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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 173

Hikigaya Hachiman clenched his fists and thought to himself.

On the second day.

He and Miss Goblin went to a haunted house.

There, he met the elf lady, who was more fragile than usual.

When the two walked out of the haunted house, Miss Goblin was so limp that she needed to lean on his shoulder to walk out.

In the next few days, he and Miss Fairy experienced various attractions one after another and were very satisfied.

As for the headaches the two people in the service department had, they occasionally noticed it, but they didn’t care too much.

The last day of the trip is over.

“It’s like a honeymoon.”

Looking at the fairy lady dangling in front of him, and thinking of his experiences in the past few days, Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t help but say.

Yamada Fairy’s body immediately seemed to be frozen, and she slowly turned her bright red cheeks and muttered: “This is not a honeymoon!”

Of course not until you get married!

He understood the girl’s thoughts instantly.

However, according to the law here, only one person can get married, so legally, there can only be one person on the honeymoon.

Having done so many things, Miss Elf’s extravagance is just that.

So touching.

239 I also want to watch “Steins;Gate”!

The school trip is over.

When the fairy lady walked out of the tram station chatting and laughing with him, she encountered Murasaki and Nayuta who were full of resentment.

Can’t help but explain.

“This is what happens when you attack behind our backs!”

“Yama, let me see if you dare to do it again!”

Murazheng and Nayuta joined forces to attack. One punch was hard to beat with four punches. Miss Goblin couldn’t resist it at all, and her body was immediately restrained.

“It hurts, it hurts~! You two resentful women are too envious and jealous! I just had good timing… Moreover, I said something to you when you were with Hachiman every day in school. What? That’s not fair!”

Miss Goblin screamed in pain, but argued with reason.

“There is nothing fair or unfair in love!”

Qianshou Village Zheng denied.

“That young lady is even more correct.”

Yamada Fairy immediately raised his head and said confidently.


Murasaki was stunned for a moment, but Nayuta snorted, “So I just want to get back at you!”

“Okay, at least you should wait until you get home before making a fuss. If you continue to make a fuss, it will be on the news.”

Hikigaya Hachiman provided timely support.

Seeing more and more people watching, Nayuta had no choice but to give up unwillingly.

As time passed, the resentment faded away.

Miss Goblin also managed to escape.

The time is gradually approaching the release date of the seventh volume of “Steins;Gate”.

Just a week before the release date, Kirino Kosaka once again asked everyone for their opinions.

Xiaotongtong: Recently, according to Teacher Yueshi’s guidance, I have recommended many literary light novels to Ayase. I feel that Ayase is quite fascinated. I feel like I can go further?

The girl is so anxious because she wants to stop having to deal with her best friend after finishing her modeling job. Instead, she wants to take her best friend to the bookstore to buy light novels in an upright manner.

Let them truly become friends who talk about everything.

Regarding this matter, everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and basically everyone felt that it was almost time.

After seeing this, Hikigaya Hachiman made the same suggestion after analyzing the change in Aragaki Ayase’s attitude.

Perhaps there will be some pain in the relationship between the two, but the result is already foreseeable.

If you like something that you despise, as long as you are not stubborn, you can definitely turn around and think that it is your own prejudice, not the problem of the work.

Otherwise, the problem will become your own.

“Since Teacher Yuezi has agreed, then I have no scruples!”

Kosaka Kirino was refreshed when he saw this piece of information.

It was during the break of physical education class the next day.

“Ayase, actually I have been hiding something important from you, but I think it’s time to confess.”

In the green belt, next to the bench, she suddenly stood up and said seriously.

“Please tell me. Kirino is willing to tell me, so I should also show my attitude.”

Aragaki Ayase straightened up.

“Actually, the book I showed you before actually has a more specific name, which is… light novels. They are actually a type of otaku culture.”

Kosaka Kirino raised his finger and said.


Aragaki Ayase looked stunned.

At this moment, self-perception became confusing.

“So this is what you want to tell me, Kirino? So, Kirino, you rejected me before…”

“Actually, I also went to the light novel store to buy another light novel called “Steins;Gate”, which is also the work of a teacher I like very much.”

“I, I, I…”

Aragaki Ayase’s thoughts were confused for a moment and she covered her head.

Isn’t it still possible?

Kosaka Kirino felt very nervous at this time and subconsciously covered her chest.

“Did I hear wrongly? You two are actually talking about light novels?”

Suddenly, variables appeared.

A petite girl with twin ponytails came over.


Kosaka Kirino looked confused.

“Sorry, I was a little far away and didn’t hear clearly. You were talking about Steins;Gate, right?”

Kurusu Kanako looked at her.


Kosaka Kirino confirmed.

“Haha, I’ve actually seen it too. Although it was recommended by my sister, it’s very good.”

Kanako Kurusu came over and put her arms around without a care in the world.

At this moment, Aragaki Ayase seemed to come to life.

“So, is there something wrong with me?”

The color in his pupils that was about to be stained with ink completely faded.

“Kanako, you know it very well.”

“Of course, there is nothing that I don’t understand!”

Seeing the two chatting happily, Aragaki Ayase’s eyes narrowed, and then stepped in.

“Kirino, I want you to tell me in detail! There is also the light novel called “Steins;Gate”, I want to know about it too.”

At this point, the three unexpectedly formed an alliance.

Kirino Kosaka told everyone this good news in the chat group.

Hikigaya Hachiman followed everyone else in sending blessings.

Wait until the release date.

This day happened to coincide with Kosaka Kirino’s working hours, so she excitedly made an invitation to Ayase and Kanako.

“You guys are a little too enthusiastic. I admit that the Stone Gate is very beautiful, but you won’t call me out early in the morning, right? I still want to sleep in for a while.”

Arriving at the agreed place, Kanako Kurusu yawned first.

“I can see you are very excited, Kirino.”

Ayase Aragaki, who was carrying a lady’s handbag, laughed.

She rarely saw Kirino showing such a pure smile, which made her fully realize the extent of Kirino’s love.

“You two, please stop chasing me. Hurry up and follow my footsteps. I want to buy the seventh volume of Stone Gate early today so that it will not be sold out by then.”

Kosaka Kirino raised his hand and greeted.

“Is it so exaggerated?”

Kurusu Kanako asked.

“This is not an exaggeration. Some bookstores are originally small businesses. It is impossible to pile up too many books. You can only buy them after they are sold out. Maybe sometimes there is a flow of people, resulting in a few more books sold out. In the end, they can only be transferred to other places. I have encountered this problem many times when purchasing from bookstores.”

Takasaka Kirino gave them a general education.

“That’s right.

Kanako Kurusu suddenly realized.

Ten minutes later, the three of them arrived at the bookstore where Kosaka Kirino went to buy most.

Although they came quite early, there were still people in front every time.

However, the waiting time will not take too long, and it will soon be their turn.

“Let’s find a coffee shop.”

Kirino Kosaka wanted to read with everyone, so she suggested it.

“I do not mind.”

Kanako Kurusu spread her hands and said.

“It’s all up to you, Kirino.”

Aragaki Ayase nodded.

In a cafe at the corner of the street, no one could have imagined that three beautifully dressed middle school girls would meet here just to read a light novel.

For Ayase Aragaki, this is the beginning of a new journey.

240Choose! Mayuri Shiina or Kurisu Makise?

Volume 7 of Steins;Gate is finally here!

The long-awaited book fans started a heated discussion among themselves. After making an agreement with their friends, they went to the streets to buy the novel as soon as possible.

Regarding the story of this volume, everyone has already guessed it during the exchange, and it mainly focuses on the shining acupressure master.

In “Steins;Gate”, every named character has his own story. This is for the completeness of the plot, and now the story about the Flash Acupressure Master is about to begin.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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