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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 19

Lying on the bed, Hikigaya Hachiman looked at the ceiling in front of him and felt a little exhausted. His right hand unconsciously pressed on his forehead, his expression dull.

According to the original plan, he should have gotten up early to write the novel, but after breakfast, he felt that he didn’t sleep enough, so he took another nap.

But he couldn’t fall asleep.

If this continues, the release time of the third volume of “Summer Reappearance” may be delayed.

In fact, he understood what kind of state he was in.

When he finished reading “Fantasy Demon Sword Legend” yesterday, the work reflected by Senjumura Zheng’s creative talent made him feel ashamed and suffered a serious blow in his heart. When he was creating, he would think that what he wrote was all garbage. It was too ugly!

This is the so-called dimensionality reduction attack of genius on mortals, right?

After all, according to the character setting, Senjumura Zheng’s writing level of selling 15 million copies in less than three years is really amazing. Of course, if we only talk about the interestingness of the plot setting, it is relatively average. “Fantasy Demon Sword Legend” is not as good as his “Summer Reappearance”.

If he also had such talent, he could fully display the charm of his previous life’s works, and it would be easy to surpass Senjumura Masaru, enough to be invincible in the world!

Unfortunately, it was just if.

His heart was not so fragile, and he quickly tried to adjust his mentality and withdraw from that unbalanced state.

It was other people’s business if they wrote well, and it had nothing to do with him, and he should not be afraid.

“What’s wrong, Onii-chan, you look absent-minded.”

At the dinner table, his sister who grew up with him noticed his abnormal state and couldn’t help but worry.

“Maybe it’s because you didn’t sleep well.”

He touched his nose and lied for the first time.

“Is that so.”

Komachi noticed his demeanor and chose to see through it but not say it.

That afternoon, Komachi pulled him and Gokou Ruri together to continue playing games.

Hikigaya Hachiman wanted to refuse, but his sister stubbornly pulled him over on the grounds that she was free anyway.

There was no way, he still couldn’t beat his cute sister.

“Hey, Gogen, good afternoon.”

Hahaman Hikigaya took the initiative to greet him after not seeing each other for a while.

He thought they had a good relationship, but who knew Gogen Ruri’s response was…

“Hikigaya, why do you look so miserable? Just a pair of dead fish eyes has already affected your image. If you are in this state…”

Gogen Ruri said this and shook her head.

He was choked immediately.

Well, I’m here to play games today, not to quarrel with you!

Hahaman Hikigaya acted as if nothing had happened. Under the arrangement of his sister, the three of them started playing games.

There are many types of FC games. They played for an entire afternoon last time and didn’t play many of them, so today they tried new games.

It must be said that games do have magical healing power. Gradually, he forgot his troubles and immersed himself in the game.


Komachi’s silver bell-like laughter echoed in the air.


Occasionally, Gogen Ruri would smile when she saw Komachi’s stupid operation.

This atmosphere is very good.

But the next moment, it came to an end again.

“Hikigaya, let’s continue the unfinished battle last time!”

Gokou Ruri’s expression was solemn, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes, wanting to pierce him.

“Alas, I can’t escape after all.”

Hikigaya Hachiman sighed in his heart and accepted the challenge.

“Hikigaya, I have analyzed your operation last time after I went back. If you want to use it again this time, you must be careful.”

Gokou Ruri talked more when he talked about the field he was good at.

The result of the challenge was similar to what Hikigaya Hachiman had expected before. After a few games, he finally lost to the opponent for the first time.

“Finally beat you once.”

Gokou Ruri’s gloomy face showed a sincere smile.

“Well, you won, Gokou, your gaming talent is quite amazing. I am also a little master. You beat me after playing more than 20 games. This progress is really fast. You can consider becoming a professional player.”

Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t help but praise.

By the way, during the battle, the girl would also say the names of some characters’ ultimate moves. Could this be the beginning of a certain state?

“I do like games, but forget about professional players.”

Gokou Ruri thought for a moment and then answered.

“Okay, okay, Ruri-sister, your goal has been achieved. You have successfully beaten up Onii-chan! Let’s change the game… um, let’s play Squirrel Wars!”

Komachi took the controller from him forcefully and changed to a new game.


Gokou Ruri nodded and withdrew her eyes from him.

After a while, Gokou Ruri stood up.

“It’s getting late. I have to go back.”

She nodded to the two of them and turned to leave.

“It’s really hard, Ruri-sister. Not only do you have to take care of two sisters, but you also have to cook.”

Komachi knew the inside story and sighed.

“Yes, taking care of your sisters is indeed a hard job.”

Hikigaya Hachiman looked like he felt the same way.

“Komachi has always taken care of herself, Onii-chan can’t even take care of herself!”

Komachi looked disgusted.

“Komachi, you actually said such a thing, brother, I’m heartbroken.”

He clutched his chest with a depressed expression.

“You’re kidding! Onii-chan is the person who cares and understands me the most in this world! Okay.”

Komachi put his hands on his hips, snorted, and made a helpless expression.

“Komachi, it’s great that you can understand my brother’s painstaking efforts. Remember to return the favor in the future.”

He got the advantage and behaved well.

“Hum hum.”

Komachi was amused by this statement.

Hikigaya Hachiman himself laughed.

After a while, the two of them sat on the sofa one after another.

“Onii-chan, do you feel better?”

Komachi suddenly said.

“I’ve been in a good mood.”

He said calmly.



“Liar is a puppy!”


Hikigaya Hachiman fell silent.

“No matter what, Komachi believes in Onii-chan. Although others have written very well, in Komachi’s mind, the works created by Onii-chan are the best!”

Komachi leaned on his shoulder and said softly.

“With Komachi’s words, my energy came back.”

Hikigaya Hachiman laughed again.

“Of course, it’s just in my eyes, and in the eyes of others, Onii-chan will never reach the level of Senjumura Sei-sensei.”

My sister changed the subject with evil intentions.

“Hey, give me back my touch!”

He feigned anger.

“Hehe, what you just said, Komachi must have scored very high in Onii-chan’s mind, right?”

“Zero points.”

Faced with this unsolvable problem, Hikigaya Hachiman finally chose to excuse himself. He admitted that his talent was completely incomparable to that of a person like that.

However, as a copycat, you can’t reach the top even if you cheat. If you surpass others, wouldn’t you be deprived of this opportunity?

But at present, it seems that reaching the top of the industry is not that easy.

After all, in terms of plot settings, although the current industry is not as brilliant as the previous life, the hard power is insufficient, and no matter how good the story is, it is useless. It is like a castle in the air, because there is no way to reproduce the animation into a novel one-to-one, and the two genres are very different. big.

Therefore, for a game BOSS like Qianju Village Zheng, it is better to challenge it after the character level is improved.

Currently, his first target is Miss Yamada.

31 Wu Geng Liuli wants to make a debut

Wu Geng Liuli actually has always had a worry.

That is, the economic situation of the Gogen family is not good, even compared to the Hikigaya family. Therefore, in order to raise their three daughters, the Gogen couple also work overtime to pay for the future growth of their daughters. And struggle.

As the eldest daughter, she grew up in such an environment and was actually under a lot of pressure because her parents were busy with work and even if they cared about themselves, they did not have enough time to chat with her.

She used to complain about this, but later she gradually understood it, which also led to her somewhat gloomy, self-improving and fearful character.

At an age when she was still innocent, Wu Geng Liuli would occasionally want something, but her parents’ pocket money was too small to meet her needs.

She knew that if she asked for it, her parents would definitely give it to her, but this was too ungrateful.

In order to be diligent and thrifty, Wu Geng Liuli tried to work in some old bookstores.

The salary is not much, so there is nothing we can do about it. At her age, she can do this little thing.

There was an arcade machine at the door of the old bookstore, which introduced her to arcade games.

The books in the old bookstore were also very miscellaneous, and from time to time she would receive works of the light novel genre. In her spare time, she tried reading light novels, and was soon attracted by the wonderful world in the novels. She even forgot to get off work, and Friendly The old lady also asked her to borrow the light novel home.

After moving, a girl named Komachi from the neighbor’s house came over because of an invitation from her parents.

The neighbor’s child was really shameless, and even though she exuded an aura of being unapproachable, he still approached her. After going back and forth several times, she was helpless.

But she was also grateful for this encounter.

One day, when Komachi came over, he saw the light novels she placed on the table. After knowing her hobbies, she planned to lend her more light novels.

The light novels she had read in old bookstores were relatively outdated and there were very few of them. She really couldn’t stand up to such a temptation, so she agreed vaguely.

Gradually, while reading the light novel, she came up with new ideas.

Can I write a novel myself?

Her purpose is simple, because the royalties from writing books are much better than the income from her part-time job. If she can successfully debut, it can also provide a considerable source of income for her family.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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