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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 162

225 We will be happy…absolutely!

“Emily, and Mom, you two should stop arguing. We are family, right? There’s nothing we can’t talk about.”

Chris Yamada, who had been silent next to him, couldn’t help but come out to act as peacemaker.

Hikigaya Hachiman also received the other party’s look.

If other people had such a bad attitude, he would probably ignore it, but Mrs. Granger is different. She has always doted on the goblin, and the goblin also loves her mother very much, so the relationship between the two cannot collapse because of this.

Otherwise, there will be a shortcoming in the goblin’s heart.

As someone who is liked by goblins, and someone who also likes goblins, he naturally has to think about her.

“Why don’t you go sit inside first?”

Hikigaya Hachiman raised his right hand and pointed his thumb towards the villa behind him.

Although Granger and the goblin were silent and did not speak, they all followed him consciously.

From the iron fence in front of Hikigaya’s house, two figures came out.

Just now they were hiding behind the wall and eavesdropping.

“It seems that senior has encountered a very difficult problem.”

Ke’er Nayuta said calmly.

“Compared to Kia’s mother, my father is easier to deal with.”

Qianshou Village thought of this.

But Nayuta’s expression suddenly changed.

“Why are you suddenly emphasizing this kind of thing!”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

Qian Shou Cunzheng’s eyes moved, something suddenly occurred to him, and he took the initiative to apologize.

“You actually apologized to me? It’s really strange, but no need, because it’s not important. What’s important is that the parties involved like each other.”

But Nayuta was stunned for a moment, then raised his index finger and smiled softly.

She also has her own standards.

“No more chatting, let’s sneak over there and see if there’s any chance of eavesdropping.”

She quickly calmed down and carefully sneaked into the villa next to her.

“Doing this kind of petty theft…”

Qian Shou Cun Zheng gritted his teeth and followed closely.

In the living room, next to the sofa.

Goblin Yamada and Mrs. Granger were sitting at opposite ends of the sofa, and Chris Yamada was sitting in the middle, feeling in a dilemma.

After a while, Hikigaya Hachiman came out of the kitchen, carrying brewed coffee.


Chris Yamada spoke up.

The other two people did not move because they were arguing.

“How long is this going to last? 』

He looked at the goblin’s brother, Yamada Chris.

“I don’t know either. 』

Kris Yamada communicated with him using lip language.

Sure enough, do you still have to let me break the silence?

Hikigaya Hachiman took a deep breath and relaxed his muscles.

This is when you need to apply the wisdom of interpersonal relationships.

Although he was not very good in this area in his previous life, he has been well trained in this life.

“Fairy, please stop being sulky. After all, you are mother and daughter related by blood. You cannot part ways so easily. Let’s have a good chat.”

He put a hand on the goblin’s smooth little hand and comforted him.

This was a very tender attack. According to his understanding, it was impossible for the goblin not to accept this trick.

It was indeed the case. The moment he put his palm on her, he could see that the girl’s face immediately turned red, and even her fair neck was dyed red.

“Well…I listen to you, Hachiman.”

The elf lady nodded shyly and answered in a voice as thin as a mosquito.

He said this not mainly to break the goblin’s will to resist, but mainly to flatter Mrs. Granger.

It was clear to him that Mrs. Granger doted on the goblin, so he couldn’t accept the emotion the goblin just showed, because in the end, all she cared about was her daughter, and other things were unimportant.

No matter how strong they appear on the surface, once people are emotionally bound, they will become weak and will give in because of it.

Bystanders are clear, but the authorities are confused.

After seeing his purpose clearly, Yamada Chris immediately followed suit and said: “Mom, do you have to go to the point of severing the mother-daughter relationship with Emily? In the end, Emily’s own wishes are more important, right? You The thought has always been to let Emily live a happy life, but the responsibility for this decision has never been on you, but on Emily herself. “

Mrs. Granger lowered her forehead and was silent for a while.

“You don’t need to tell me, I understand.”

She said with considerable anger.

But Hikigaya Hachiman and Yamada Chris both showed expressions of relief.

Because this shows that Mrs. Granger finally gave in.

“Fairy, you have grown up.”

Mrs. Granger said with complicated eyes.


Yamada Fairy’s body trembled and he looked at his mother.

“This is the first time you contradict me like this, and it’s for a man. To be honest, I’m a little angry, because I think I can give you better. It can be said that this is caused by the hatred of iron that cannot be transformed into steel. It can also be said that, I really don’t care what you think.”

Mrs. Granger continued talking to herself.

“Now it seems that I should really wake up and realize that when you grow up, goblin, you are a person with your own independent thoughts and will have your own ideas. As a mother, I am afraid that sometimes I still stand aside. It looks better.”

“Mom, so you agree?”

Yamada Fairy’s little face suddenly blushed with excitement.

“Whether I agree with you or not, I just respect your thoughts.”

Mrs. Granger shook her head, then looked at him sharply.

“However, the premise is that Goblin, your choice is not wrong, and you have indeed obtained the happiness you want, so I still need to investigate. If this man makes you sad in the future, then I…”

“You don’t need to worry about your aunt now. I will definitely bring happiness to the goblin.”

Hikigaya Hachiman raised his hand holding the goblin’s hand without squinting his eyes and showing no signs of weakness.

“Well, we will be happy, absolutely!”

Fairy Yamada nodded heavily, his expression extremely confident.


Mrs. Granger’s expression remained unchanged as she let out one word.

At this point, things can basically be said to be settled.

Next, Mrs. Granger inspected the goblin’s residence in the villa, and then planned to leave.

Next to the car.

“Things went smoother than expected.”

Chris Yamada smiled.

“My brother is also responsible for this.”

Yamada Fairy said.


He nodded slightly.

“Chris, don’t get in the car yet, I have work to do in the afternoon.”

Mrs. Granger’s urging came from the car.

“It seems that the chat can only end here. I originally wanted to chat with my future brother-in-law for a while longer…”

Chris Yamada said regretfully.

“There will be plenty of time for that later.”

He said noncommittally.

“Goodbye, brother.”

The elf lady once again showed a satisfied smile.


After saying that, Chris Yamada waved his hand, then turned around and got in the car.

Under their gazes, the black car gradually drove away.

“It looks like you guys were having a good chat.”

“Hachiman, you seem happy.”

But Nayuta and Sei Senjumura suddenly appeared from behind and startled them.

“Phew, this young lady was shocked. It turns out it’s you guys who have been eavesdropping!”

Yamada Fairy turned around, patted his chest and said.

“What’s wrong, are you jealous of me? Your tone is sour.”

The girl lowered her head slightly, winking and squinting.

The taste of provocation is particularly strong.

“Would I be jealous of you? The relationship between me and my senior is unmatched by anyone. It’s just that I have a slight advantage now. Don’t be too arrogant.”

But Nayuta immediately stared back.

“Look, isn’t this just jealousy? But don’t worry about it. After all, an outstanding and lovely girl like me with a small family should indeed be jealous.”

The goblin lady spread her hands and said eloquently.


But Nayuta looked angry.

“Mr. Crab, you are too emotional. Why are you worse than a demi-human?”

At this time, Qianju Cunzheng acted more calmly and grabbed the opponent.

“Hmph! For the sake of senior, I won’t quarrel with you today.”

But Nayuta snorted and temporarily stopped.

Hearing this, Hikigaya Hachiman just smiled helplessly.

This feeling of jealousy is really unstoppable.

But this is of course, after all, human nature is selfish, and the most precious things do not want to be shared with others.

He must recognize this.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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