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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 161

Yuigahama Yui, who had already walked out of the backstage and was watching the stage performance, exclaimed.

“Is there anything strange? Didn’t you notice when you played that game before? Those two nice songs were written by him. He obviously knows music very well.”

Yukinoshita Yukino looked surprised.

“That’s right!”

Miss Tuanzi looked surprised, as if she just knew about this.

The song ends after a few minutes.

“Pa bang bang…”

Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui clapped along with the rhythm of the audience.

Then comes the final show.

“Village Zheng, don’t wait for more. It’s my turn to take the stage.”

But Nayuta reminded the other party behind the curtain on one side.

“I know.”

Qianjumura Zheng walked inside and handed the microphone to the other party.

“Please enjoy the last performance of this year’s cultural festival, “The Love of the Year” presented by my seniors and me.”

Arriving at the center of the stage, Keer Nayuta said loudly and cheerfully.

Hearing these words, the atmosphere in the venue became more enthusiastic. Cherish this last time.

Are you pretending to be lonely? Why is my heart so moved by you?

I came back to my senses without realizing it.

I have been deeply attracted to you

How can I reflect my heart in the mirror so you can see it clearly?

Even if it is a love that turns out to be an extravagant hope, will it be reflected in the mirror one day?

Before we can see the faint light of dawn, this love is still difficult to achieve.

The two people on the stage each said a sentence and looked at each other’s singing from time to time, which seemed affectionate.

The lyrics of this song are also easy to understand, and the audience can’t help but feel the persistence of love. For the students in their youth, they feel empathetic and moved, and they wish they could find someone to express their love on the spot.

With such an impressive performance, the cultural festival came to an end.

224 “Then we will sever the relationship between mother and daughter!”

Sagami Minami walked up to the stage and announced the end of the cultural festival.

The audience below also left one by one, while some students stayed to tidy up benches and other items.

“Oh, Hikigaya, you sing really well. I really want to sing a song with you on the same stage.”

When Yang Nao saw him, he ran over.

“This female college student, please don’t talk so affectionately. The cultural festival is over and you are just an irrelevant person now.”

Before he could answer, Nayuta was already standing in front of him, looking displeased.

“Ale, there is also a kitten who protects the food. You are so proactive. Are you so afraid that Hikigaya will be snatched away? You are too unsure of yourself.”

Yang Na turned his head and glanced at her, then escaped with one blow and turned around to leave.

“Forget it, I’m going to go play with Yukino~”

Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t help but laugh.

It’s true that this guy wants to play with Yukino.

“Senior, why does this Yukinoshita-senpai’s sister seem to be very familiar with you?”

Kaer Nayuta turned around and asked.

“It’s nothing. She heard some rumors circulating in the academy, so she just came to see me yesterday. I’m not familiar with her.”

He did not hesitate to draw a line from it.

“I see.”

She nodded.


At this time Qian Shou Cun Zheng also came over.

“Let’s just follow everyone and clean up first.”

He looked at the students who were cleaning to the left and right, and then joined them.

After everyone finished cleaning up, Miss Tuanzi trotted all the way to them.

“Dudulu, thank you for your hard work at the cultural festival! So, Xiaoqi, Xiaohua, and Kazuko, let’s go to the closing party, shall we?”

She invited with a smile.

Because she was in front of many people, it was not difficult to understand why Ms. Tuanzi changed her title.

But going directly to such an intimate level still made him have doubts.

Could it be said that friendship between girls is so easy to establish?

Or maybe, without his knowledge, they had other friendships.

This is also a curious question.

“What’s the closing party?”

Qianju Cunzheng tilted his head.

“Probably, it’s probably a large celebration, right?”

Yuigahama Yui said without understanding.

“I must go!”

But Nayuta was very excited and turned into a party animal inexplicably.

Maybe it’s because it’s easier to take action in a chaotic situation?

“It doesn’t hurt to go take a look.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said casually.

In the small concert hall that was reserved, the three of them followed the others to enjoy the atmosphere of the event.

This is a different experience for the relatively withdrawn Wabi trio.

Night comes.

The bright moonlight washes over the boundless earth.

When he returned home, he saw the fairy lady squatting in front of the villa.

“You came back so late. Did you go to the party behind my back? How can you fix it?”

Yamada Fairy was full of resentment, waved his little hand, pointed at him and said.

“Didn’t you go home these days, goblin?”

Hikigaya Hachiman avoided talking.

“Speaking of this…”

The goblin lady’s overwhelming resentment suddenly disappeared. She looked away shyly and intertwined her index fingers with each other.

“Actually, my mother plans to come over for a visit tomorrow.”


Everyone had different expressions.

The next afternoon.

Hikigaya Hachiman and Yamada Fairy were waiting on the roadside, when suddenly a black car stopped at the door of the villa.

The car door opened, and a noble, elegant, and powerful blond woman stepped out from the side of the driver’s seat.

On the other side of the passenger seat, Yamada Chris, the goblin brother he had met before, also walked out.

“This is Hikigaya Hachiman.”

Chris Yamada whispered.

Mrs. Granger nodded, and then came to the front of the two people.


Yamada Fairy shouted first.

“I am Emily’s mother. I am actually here for one thing. I hope you can leave my daughter.”

Mrs. Granger spoke very directly, not even giving her time to enter the room to chat.

I never thought that I would encounter this kind of plot that I could only see in TV series before!

Hikigaya Hachiman sighed in his heart.

However, he had long known that the goblin’s mother was a super egotistical person, and he had foreseen this scene in advance.

“Please forgive me for refusing this matter.”

He answered decisively without any hesitation.

Along the way, the bond between the goblin and himself became deeper and deeper, not to mention that they had reached such an agreement, so he decided that he could not give up.

Hearing this, the goblin looked happy at first, then accused his mother and said: “Mom, don’t make trouble! I said that I have to decide my own fiancé! I want to use my own eyes to confirm that I My own happiness!”

“You don’t understand, you won’t get happiness by doing this. Only by following the path I planned can you get the happiness you want. This is decades of life experience. Could it be that I, mom, will harm you?”

Mrs. Granger frowned.

“Auntie, I want to say something. After all, your life experience is only your life experience, not the goblin’s. If you make decisions for her without permission, it will only make the goblin resent you.”

He chose this moment to interject and express his tough attitude.

Although he often displays a moderate attitude, he knows clearly when to be soft and when to be tough.

“Hikigaya, right? I don’t know anything about you. According to my investigation, you have been maintaining ambiguous relationships with many girls. Under such circumstances, how can you guarantee my daughter’s happiness? Woolen cloth?”

Mrs. Granger also had a tough personality and immediately turned her gun towards him.

He is worthy of being the helmsman of a large family. In addition to his extraordinary aura, his words are also straight to the point, making people unable to respond for a moment.

Unless, show a shameless attitude.

If it’s one-on-one, there’s no harm in doing this.

But it’s not just the goblin’s brother and mother here, Nayuta and Murasaki are also hiding nearby and eavesdropping.

If triggered at this time, the consequences are unpredictable.

Fortunately, the goblin was on his side.

“Mom, I told you not to interfere in the matter between Hachiman and me. I’ve already tolerated you enough by coming here this time. Do you have to force me to say something more outrageous?”

Yamada Fairy took a step forward and put a hand on his chest, looking like he was going to fight to the end.

Mrs. Granger had never seen her daughter behave like this.

Out of doting on her daughter, she could only subconsciously think that someone had bewitched her daughter.

“Hikigaya, is this all your fault?”

Mrs. Granger looked angry.

“Mom, if you do this again, then…then let’s sever the relationship between mother and daughter!”

Yamada Fairy roared through gritted teeth.


Mrs. Granger took two steps back in shock, with a look of disbelief on her face.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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