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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 169

Hikigaya Hachiman turned his head and glanced at his sick teammates.

The morale was so bad, they were completely outclassed.

“How can it be repaired? Everyone, please cheer up! Are you so willing to let that annoying handsome guy take away the championship?”

At this time, Zaimokuza began his seduction, venting his unwilling anger towards Hayama-san who took away the light.

at the same time.

The cheerleading team belonging to Hikigaya Hachiman also started taking action.

“Senior, come on! Defeat those garbage!”

“I believe you Hachiman!”

“Come on, Hachiman…!”

“Small enterprise, come on!”

It’s so embarrassing.

He took a sneak peek, and the girls looked at him with a smile.

Even Yukinoshita was embarrassed and waved the little cheering toy.

The occurrence of this scene attracted the hatred of his teammates.

“Ding~ You have been awarded the title – public enemy of the whole school. 』

There seemed to be such a sound in my ears.

Well, if he could attack his teammates, he would probably die under everyone’s weighty gaze.

The people on the white team are on both sides, and the people on the red team stand in the center. The situation between the two sides is about to break out.

“Hikigaya-kun, I hope we can have an interesting duel.”

Hayama-san gave him a sunny smile that he thought was very kind.

“This is a battlefield now. What you should pray for is that you won’t be beaten to pieces by us.”

Changing from his usual amiable demeanor, Hikigaya Hachiman responded coldly.

Hayama-san was stunned for a while, and then he noticed that the morale of the members of the white team had soared, and he instantly understood the reason.

“Okay, let’s all cheer each other on.”

He looked helpless.

“Are you ready? The battle is about to begin! 3, 2, 1….”

Shizuka Hiratsuka counted down the numbers, and there was a moment of silence inside and outside the stadium, as everyone waited with bated breath.

“Let me stop you!”

A strong student in the white team wanted to attack with confidence.

According to the rules, the benefits of catching a sandbag are huge. It can gain a life and increase the team’s chance of winning, so he wants to use this to stand out.


Hikigaya Hachiman held a sandbag in his hand and took a deep breath, his eyes burning with a fighting spirit that rarely appeared on weekdays.

He slowly spread his arms back and then waved hard.

The sandbags flew away at extremely fast speeds!

234 The day when Hachiman Bodhisattva appears…!

This was Hikigaya Hachiman’s first blow that was enough to shock Sobu Go!

How can it be stopped easily?


The man made a move to take the shot, but found that his reaction had been slow. He was hit directly in the arm by the sandbag, causing a burst of pain.

After all, there is a difference in speed and volume between sandbags and dodgeballs. He used his past experience to face a specious game, and ended up becoming the first clown to be eliminated.


“Good job Hikigaya!”

“Hikigaya seems very strong, I feel like I can win!”

Teammates cheered.

Zaimuzato pointed to the sky and laughed loudly: “Today is the day when Hachiman Bodhisattva will appear!”

The morale of the red team has soared!

“Hikigaya-senpai is so handsome!”

“Senior’s fighting spirit is very strong today!”

“This is the first time I’ve seen Hachiman like this. It’s completely different.”

“But, he’s very handsome, Hachiman.”

“People will influence each other. Even if the senior has a calm personality, his blood will be stirred up…”

Everyone in the light novel club was talking about it.

“Xiaoxue, Xiaoqi was so handsome just now, look!”

Yuigahama Yui pulled Yukinoshita’s sleeves and said excitedly.

“I’m not blind yet, so I can certainly see. You must be a little too excited. You’re almost as excited as them.”

Yukinoshita Yukino hugged herself, looking at the girl’s performance, and said with a headache.

Miss Dango blushed and waved her hands quickly: “Xiaoyue, please don’t talk nonsense, Nayu and the others are right next to you!”

“What did I say?”

Yukinoshita Yukino blinked her eyes, seemingly confused.

“Ah, it’s nothing. Let’s continue watching the game. It’s getting more and more lively!”

After Ms. Tuanzi panicked, she immediately used clumsy techniques to change the subject.

“Although that guy has a good personality, his behavior is very bad. If you don’t have the confidence to stand out, it’s better not to intervene.”

Yukinoshita Yukino stared at her for a few seconds, suddenly thought of something, whispered to herself, then withdrew her gaze and turned to the playing field.

After Yukinoshita looked away, Yuigahama Yui pouted.

Don’t treat people like fools!

I also know that I don’t have the ability to compete with Nayu and them!

However, if it is Xiaoxue…

ah! I can’t think about it anymore!

The sandbag war is going on in full swing.

Due to the outstanding performance of Hikigaya Hachiman, the morale of the red team was high and they continued to launch powerful attacks. The white team members in the middle were eliminated one after another.

“Not good.”

A drop of sweat dropped from Hayama’s forehead.

He knew that he had to do something, otherwise, if he continued like this, he would be completely defeated.

Then, he was going to try to catch the next sandbag to give himself a chance to be resurrected to avoid being eliminated, or to resurrect more people.

The strength of the sandbags thrown by different people will be different. He has been observing this, and finally found an opportunity to intercept the sandbags that were originally thrown at the person next to him.

“Everyone, please don’t get confused and be careful. As long as you concentrate, you can actually avoid it easily… By the way, I want to resurrect Sho Tobe.”

Hayama-san showed his temperament as a leader.

For a time, the morale of the white team also improved to a certain extent.

“However, Hayama-san, are you really as calm as you thought? You used the opportunity to save your life that you finally got. This is a huge flaw.”

Hikigaya Hachiman looked at the evolution of the situation on the field and suddenly showed a playful smile.

In Hayama’s eyes, this was done to reassure everyone, but in his eyes, this was a mistake.

Because the other party just resurrected a burden.

Next, with everyone’s consensus, he and Zaimokuza, who was quite powerful, launched a very fast joint offensive against Hayama.

Compared to others, the sandbags thrown by the two of them were not so easy to dodge, let alone catch easily.

In the end, by accident, Hayama was hit by a sandbag and announced his withdrawal from the competition.

When Ye Shan went down, the remaining people were basically a ragtag group, and were quickly defeated one by one, and eventually they were all wiped out.

The crowd supporting the red team immediately burst into loud cheers.

Of course, the white team’s supporters followed suit without any sign of weakness.

After all, it’s still unclear who will win!


“It makes people’s blood boil. I really want to go up there and give it a try.”

Hiratsuka Shizu’s fingers couldn’t help but move, as if they were moving.

“Mr. Hiratsuka, it’s not allowed for teachers to participate in competitions.”

Cheng Yuxun reminded in a low voice from the side.

“I know!”

Hiratsuka Shizuka’s expression returned to normal.

“But it should be okay for the teachers to have fun together, right?”

Her smile was a little more cheerful.

A short break.

Hayama began to do psychological work with the rest of the white team.

On the other hand, on the red team’s side, the others have become fighting madmen under the guidance of Zaimuzuo, so there is no need to worry at all.

Hikigaya Hachiman took this time to share his experience in dodging in battle with the girls, and said: “You don’t need to think about catching the sandbags, just concentrate on dodging, and leave the rest to you. Boys.”

“Senior saying this really makes people feel safe!”

Keer Nayuta held her cheeks with both hands and said in a nymphomaniacal manner.

The identities of the two sides were swapped, and the red team came to the center of the field.

“Hikigaya, you are a formidable opponent. Because of this, I cannot hold back because I also need to respond to other people’s expectations.”

Ye Shan met him face to face again and chatted.

“Then please come on.”

Hikigaya Hachiman just smiled and waved his hands casually.

He doesn’t have as much psychological baggage as the guy in front of him, and the girls actually don’t put any pressure on him, so he just needs to be serious enough and do his best.

It was precisely because he maintained this mentality that he felt that his body was so light at the moment.

The second round of fighting begins.

However, things progressed beyond their expectations.

It seemed that he was irritated by the way he flirted with the girls before, or because he had embarrassed the white team before, so the other members of the white team all poured their firepower on him.

“This is different from the plan we discussed before.”

Ye Shan’s face darkened.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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