

The atmosphere suddenly became very subtle.

212 Snow, you also play…?

Taking another sip of mineral water, Yukinoshita Yukino closed the bottle cap and put the mineral water bottle next to her.

At this time, her hair was a little messy, stained with sweat, and she had an air of pity for her.

“Thank you for that reminder just now.”

she spoke.

“What happened next was spontaneous and had nothing to do with me. It was because you were too popular and your efforts impressed everyone.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said to clarify the relationship.

“That’s not important. What’s important is that you allowed me to cross my own limits. It turns out that physical strength is also affected by willpower. I thought my willpower was strong enough, but it seems it’s not enough.”

Yukinoshita looked suddenly enlightened, leaving him silent for a moment.

Why is this a bit strange to say?

Have you read too many light novels?

“If I gave you the insight, then I will accept your thanks.”

He thought for a moment and said.

“Well…actually, I came here because I have another question to ask you. I hope you can give me an accurate answer.”

The girl curled her hair with her fingers and looked sideways, seeming a bit shy.

Why does this situation feel a little strange?

It can’t be the confession scene in some romance comics, right?

This is one of life’s great misconceptions… Does she like me?

Thoughts flashed through Hikigaya Hachiman’s mind, and his expression remained normal as he asked, “What’s the problem?”

“Actually, I heard from Yui that the inspiration for one of your character settings may be… me? I wonder if there is such a thing? That is, the one called ‘Fuyuma Kazusa ‘The heroine.”

Yukinoshita Yukino’s voice was intermittent, and she looked like a little girl who was not as good as before.

Yuigahama, you are not doing your job all day long, and you are still trying to play galgame, right?

“Nothing. Although the settings of the neighbor, Hei Changzhi, aloof, a little rebellious, a little bit poisonous, seemingly cold but actually gentle, and poor communication skills are somewhat similar, there are still big differences in other aspects. In addition, this story happened before I met you, so there is no reference.”

His voice and look were straight.

“As expected, I’m not the prototype of a winter horse.”

Hearing this, the girl blurted out, but there was a slight sense of loss in her tone.

Silence fell suddenly, and the two of them fell into thinking at the same time.

“I finally understand my more concrete image in your eyes, Hikigaya, but this time you didn’t tell me riddles. This is an improvement.”

Yukinoshita Yukino turned around with cold eyes and a playful smile on her lips.

“Then what do you think of my evaluation?”

He asked without avoiding the girl’s gaze.

“I’m aloof, I’m rebellious, I’m cold, I have a sharp tongue, and my communication skills are terrible. I’m really sorry, Hikigaya-san.”

There was no anger between Yukinoshita’s brows, and she just spoke lightly, as if she was joking.

“More than that, you have small breasts and winter horses have big breasts.”

He also started joking with the other party subconsciously.

The moment he said it, he felt a little embarrassed.

He actually talks dirty to a girl casually?

This must be the result of being baptized by Nayuta!

“Hikigaya-san, are you trying to make me angry on purpose?”

Yukinoshita-san clenched her fists and sounded like she was suppressing anger.

“Actually, I don’t care about the size of the individual. If I want to use appearance characteristics to determine a person’s evaluation, I should adopt a relative standard, not based on parts, but on the overall balance…”

“Hi, I understand. Yukinoshita, you don’t need to say anything anymore. I support your opinion. How about we change the topic? Yukinoshita, have you played “White Album” yourself?”

He raised his hand to signal the girl to stop, and then changed the subject.

Yukinoshita Yukino never lies, what she focuses on is the truth.

This sentence may be too subjective, but there is really no need for her to be harsh on this kind of issue.


Yukinoshita Yukino nodded and admitted, understanding, “It seems that you heard what I said just now.”

If you want to make a judgment, hearsay is definitely not enough, so you must have some personal experience before you get the answer.

Hikigaya Hachiman was keenly aware of this and uncovered it.

“I didn’t expect you, Yukinoshita, to be able to play this kind of beautiful girl game.”

He suppressed a smile and said in a disguised emotional tone.

“There is no rule that I can’t play games, right? As for the opinions of outsiders, it has never been my concern. If I care so much, then I will miss “Silver Season” and other excellent works. In addition, this time Yui came to me during the summer vacation. We were bored at home, so we decided to try it… Well, it was quite an amazing experience.”

Yukinoshita Yukino crossed her arms and said slowly.

Although he didn’t care verbally, the following paragraph still meant to make up for it.

This is of course, because the scale of galgame and light novels after publication are definitely different.

Therefore, he couldn’t help but become curious: How would Yuigahama and Yukinoshita behave when they saw a plot like the Bishoujo Game?

As if there was a tacit understanding, Yukinoshita Yukino noticed someone’s eyes.

“Hikigaya, don’t be too difficult.”

A blush suddenly appeared on her face.

If you don’t want to say it, then don’t ask.

As a friend, you should leave some room.

“get out of class is about to end, I’ll leave first.”

Hikigaya Hachiman drank the soda in the can in hand, threw it into the trash can, then stood up and left.

After school light novel club.

“Dudulu ~ Long time no see, hello everyone, did you have a nice summer vacation?”

Perhaps it was because they hadn’t seen each other for a long time, but everyone felt very cordial to Miss Tuanzi’s arrival and took the initiative to chat with her.

“Dudulu~ Miss Tuanzi, long time no see!”

But Nayuta first responded to the other party, and then said, “Of course I am very happy! I went to the countryside with my seniors to experience the local customs, and also went to the fireworks display to watch the fireworks, and also participated in the summer comic…”

“It’s not like you and Hachiman are showing off together. There are also me and Ajin.”


Senjumura Zheng added next to him.

“I worked hard on writing novels at home, watched movies, and then went to participate in summer comics.”

The experience of Wu Geng Liuli should be reduced.

Saori Makishima said with a smile: “In addition to going to summer comic with everyone, I just stay at home and play games!”

“Where’s Miss Tuanzi?”

But Nayuta asked the other party.

“Well, let me think about it… Staying at home alone and watching a drama? Going shopping with Xiaoxue, and playing “The White Album” with Xiaoxue, which Xiaoqi participated in the production.”

Yuigahama Yui counted her fingers.

213 I also want to become light.

After hearing “The White Album”, a common topic immediately emerged.

“It must be the first time for Dango-san and Yukinoshita-senpai to play this kind of beautiful girl game. How do you feel?”

But Nayuta couldn’t wait to ask further.

“It’s a very fascinating story. It’s like getting to know different people personally and pondering each other’s thoughts. It’s a very novel experience. But during the trial, Xiaoxue and I had a little conflict. She prefers winter. Ma, I prefer Kogiso.”

Touching the ten fingers of both hands back and forth, Yuigahama Yui thought about the answer.

“Hey, Miss Dango and Senshi Yukinoshita should also have seen the plot when doing X? I’m very curious about how you performed at that time!”

But there was a hint of narrowing in Nayuta’s eyes.

“Ah, what are you talking about? Junior sister Ke’er, please don’t say such intense words suddenly!”

Yuigahama Yui was instantly panicked.

Although she had heard the other party make jokes about color before, she didn’t expect it to be so exciting this time. It made her think about it, and her face instantly became hot.

“Nayuta, please be a little more restrained.”

Hikigaya Hachiman, who had been standing nearby, interrupted.

Although he was also curious about this issue, it would be better to let others choose whether to talk about such privacy issues.

In addition, they are used to Nayuta’s outspoken words, but that doesn’t mean that others can get used to it.

“Okay, senior.”

But Nayuta took a step back with a regretful expression.

Yuigahama Yui gave him a grateful look.

After a few seconds passed, perhaps because of her tenderness or perhaps because of her lack of strength, Miss Tuanzi really told them the situation at that time.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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