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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 156

The sixth volume of Steins;Gate was released today, and readers who have time started reading it after getting it.

The shock of Mayuri’s infinite death in the previous volume is still fresh in our minds, and what will this volume bring to everyone?

The foreshadowing time in the early and middle stages has ended, and the next plot will usher in a wave of climaxes.

The readers are all anxious at this moment.

Not long after, their desire was satisfied.

No, it was hurt!

At first, Okabe Rintaro got the clue of Amanon Suzuha’s father, but due to the time dislocation, in order to fulfill Amanon Suzuha’s wish, he activated the time machine to go back to the past.

As a result, by chance, Mayuri discovered the truth.

It turned out that Okuko was the father of the part-time soldier!

The scene of the father-daughter reunion is very touching.

Especially this yearning was realized across the distance of time.

But this touching moment did not last too long.

There is a technique called “first praise and then depress” in writing, especially for some depressing plots, which is to use the contrast between the good past and the painful present, so that the ups and downs of emotions can make the effect better.

This technique is used here.

The part-time soldier took the time machine back to the past, but…

“The value of the world line change rate detector has not changed.”

Okabe Rintaro noticed this and felt uneasy.

At this time, the landlord of the building, Tennoji, handed them a letter.

The person who wrote the letter was the part-time soldier, but the part-time soldier had passed away at this time.

On the rooftop, Okabe Rintaro read the letter in front of everyone.

“Mr. Okabe Rintaro, long time no see, I am Amanone Suzuha, it may be just a few hours ago for you, but now it is June 13, 2000 in the Western calendar. Here I only write the conclusion, failed, failed, failed, failed, failed, failed… I failed… failed, failed, failed… It was almost a year ago that I remembered who I was. 』

『In these 24 years, I lost my memory and the time travel did not go smoothly because the time machine was not completely repaired. However, my father was not wrong, it was my fault. It would have been better if I had jumped back to 1975 directly. I should not have taken a detour to 2010. This is not the time to be willful. In this way, I cannot change the future. I did not get IBN5100… I am sorry, I am sorry, why did I live to this age? I forgot my mission and just lived leisurely. Forgive me! Forgive me! Forgive me! 』

『Okabe Rintaro, you kept me who wanted to go back to 1975 after that time machine network party. That night the time machine was damaged by thunderstorms. If time could go back, I hope you would not keep me that day… Such a life is meaningless. 』

When Okabe Rintaro finished reading the letter, the scene was still silent.

He could not help but blame himself in his heart.

Even through the documents, they could clearly feel Amanon Suzuha’s despair, self-blame, pain and regret… This kind of emotional infection was suffocating.

“Xiaoxue, why is this happening?”

Yuigahama Yui covered her chest, feeling like a big rock was pressing on her, and tears couldn’t help but burst out.

Yukinoshita Yukino opened her cherry lips slightly, speechless for a moment.

She was also very shocked when she saw this letter.

The positive emotions brought by the part-time worker suddenly turned into negative emotions. Anyone who was immersed in the story would be deeply affected, and she was no exception.

This is equivalent to cutting your flesh with a soft knife, and the pain you feel is unparalleled.

“It’s not because of someone’s plot arrangement…Really, it’s obviously a light novel, but it’s not easy to read at all.”

After Yukinoshita Yukino took a breath, she pointed the finger at Hikigaya.

“That’s right, it’s all because of Xiaoqi! Xiaoqi is a big bad guy! No wonder people call him an old thief on the Internet, he deserves it, hum!”

Miss Tuanzi clenched her pink fist and cursed.

“We’ll meet on Monday, and you can go up and punch him then.”

Yukinoshita Yukino smiled when she heard that.

“Xiaoxue, what are you talking about! You actually encouraged me to hit someone?”

Miss Tuanzi was surprised.

“Some bastards need to be educated through different means, right?”

Yukinoshita Yukino said with a smile.

Yuigahama Yui was shocked.

Horrible! Xiaoqi, you actually aroused Xiaoxue’s dark side!

You’re finished!

“Ruri, what’s wrong with you?”

Hinata and Tama watched their sister walk out of the room with a gloomy face, and couldn’t help asking worriedly.

“Nothing, I just suddenly wanted to find someone to experiment with my latest curse magic, so that he can also feel the despair!”

Wukeng Ruri raised her right hand, clasped her five fingers together, and said with a fierce look in her eyes.

“Ruri is showing her power!”

The sisters were immediately frightened and squeezed together.

The sun shone from the sky to the balcony.

A beautiful blonde girl was flipping through a book on a wooden chair, a picture of peace and tranquility.

Suddenly, the girl clenched her fists, and a sign of anger appeared on her forehead.

“That’s all right, Hachiman, I don’t need to show you mercy, just wait and see! I’ll show you how terrible the dark side of the book artist is! Once I get angry, I’ll be scared myself!”

Yinglili gritted her teeth and muttered to herself.

218 Another volume of sadness and loss

“Why are you all looking at me? Is it that good? Keep reading.”

Hikigaya Hachiman faced the women who were looking at him eagerly, and he had the aura of tens of thousands of people coming to him, and he said calmly.

What a joke, as a strong man who can suppress the harem in the future, how can he be a weak person? I can just give in to you!

Don’t touch your nose or face!

I really thought I would be afraid!

“Senior, what are you afraid of? We haven’t said anything yet.”

Keer Nayuta blinked his eyes and said with an innocent look on his face.

“I have nothing to say to hopeless people.”

Miss Goblin spread her hands and said.

“The writing is great. I feel like it should be used. It’s so touching.”

Qianju Cunzheng tilted his head and muttered to himself, his eyes becoming hollow and terrifying.

Is this yandere mode?

Hikigaya Hachiman quickly raised his hand to stop him and said: “Murasei, don’t learn this. You are more suitable for the style of bloody battles. If not, you can write the kind where the seniors sacrifice themselves to guide the way forward for the juniors.”

He didn’t want to lead the other party astray because of himself.

“That’s what I meant.”

Qian Shou Cun Zheng nodded quickly and responded.


Both Nayuta and Yamada Fairy breathed a sigh of relief.

They are also chasing after Cun Zheng’s works, but they don’t want him to destroy the completion of the work just because of a slight difference in thought.

Then they continued reading.

Okabe Rintaro and others learned from the landlord Tennoji the state of the working soldier when he died, and combined with the letter left behind, everyone fell into a state of autism.

Especially Rintaro Okabe fell into deep self-blame.

In order to change this result, he sent a D-MALL back again, which finally slightly changed the living conditions of the working soldier before his death.

This gave him and the readers some comfort at this moment.

At the same time, the value of the world rate of change also changed.

That day came again, this time Mayuri did not die.

But before he could get too happy, he soon discovered that ‘death’ had only been postponed.

“Huh? Mayuki’s pocket watch has stopped…”

The familiar death flag appears.

“I know it’s not that simple to save Mayuri…Teacher Moonlight, you are too torturous!”

Kosaka Kirino gritted his teeth and said.

It’s not just the characters who are tortured, but they, the readers, are tortured as well!

This is also expected.

If the matter was solved so easily, readers like them wouldn’t have to be so worried.

In their eyes, the old thief Yue Xi has been upgraded to a ‘demon’-like existence.

Fortunately, the assistant once again became the key, guiding Okabe Rintaro in the right direction, that is, by taking back the D-MALL he sent before, he might be able to regain ibn5100 and have the ability to change the future.

After a painful struggle, Phyllis decided to wake up from her dream, decided to return to the previous world line, and said goodbye to her father.

Then, Okabe Rintaro persuaded Urushihara Ruka to return to his original body.

Rintaro Okabe is reversing the mistakes he has made one by one, and the next target is a more troublesome one… the flash acupressure master.

The story of this volume ends here, and the readers who are reading are a little unfinished and a little depressed.

It can be said that the content of this volume should be regarded as the most depressing volume of Stone Gate. Whether it is a working soldier, Felice, or Uruka Ryuuka, they all have a sad ending in the end.

Everyone knows that this is what it should be, because the beauty that did not exist in the first place is just a dream, so it is sad.

“It’s too cruel, senior.”

But Nayuta felt unbearable.

“First give people hope, and then destroy it. Is this your aesthetic, Hachiman? It’s really bad!”

Yamada Fairy said with a look of disgust.


Senjumura Zheng just sighed.

“Cun Zheng, please say something too!”

The elf lady nudged the opponent with her elbow.

“There’s nothing to say. This is Hachiman’s characteristic. I’m used to it. What about you?”

Qianju Cunzheng brushed his long hair around his ears.

Are you suddenly betraying your teammates?

Yamada Fairy and Nayuta looked confused.

“Cun Zheng still understands me.”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s eyes moved and he said deliberately.

“Of course I understand senior! No matter what senior writes, I like it.”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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