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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 17

The sultry air that night was mixed with the pungent smell of blood, and the corpses of islanders and tourists piled up like mountains…

Life is fading one by one before our eyes, and all we can hope for is the next time cycle.


Yamada Fairy made such a sound from his mouth, and his expression became increasingly weird.

That guy is too cruel!

She estimated that she would never be able to write such a sad plot in her entire life.

Everyone is happily upgrading and fighting monsters, going to a different world to open a harem, exposing their naked bodies, and having a silver party?

This would be too painful.

Fortunately, this plot can be changed, otherwise, she would really have some thoughts of giving up the book.

Yamada Fairy continued to watch.

Shinpei Netdai returned to the past again and discovered that the starting point of the time cycle was not static, but would move forward.

The sense of crisis became more and more intense.

This time the reincarnation has been moved to the perspective of Ryunosuke Nagumo, allowing readers to get additional information from different perspectives and arousing a different sense of expectation than before.

With the cooperation of the three of them, can they save the previously collapsed situation and start a counterattack?

Soon, a fierce battle ensued.

With the information provided by Netdai Shinpei, the lurking shadow of the Kobayakawa family was finally solved…

However, it will never be so simple to solve all the problems before the temple fair ends.

Amidai Shinpei was soon attacked by Shadow Mio.

With the help of everyone, Shadow Mio died, and Shadow Tide was temporarily recognized by everyone.

The situation is changing for the better again.

At this time, there may be some important information on the mobile phone left behind by Chao…

Yamada Fairy continued to scroll down unconsciously, but found that he had read it all without knowing it. His expression of serious reading changed instantly, as if he suddenly woke up.

“Hey, it’s over?”

27Suspense and anticipation


In the spacious room, a beautiful blonde girl wearing a white T-shirt and disheveled hair slowly closed the light novel in her hand and let out a long sigh of relief.

“I finished reading it without even realizing it. I haven’t been so addicted to a novel for a long time.”

Yingli sighed as she stood up, stretched her soft waist, and came to the balcony.

The second volume of “Summer Returns” did not live up to her expectations. Not only was it updated in a timely manner, but the content was also of high quality and quantity. It was not much different from the effect of the first volume. It had both a sense of tension and a description of the daily atmosphere. In the end, she left The suspense also raised expectations, but the importance of the plot is slightly different.

During this period, due to the industry’s sluggishness, her interest declined, but because of this work, she regained hope in the industry.

She is almost becoming a loyal fan of Teacher Tsukiyoshi Mami!

After a while, Yinglili logged into the book review website and once again left her reading experience.

The best childhood sweetheart in the world: the reliable big sister Nagumo Ryuunosuke, who is both handsome and powerful, impressive! As for the others, they all have their own presence. Of course, the cutest one is Chao Chao. I hope the author can give Chao Chao more roles in the future plots! In addition, what is the mystery of Chao’s life and death? It’s really exciting. I hope the third volume will come soon! Teacher Yue, come on!

After Yinglili posted her comment, she did not exit directly. Instead, she looked at the comment area to see what other readers thought.

Many aspects of the suspense theme are unknown. Different readers will have different opinions after reading it, and then communicate with each other, waiting for the mystery to be revealed in the future to see who is wrong and who is right.

But before that, the debate is a source of interest for readers, just like a battle-themed work arguing about characters who have never met but behave similarly.

“The good news is that the hero has a brain, the bad news is that the villain also has a brain. 』

“What the four-handed shadow said is a bit informative. The male protagonist has his mother’s eyes and can copy time. Who gave them these eyes? Was the previous dream representation a real tide?” Where did that tide come from? 』

“Can the shadow tide really be considered a tide? She is a shadow, but she has the same memory and psychology as Chao. She also thinks of herself as Chao, which is different from other shadows. 』

“The teammates seem to be very capable, especially the eldest sister, who can actually deduce the time traveler?” But it’s so easy, I feel like the big sister should know something. 』

“With such strong teammates, I don’t know how to lose!” 』

“Are there any plot conflicts?” I still missed it. I was so dizzy that my brain cells were dead. 』

“Teacher Nagumo, you are so sassy, ​​cool, and I like it so much! I really want to hang out with my big sister!” 』

“It’s so scary to watch. Every time a character appears again, I’m a little afraid of being transformed by a shadow, and I feel suspicious.” 』

“Sister Chao is so cute, so cute. I want to hold her every day. Teacher Eromanga also draws her beautifully.” 』

“It can be seen from Shadow Mio’s words that both sisters like Shinpei. That’s great. Will there be another Shura Field plot? Looking forward to it! 』

“Let me analyze with you the significance of the existence of the shadow tide, and why Nagumo Ryunosuke behaves like this…”

“I see……”

Yinglili looked thoughtful after reading some of the analytical comments.

It is not an online series and cannot be updated every day, but it is read more than three months apart. For many people, it is impossible to remember too many details clearly.

At this time, some enthusiastic fans are needed to analyze some details of the story for everyone. Others will suddenly understand after combining the reading impressions in their minds.

Of course, this may just be a family opinion, and until the author writes down specific information and lets everything settle, it is just a guess.

Compared with the debates among readers on the Internet, how will readers behave in the real world?

Hikigaya Hachiman understood it immediately, and Komachi quickly approached him after reading the second volume.

“Onii-chan, your writing is so cruel! Mio is so cute, why do you torture her! No, you are actually torturing me!”

Komachi put his hands on his hips and raised his eyebrows.

“Although we are also younger sisters, there is no need to act like this, right?”

His eyes flickered and he thought for a moment before saying.

“Onii-chan, what are you thinking about? I mean you, you are too cruel to the characters you write! The story is too cruel! It is even more outrageous than the first volume.”

Komachi’s mouth narrowed.

“Is this the same problem again? It feels like I have explained it many times, hey…”

Hikigaya Hachiman sighed and continued, “This is just a plot requirement! If you don’t experience such thorough pain, how can the protagonist grow up as quickly as possible?”

“Well, that’s true, but this is just Onii-chan’s setting. What Komachi is actually worried about is whether Onii-chan will focus his inner hatred for the world on the characters he writes.”

Komachi quickly changed his tune.

“Wait a minute! What is the hatred in your heart? What on earth have you misunderstood, Komachi! Brother, I don’t have the setting of bitterness, hatred, and resentment!”

The corner of his mouth twitched and he raised his hand and asked.

“Did I think wrong?”

Komachi rubbed his chin with his hand and blinked.

“Then just pretend I didn’t say it, Onii-chan.”

Hikigaya Hachiman: “…”

“More than that, Onii-chan, when will you write the third volume? Komachi can’t help but want to see what secrets are revealed at the end of the volume!”

The younger sister leaned against him with a smile, holding his palm with her little hand and shaking it back and forth.

“Can’t I just tell you?”

He spoke.

“Of course not! If you knew the secret in advance, there would be no surprises when you read it!”

Komachi shook his head and refused this seemingly tempting proposal.

“If everything goes well, three months.”

Hikigaya Hachiman gave the answer to the goal he wanted to achieve.

During this period of summer vacation, he also had more time than usual, and he was much more likely to achieve the goal he set at the beginning.


Komachi cheered.

“Then, come on, Onii-chan!”

The younger sister winked playfully again and gave him a thumbs up.

“But don’t force yourself too hard. Your body is your most important asset~”

“I will pay attention, Komachi, thank you for your concern.”

Hikigaya Hachiman smiled softly.

A week later, he asked Ms. Machida about the sales of the second volume of “Summer Returns” in the first week, and got a surprising result.

28 Shocking news

“…The sales volume of the second volume in the first week was 10,111 copies. Teacher Yuese, there is another improvement.”

Machida Enko spoke slowly.

Hikigaya Hachiman was stunned when he heard this, and then looked happy.

If you look at this achievement in the current world, at some point it would rank among the top single-volume weekly sales. Even in this world, as a newcomer, it is considered quite outstanding.

In this world, a light novel can be considered a truly popular work only if the total sales volume reaches more than 500,000, and the requirements are more stringent than in the previous life. Although the sales volume in the first week does not mean that subsequent sales can match it, it at least means that “Summer” “Reappearance” has the hope of becoming a popular work.

As long as the follow-up remains stable, Fusukawa Bunko will use more resources to recommend, and it will be no problem for him to become a popular writer.

Machida Enzi told him all the details and once again expressed her optimism for him.

A new writer like this will most likely become a mainstay in the industry in the future. Even if Fusukawa Bunko is a big family and has many super-popular writers, they will treat him differently.

But Hikigaya Hachiman will not be satisfied just like this.

Because if this is the case, I am afraid that she will be far from the future Miss Yamada. Although the subject matter is indeed very disadvantageous, this cannot be used as a reason.

Only sales volume is the king!

“So, Hikigaya, keep up the good work!”

He clenched his fists and encouraged himself.

Half a month later.

“The atmosphere created here is a bit awkward. It seems that we need to reconsider it… huh?”

In the evening, not long after dinner, Hikigaya Hachiman was thinking, when suddenly someone sent a message.

Elementary School Fairy: Hey, Hikigaya, are you free?

I’m free.


After he answered, Fairy Yamada sent a video invitation.

Hikigaya Hachiman clicked accept, wanting to see what trick Ms. Yamada wanted to play.

The fairy-like girl appeared in front of her again, with long blond hair, blue eyes, and wearing a red and white Lolita costume full of ruffles.

“Hello, Hikigaya, we meet again!”

She waved her right hand, with a smile on her face, as bright as spring.

“We meet again, Ms. Yamada, why are you making a video call this time?”

Hikigaya Hachiman said calmly.

“Does my lovely face make you feel shy?”

Yamada Fairy raised his index finger and teased.

She’s really confident and flamboyant, although she’s really cute.

He was used to Miss Yamada’s attitude, so he said without hesitation: “Let’s get down to business, Miss Yamada.”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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