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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 16

In this way, Hikigaya Hachiman avoided a crisis of being abused by a girl.

After the game is over.

“Onii-chan, don’t take it too seriously. Sister Liuli just has a strong self-esteem and a bit of a venomous tongue. In fact, she is a very good person. Not only is she loved by her sisters, but she also secretly works in an old bookstore and is diligent and thrifty in running the house. …Ah, Komachi also wants to be an independent woman like Ruri-san.”

When Wu Geng Liuli left, Komachi suddenly sighed.

“Do you think my ability to observe people’s emotions is so poor? And I’ve always been tolerant…but, Komachi, if you go out to work, you will be fired soon, right?”

Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly teased.

“Onii-chan! Komachi’s grades are very poor and he has no brains, but that doesn’t mean he’s clumsy!”

Komachi puffed up her cheeks angrily.

“Yes Yes Yes.”

He showed a perfunctory attitude and waved his hands.

“You disgusting Onii-chan, take one of my Shoryuken punches!”

Komachi got into a boxing stance and shouted.

Hikigaya Hachiman casually grabbed his sister’s wrist, then pushed her down on the sofa, and said condescendingly: “It’s 10,000 years early for Komachi to challenge my brother’s authority!”

“Ugh, Onii-chan is bullying people, I want to tell my parents!”

Komachi looked aggrieved.

“Don’t, don’t, don’t…!”

One day, in the afternoon.

“Ding dong.”

Not long after Hikigaya Hachiman returned home, the doorbell suddenly rang. When he opened the door, he saw Gogen Ruri dressed in a school uniform, holding a stack of books in his hand.

“It’s Hikigaya, where’s Komachi?”

she questioned.

“I don’t know. Maybe she is on duty today, so she will come back later.”

Hikigaya Hachiman guessed.

“Then I’ll just give it back to you. This is the light novel and comic I borrowed before.”

Wu Geng Liuli vigorously lifted up the light novel comic in her hand.

Hikigaya Hachiman took it smoothly, thinking that there was no other topic between the two parties. Just when he was about to turn around and leave, the other party suddenly spoke again.

“Well, thank you for lending me these works.”

Wu Geng Liuli’s ears were slightly red and she whispered.

If the two weren’t so close, he probably wouldn’t be able to hear what the girl was saying.

“It’s nothing. I bought these things just for reading. It’s also a pleasure to share them with others.”

He stopped and turned around.

“Is this what you call ‘preaching’?”

Wu Geng Liuli’s eyes were changing subtly.

“Well, you can say that.”

He groaned.

“Do you still want to read it? I have many other types of works at home.”

Hikigaya Hachiman was silent for a while, then opened his mouth to invite.

Thinking of the other person’s situation and his love for the same culture, he still felt compassion.

Wu Geng Liuli’s expression was a little surprised, as if she didn’t expect him to say this at all.

“Um…well, if you don’t mind.”

Wu Geng Liuli was conflicted in her heart, but she still chose to accept it.

After all, she had been in love with the other party before, and now it doesn’t seem to be a problem to have more, and the temptation for her from those light novels and comics is really too great.

During this period, in order to improve himself, Hikigaya Hachiman purchased many high-quality works as reference for improvement, which naturally attracted great attention.

Wu Geng Liuli followed his footsteps and stepped into the room cautiously.

This was her first time entering a boy’s bedroom, so she was a little nervous.

Hikigaya Hachiman tidied his room very clean. Apart from the necessary furniture, the only conspicuous place was the bookshelf against the wall, which was neatly placed with light novels and comics.

“Are there actually so many?”

This dazzled Wu Geng Liuli.

Only then did I realize that the other party seemed to be no ordinary otaku culture enthusiast.

“You can choose whatever you want to see.”

Hikigaya Hachiman spoke to relieve her worries.

“Then, thank you for taking care of me.”

Wu Geng Liuli said honorifics and began to choose.

“I will remember this kindness.”

Before leaving, she said with a serious expression.

“Well, I understand.”

Considering the girl’s character, Hikigaya Hachiman did not give a refusal answer, otherwise it would make the girl even more concerned.

On the contrary, the relationship between the two has become a little more familiar because of this incident.

In the other person’s mind before, he was probably just a friend’s brother, not a friend…

Now, the progress of the relationship between the two is probably in line with my sister’s expectations, right?

26The second volume of “Summer Returns” is released

“It’s so boring. The industry has been in a sluggish state recently. It’s all supported by old works. Isn’t there any new work worth watching?”

After completing her mission as Eri Kashiwagi, Eri, who was disguised, went to a light novel bookstore close to her home to check out any recent commendable works, but at a glance, they were all boring stories. .

“Why are they all toilet paper?”

Yinglili said resentfully.

Choosing a popular subject and arranging an illustrator with good drawings can achieve good results. This kind of thing makes an old home like her feel very unhappy.

It’s just bad money driving out good money.

Sales volume does not equal the quality of the work, especially when it comes to each person, because different people have different feelings about reading.

Perhaps for some novices, this kind of industrialized cool writing routine can better hit their g-spot.

But for Yinglili, some of the recent hot-selling works in front of her are completely the first-selling works. You can guess what kind of story it is by just looking at the beginning.

With similar themes and similar stories, it is naturally easy for homogeneous content to appear.

“Huh? What is this?”

Suddenly, she turned around and saw a promotional leaflet with promotional slogans posted somewhere.

“The first volume of “Summer Reappearance” by the emerging writer Mushigawa Bunko is now on sale to good reviews, and the latest second volume will also be released on July 21! Stay tuned! 』

“So fast? This Yue Se teacher seems to be a diligent writer.”

Yinglili felt her eyes light up.

This work called “Summer Returns” is the only novel she has read that feels good in recent times. Now that she saw the news that the second volume is about to be released, she suddenly feels that she has expectations in her heart.

The unhappiness just now has been greatly improved.

Although this work seems unlikely to be a hit, for her it is indeed a work worth watching.

“If the quality can be maintained, I can recommend it to everyone!”

She made a decision in her mind.

After the final exam, as summer entered, the weather gradually became hotter, making people more worried and tired.

So Hikigaya Hachiman spent the remaining two weeks in school lazily.

It wasn’t until the beginning of summer vacation, when the second volume of “Summer Returns” was released, that he felt a little more energetic.

This time, although Hikigaya Hachiman was still excited, he acted much calmer than before.

“Onii-chan, is the second volume on sale? Why don’t you go to the bookstore and check the situation?”

Komachi, who had been paying close attention quietly, asked.

“Don’t worry, the results will be whatever they are supposed to be. I’m confident.”

He showed himself to be a master of wisdom.

“I don’t care if you are in a hurry, Onii-chan, come to the bookstore with me! I haven’t read the second volume of the story yet!”

Komachi took his arm and walked out the door.

“Stop it, stop it, I know.”

The masterly demeanor that Hikigaya Hachiman showed just now disappeared in an instant.

When they came to a bookstore, the two bought a total of two volumes of “Summer Returns” from the boss.

Komachi just like he did last time, made some insinuations about the sales situation.

“At this rate, our store manager should consider stepping up stocking.”

The clerk said with a smile.

“Onii-chan, was it so popular in the first volume?”

On the way home, Komachi looked up and asked.


Hikigaya Hachiman shook his head.

“So, the second volume is going to be a big hit!?”

The smile on Komachi’s face was pure and sincere.

“That’s different. I just debuted at that time, and now I have a basic base. Naturally, I have to sell faster. Unless the quality drops, the focus is on the follow-up to know the follow-up situation.”

He quickly provided an explanation.

“I see.”

Komachi now figured out why his brother didn’t care.

Specific data will be most real until the statistical results are released, and there is not much reference value now.

Same moment, different place.

“I just happened to be passing by the bookstore and found out that the second volume of that guy’s “Summer Returns” was on sale. For the sake of the friendship that can be exchanged with each other, I will reluctantly contribute my share of sales.”

Yamada Fairy thought silently in his heart as he stepped into the bookstore.

“Store manager, I want to buy the second volume of “Summer Returns”!”

After getting the things, she walked straight towards her home.

After I got home, I immediately took out the light novel and looked like I couldn’t wait to read it.

“There are no important activities today, and the copy has been refreshed. I just used this guy’s novel to pass the time.”

The Yamada Fairy slowly opened the pages of the book.

The story continues from that night. Net loan Shinpei was rescued by Nagumo Ryunosuke, and learned from the other party how to distinguish shadows, which also gave readers a deeper understanding of the so-called shadows.

The suspense theme itself is based on constantly deriving new information or conclusions. The information presented this time also pave the way for the subsequent content.

After that, Onomidai Shinpei and Nagumo Ryunosuke chose to join forces to rescue everyone. However, what appeared in front of them was a huge four-handed shadow and an even more desperate situation.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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