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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 177

Nayuta’s lethality was indeed too strong.

“Then let’s take our leave now!”

Ishiroyu bowed slightly and left quickly.

“It’s faster to use this method to expel these guys!”

Keer Nayuta clenched his fists and said smugly.


Then she took a blow from Cun Zheng.

“Speaking of which, isn’t the purpose of that Isshiki not to be looked down upon by everyone? Why do I feel like Yukinoshita-senpai is taking it too seriously.”

Touching his chin with his finger, Wu Geng Liuli said with a surprised expression.

“you mean……”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s eyes moved and he understood the meaning of her words.

On the surface, Ishiroha does not have any advantage in the competition for student council president. In order for her to lose, some weight must be added to her, but once the weight exceeds that of others, it will becomes another result.

Yukinoshita-san has always had high standards, so her assessment may overestimate the strength of the candidates competing against Isiroha.

But what the hell!

Whether Ishiroha will serve as the student council president will not have any impact on them.

Just a few days later in the afternoon, all students came to the venue to begin the final voting.

The candidates took the stage one by one to explain their own ideas, and Yukinoshita-san also stood up for Isshiki as a support speech.

This time, the advantages of Isshiki’s interpersonal relationships became even more clear.

“It seems, a bit…overdone?”

It wasn’t until the students below applauded and cheered that Yukinoshita Yukino finally understood.

As a result, Ishiroha successfully assumed the position of student council president.

At that moment, both Ishiroha and Yukinoshita Yukino’s expressions were still a little confused.


Hikigaya Hachiman lost control of his expression for a moment, attracting strange looks from the people around him.

“Yukoshita-san, you can be quite stupid sometimes!”

When Yukinoshita returned to the queue, he couldn’t help but rant under his breath.

Yukinoshita Yukino rolled her eyes at him, looking ashamed and angry.

245 The man who is always remembered

“I misjudged the situation.”

The girl covered her forehead.

“But why didn’t you remind me? Are you just waiting to see my joke?”

This question can be regarded as stopping him.

Because the look the girl cast was really full of resentment, and it made people want to pity her.

It’s completely different from the senses I gave myself before.


If it had been before, he would have admitted it directly.


He coughed tactically first, and thoughts flashed in his mind, “I thought you would notice this, Yukinoshita. After all, in my impression, you have always been a smart person who strives for self-improvement.”


Yukinoshita Yukino laughed with great satisfaction.

“This is the first time I’ve seen you say something nice about me in a real sense, even though it’s just a very reluctant compliment. Well… then let’s do it. I still need to deal with Isshiki-san’s accusation.”

She turned her face sideways and left gracefully.

Fast forward a week.

“Senior, how will you spend Christmas this year?”

Kanayuta saw him walking into the club activity room and quickly opened the topic.

Of course, this kind of discussion is not limited to just a few members of the light novel club, but there is also an important person missing.

“Wait a minute, I’ll contact the goblin first.”

Hikigaya Hachiman opened his laptop.

“Then have a Christmas party!”

After Yamada Fairy learned about it, he immediately cheered and said.

“Are you having another Christmas party? Last year it was this one, and this year it’s the same one. Don’t you feel bored?”

Wu Geng Liuli spread her hands.

“Did you have a Christmas party last year? What was it like?”

Saori Makishima approached curiously.

“Well, everyone sang and danced together, and then played the Monopoly game and let the black cat meow like a cat…”

Kanayuta thought about it.

“Don’t mention this.”

Wu Geng Liuli’s expression darkened. “

“And let Hachiman kiss me.

The goblin lady suddenly raised her voice, full of embarrassment.

“Are you guys playing this big?”

Makishima Saori felt that her eyes were opened.

“Okay, let’s forget about the last Christmas party. Let’s talk about this year’s party.”

Ke’er Nayuta felt as if several black lines had appeared on her forehead.

“What do you want to do, Hachiman?”

Qianju Cunzheng looked at him.

The ball was eventually kicked.

“How about a trip to Hokkaido?”

Hikigaya Hachiman had expected it and thought ahead.

After all, Christmas and winter vacation are connected together, so there is plenty of time to go out and play.

“Hokkaido? I heard it’s already snowing there.”

But Nayuta shook his head.

“I’ve watched TV before. The snow there seems to be much heavier than here, right?”

Wu Geng Liuli thought about it.

“Do you want to go skiing, Hachiman?”

Qianju Cunzheng thought naturally.

“I’m going, I’m going! I’ve never skied before!”

Miss Goblin couldn’t control her temper at all, and an impatient voice immediately came from the other side of the video.

“I’m a little interested, but this is just my suggestion. It depends on everyone’s thoughts.”

He glanced at the goblin and then replied.

“Senior’s ideas are our ideas.”

But Nayuta cast a trusting look.

The girls nodded and acknowledged this.

Hikigaya Hachiman hesitated to speak, and then looked like he had accepted something.

After that, Fairy Yamada couldn’t wait to book the plane tickets for everyone online without giving any chance to regret.

“It’s so cold.”

As soon as he got off the plane, Hikigaya Hachiman felt a different chill than when he was in Chiba.

And it was to the extent that his clothes were obviously thickened.

“Snow, lots of snow.”

Karnayuta was wearing a white cotton-padded jacket and a pink textile hat. He stretched out his hands to catch the crystal snowflakes.

Wu Geng Liuli was already fully armed and looked at the vast white field in front of her, but she still subconsciously hugged her chest to maintain warmth.

Everyone was amazed for a moment.

Leaving the airport and walking along the roadside, you can see big trees with their branches weighed down by heavy snow.

“It’s more fun to have a snowball fight in a place like this.”

This is the exclamation of Miss Goblin.

It instantly attracted strange looks from everyone.

Hikigaya Hachiman was not a fool. He looked up the guide before coming back. Soon he found the bus into the snow mountain and took the bus to the local ski resort.

“Wow, that’s amazing! Everything looks white at first glance! What a wonderful sight.”

After a while, everyone came to a mountaintop and looked at the snow-capped mountains in the distance. Under the white snow, it seemed that there was only one color in the world.

Although the scenery was beautiful, they did not stop to watch it for too long, and then started their skiing.

But here comes the problem.

“Which of you can ski?”

he asked suddenly.

There was a long silence.

“So, senior, you don’t know how to ski?”

Kanayuta asked cautiously.

“Of course I won’t! This is the first time I’ve seen such heavy snow in real life… Do you really think I can do everything? I’m a human, not a god.”

He tries to break the filter of girls.

But although it won’t, it doesn’t mean that it can’t be learned on the spot.

It didn’t take long for Hikigaya Hachiman to acquire the skill of ‘skiing’ through his own guessing and peeking at other people’s skiing.

Then he transmits it to others.

On the first day at the ski resort, they basically did nothing else and were completely in the process of learning to ski.

As a result, by the second day, everyone gradually became proficient in this skiing skill.

“This is not a big surprise. After all, these guys are all geniuses?”

Hikigaya Hachiman thought to himself.

Well, except for Miss Fairy and Saori Makishima.


Miss Elf, who was trying to ski on a small slope, stumbled and her whole head was buried in the snow. When she raised her head again, she had turned into a snowman.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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